Помогите пожалуйста перевести текст Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov was a Russian inventor?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите пожалуйста перевести текст Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov was a Russian inventor.

He created the first steam engine in Russia and the first two - cylinder engine in the world.

Ivan Polzunjv was born in the family of a soldier in the town Turinsk.

After graduating in 1742 from Mining School (Горнозаводская школа) in Ekaterinburg he worked as a mechanic’s apprentice and in 1748 he began to work in Barnaul.

In the library of Barnaul he found works of Mikhail Lomonosov, that he studied by himself as well as the descriptions of contemporary steam machines by I.


In 1763 he proposed an original 1.

8 h. p.

Steam engine.

The design used two cylinders on the same shaft that allowed its operations to be completely independent from water power even on dry places or in mountains.

The design was a great step forward from contemporary steam machine that used hydropower to return the piston and so could not be used if the hydropower was not available.

The project was sent to Empress Catherine II.

She awarded him 400 rubles but did not seem to appreciate the new technology.

In 1765 Polsunov designed a large 32 h.

P. steam machine for air pumps.

The director of Barnaul Plants general Porshin agreed to use Polzunov’s two - cylinder design as Barnaul steel mills were in a very dry area and in summer they often did not have any hydropower at all.

The machine was assembled in the winter and spring of 1766.

But Ivan Polzunov’s tuberculosis became much worse and he died on May, 1766, at the age of 37, three days before the machine was finished.

The machine worked three months, and then was disassembled despite paying off its costs in those three months.

A working model of the steam machine made by Ivan Polzunov is in the museum of Barnaul and it still works.

A minor planet, 1978SP7 is named in his honor, as well as the crater on the Moon.

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Alyona22285 18 февр. 2020 г., 18:08:48

Иван Иванович Ползунов был русский изобретатель.

Он создал первый паровой двигатель в России и первый двух - цилиндровый двигатель в мире.

Ползунов родился в семье военнослужащего в городе Туринске.

После окончания в 1742 году из горного училища (Горнозаводская школа) в Екатеринбурге он работал подмастерьем механика и в 1748 году он начал работать в Барнауле.

В библиотеке Барнаула он нашел произведения Михаила Ломоносова, что он учился сам, а также описаний современных паровых машин И.

Shlatter в 1763 году он предложил оригинальную 1, 8 л.

С. паровой двигатель.

В конструкции использовались два цилиндра на одном валу, что позволило его операции, чтобы быть полностью независимым от власти воды даже на сухих местах или в горах.

Дизайн был большой шаг вперед от современной паровой машины, что используется гидроэнергетики вернуть поршень, и поэтому не может быть использован, если ГЭС не была доступна.

Проект был направлен Екатерине II.

Она присуждена ему 400 рублей, но, похоже, не могут оценить новую технологию.

В 1765 году разработана Polsunov большой 32 высокого давления паровая машина воздушные насосы.

Директор Барнаул растений вообще Porshin согласились использовать дизайн с двумя цилиндрами Ползунова как Барнаул сталелитейные заводы были в очень сухой области и летом они часто не имеют никакого гидроэнергетики вообще.

Машина была собрана в зимний и весенний туберкулеза 1766, но Ползунов стал гораздо хуже, и он умер мая 1766 года, в возрасте 37 лет, за три дня до машины была закончена.

Машина работала три месяца, а затем был разобран, несмотря на погашение своих расходов в этих трех месяцев.

Рабочая модель паровой машины, сделанного Ползунов находится в музее города Барнаула и он все еще работает.

Малая планета, 1978SP7 назван в его честь, а также кратер на Луне.

Vk34 5 дек. 2020 г., 05:12:14 | 10 - 11 классы

Заполните пропуски предлогами by, with, for, at, in?

Заполните пропуски предлогами by, with, for, at, in.

The steam was invented .

James Watt, who worked .

Many years before he could make the instruments .

Which he perfected his machine.

. first he worked .

Primitive tools so he could not make his engine well - regulated.

The old machine was kept going .

A boy who stood by it and let.

The air .

Means of which the steam was condensed at every revolution.

. this machine, though it was imperfect, some work was done and it had been used .

A large mine - owner (шахтовладелец) to pump out the water.

The first efficient steam - engine was made .

A Birmingham firm and it was soon used.

Nearly every manufacturer.

The revolution in industry made .

This machine was extremely great.

Артур1794378 29 нояб. 2020 г., 04:06:14 | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите предложения : The design was a great step forward from contemporary steam machine that used hydropower to return the piston and so could not be used if the hydropower was not available?

Переведите предложения : The design was a great step forward from contemporary steam machine that used hydropower to return the piston and so could not be used if the hydropower was not available.

The machine was assembled in the winter and spring of 1766.

But Ivan Polzunov’s tuberculosis became much worse and he died on May, 1766, at the age of 37, three days before the machine was finished.

The machine worked three months, and then was disassembled despite paying off its costs in those three months.

A working model of the steam machine made by Ivan Polzunov is in the museum of Barnaul and it still works.

Svetlana2211 4 сент. 2020 г., 16:30:53 | 10 - 11 классы

Подскажите, как правильно перевести фразу из предложения?

Подскажите, как правильно перевести фразу из предложения.

The technician must be sufficiently knowledgeable and experienced with the equipment and process of videotaping to assure the court that all the equipment as in working order, that the tape was not edited, and the proper chain of custody was maintained.

"the proper chain of custody was maintained".

Яринушка 20 апр. 2020 г., 05:15:02 | 1 - 4 классы

Перевести на русский "we did the test from the book and he was the best"?

Перевести на русский "we did the test from the book and he was the best".

WaldemarII 12 дек. 2020 г., 05:15:31 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите, пожалуйста, перевести вот эти предложения : 1?

Помогите, пожалуйста, перевести вот эти предложения : 1.

As his experience grow, he realized that improvements in boiler technology permitted the safe production of high pressure steam, which could move a piston in a steam engine.

2. He was an early pioneer of steam powered road and rail transport.

– he built the first working railway steam locomotive in 1801 and named it “Puffing Devil” 3.

This is widely recognized as the first demonstration of transportation powered by steam.

DiMel 7 янв. 2020 г., 04:42:35 | 10 - 11 классы

Нужен хороший перевод?

Нужен хороший перевод!

THE TIME MACHINE Part I One evening a prominent scientist, the author calls him Time Traveller, showed his friends a small model of a machine which he called the Time Machine.

He said that he was going to send that model into the future.

Time Traveller said the big Time Machine was almost ready and that in a week's time he was going to travel into the future himself.

The next Thursday, which was the day when they usually gathered in the scientist's house, his friends came again, but they did not find the scientist at home.

There was a note asking them to start dinner without him.

In the middle of the dinner the door of the dining - room opened, and the Time Traveller came in.

He looked very tired.

He explained to his friends that he had just returned from the remote future and told them the following story.

The Time Machine was ready at ten o'clock this morning.

I sat down in the saddle.

I took the starting lever in one hand and the stopping lever in the other.

Then I pressed the starting lever.

I felt as if I were falling.

Almost immediately I pressed the stopping lever.

Looking round I saw the laboratory exactly as before.

Had anything happened?

Then I noticed the clock.

Before I started, it had shown ten o'clock.

Now it was nearly half past three.

Ответы на вопросы : 1.

What is the name of the scientist?

2. What did Time Traveller show to his friends?

3. What did he explain to his friends, when he came into the dining - room in the middle of the dinner?

Hololenko04 25 янв. 2020 г., 14:24:57 | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите пожалуйста нормально на русский, чтобы все слова были связны?

Переведите пожалуйста нормально на русский, чтобы все слова были связны.

THE WHEEL, STEAM CARRIAGES AND RAILWAYS One of mankind’s earliest and greatest inventions was the wheel.

Without it there could be no industry, little transportation or communication, only crude farming, no electric power.

Nobody knows when the wheel was invented.

There is trace of the wheel during the Stone Age, and it was not know to the American Indians until the White Man came.

In the Old World it came into use during the Bronze Age, when horses and oxen were used as work animals.

At first all wheels were solid discs.

The problem to be solved was to make the wheels lighter and at the same time keep them strong.

At first holes were made in the wheels, and they became somewhat lighter.

Then wheels with spokes were made.

Finally, the wheel was covered with iron and with rubber.

Light two - wheeled carriages were used widely in the ancient world.

As time passed they were made lighter, stronger, and better.

Later people joined together a pair of two - wheeled vehicle.

At first only kings and queens had the privilege of driving in them.

In the West the first steam carriage was invented in France.

The three - wheeled machine had the front wheel driven by a two - cylinder steam engine, and carried two people along the road at a walking pace.

It was not a great success, as the boiler did not produce enough steam for keeping the carriage going for more than about 15 minutes.

The steam engine appeared in 1763.

It was followed by several improved steam road carriages.

Their further development was prevented by railway companies.

The rapid spread of railways in the United Kingdom was due largely to George Stephenson, who was an enthusiast as well as a brilliant engineer.

He demonstrated a locomotive that could run eighteen kilometers an hour and carry passengers cheaper than horses carried them.

Eleven years later Stephenson was operating a railway between Stockton and Darlington.

The steam locomotive was a success.

In Russia the tsar’s government showed little interest in railway transportation.

After long debates the government, which did not believe in its own engineers, finally decided to invite foreign engineers to submit (представить) projects for building railways in Russia.

Yet at the very time when foreign engineers were submitting their plans, in the Urals a steam a stem locomotive was actually in use.

It had been invented and built by the Cherepanovs, father and son, both skilful mechanics and serfs (крепостные).

The first Russian locomotive was, of course, a “baby” compared with the locomotives of today.

Under the boiler (котел) there were two cylinders which turned the locomotive’s two driving wheels (there were four wheels in all).

At the front there was a smoke stack (труба), while at the back there was a platform for the driver.

Vipщ 3 янв. 2020 г., 15:33:03 | 5 - 9 классы

Нужен хороший перевод текста?

Нужен хороший перевод текста.

(Что бы было правильно написано, а не как интернет) Текст : "The Tom Thumb" 1 The early locomotives were small and slow and they were not powerful.

Besides, the rails on which they ran broke very often.

So many people did not take them seriously.

2 But in 1830.

Peter Cooper, an American, constructed a steam loco which could develop a higher speed than the other engine.

The locomotive was so small and light that his inventor called it the Tom Thumb.

3. The first run of the Tom Thumb was quite successful.

The locomotive travelled a15 - mile distance in one hour and 12 minutes to the delight of its inventor and 36 passengers.

But the end of the travel was not so happy as the beginning.

4. On the way back the inventor wanted to show that his loco could run much quicker than a carriage drawn by a horse.

The Tom Thumb ran so fast that soon it was really ahead.

Of the carriage.

Suddenly, something broke in the engine and the locomotive slowed down.

The horse ran fast with the passengers looking triumphant and happy.

Supervea 22 окт. 2020 г., 15:14:56 | 10 - 11 классы

Ivan Polzunov Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov was a Russian inventor?

Ivan Polzunov Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov was a Russian inventor.

He created the first steam engine in Russia and the first two - cylinder engine in the world.

Ivan Polzunjv was born in the family of a soldier in the town Turinsk.

After graduating in 1742 from Mining School (Горнозаводская школа) in Ekaterinburg he worked as a mechanic’s apprentice and in 1748 he began to work in Barnaul.

In the library of Barnaul he found works of Mikhail Lomonosov, that he studied by himself as well as the descriptions of contemporary steam machines by I.


In 1763 he proposed an original 1.

8 h. p.

Steam engine.

The design used two cylinders on the same shaft that allowed its operations completely independantle from water power even on dry places or in mountains.

The design was a great step forward from contemporary steam machine that used hydropower to return the piston and so could not be used if the hydropower was not available.

The project was sent to Empress Catherine II.

She awarded him 400 rubles but did not seem to appreciate the new technology.

In 1765 Polsunov designed a large 32 h.

P. steam machine for air pumps.

The director of Barnaul Plants general Porshin agreed to use Polzunov’s two - cylinder design as Barnaul steel mills were in a very dry area and in summer they often did not have any hydropower at all.

The machine was assembled in the winter and spring of 1766.

But Ivan Polzunov’s tuberculosis became much worse and he died on May, 1766, at the age of 37, three days before the machine was finished.

The machine worked three months, and then was disassembled despite paying off its costs in those three months.

A working model of the steam machine made by Ivan Polzunov is in the museum of Barnaul and it still works.

A minor planet, 1978SP7 is named in his honor, as well as the crater on the Moon.

Укажите, какие из следующих утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста.

Используйте фразы : It is right.

It is wrong.

Исправьте неверные утверждения.

1. I.

I. Polzunov was an English inventor.

2. In 1748 he began to work in Barnaul.

3. In the library of Barnaul I.

I. Polzunov found works of M.

Lomonosov that he studied by himself.

4. In 1865 Polzunov designed a large electric machine for air pumps.

Aliskamarkova 27 сент. 2020 г., 06:56:19 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите перевести текст ?

Помогите перевести текст .

It was summer.

A grasshopper lived in the green near a high hill.

He liked to sing and dance very much.

He often hopped and played in the grass in the daytime and when it was dark , he looked at the stars in the sky and at the yellow moon.

Sometimes he went to the mountains and walked in the woods.

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