Ребят помогите перевести пожалуйста 1?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Ребят помогите перевести пожалуйста 1.

In the market economy supply and demand decide everything ; its direct opposite is the planned economy.

2. In a planned economy a government decides what is produced, how much is produced and how and at what price it is sold.

3. In the world there is no perfect economic system.

Market economies have their strengths, but they also have drawbacks.

In planned economies governments can make sure that everyone can afford basic commodities.

4. Planned economies have problems with supply as it is difficult to calculate how much to produce and how high a demand to expect.

People have to hoard different goods and shortages of goods become common.

5. In many countries privately - owned businesses exist alongside state - run industries, which need protection from free market competition for their development.

6. Deregulation leads to increased competition and the influence of market forces.

7. Governments may put limits on free enterprise by banning trade in various goods, preventing.

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Ответы (1)
Natashaivanova31 14 окт. 2018 г., 06:21:00

1. В рыночной экономике спрос и предложение решают все.

И полностью наоборот в плановой экономике


В плановой экономике государство определяет(решает) что будет производится, сколько будет производится и по какой цене будет продаваться


В мире нет совершенной экономической системы.

ВРыночной экономике имеютсясильные стороны, но они также имеются и свои недостатки.

В условиях плановой экономикиправительство может убедиться, что каждый может позволить себе основные товары.

4. Вплановой экономике есть проблемы со спросом, так как оченьтяжело подсчитать, сколько нужнопроизводить и на сколько будет высоким спрос.

Люди вынуждены хранить различный товар инехватка товара стала обычным делом


Во многих странах частные предприятия существуют наряду с государственной индустрией, которые нуждаются в защите от свободной рыночной конкуренции для из собственного развития


Дерегуляция приводит кувеличению конкуренции и влияние на силу рынка.

7. .

Rog1998 2 дек. 2018 г., 20:46:28 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме?

Помогите Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме.

There (to be) various forms of government restrictions and regulations in economies.

For example, Turkey and Norway both (to limit) profits of firms, the latter also (to control) prices and wages ; in Bolivia the tin mines (to nationalize)', in China communes (to establish)', in Cuba the government (to own) many industries and firms ; and in Britain eight basic industries (to nationalize).

A free market economy (to be) rare in the world.

The level of economy regulation (to be) different in different countries.

In some countries it (to grow) in recent years, in others more freedom (to grant) to firms and individuals.

But the general tendency (to be) to keep government regulation at quite a high level.

Б) Напишите к тексту четыре вопроса : общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный.

Shylo 3 дек. 2018 г., 22:16:30 | 10 - 11 классы

Составьте предложения, используя данные слова, переведите предложения на русский язык?

Составьте предложения, используя данные слова, переведите предложения на русский язык.

In / economy / why / market / competition / exist / a / does / free / ?

Bad / the / of / twentieth / was / a / time / the / for / beginning / century / trade / .

Monopoly / supply / when / there / and / is / a / the / / not / normal / of / demand / do always / laws / work / .

The / have / in / rules / the / WTO / trade / to follow / countries / the / same / all / .

Truly / there / a / free / in / economy / is / world / anywhere / market / the / ?

ДАНЕКА12345 7 апр. 2018 г., 09:03:03 | 10 - 11 классы

23. Составьте предложения из двух подходящих по смыслу частей?

23. Составьте предложения из двух подходящих по смыслу частей.

1. America's strong demand for automobiles explains 2.

In contrast to market economies, economies with different forms of dictatorial control 3.

Big corporations are not allowed to dominate an industry or a market 4.

In some industries, such as radio, television, telephone services and some others, competition cannot be relied 5.

Resources are the things or services that are used 6.

Economics and economists play an important role at the highest levels of governments 7.

Until the middle of the 18th century, industry (in contrast to agriculture and commerce) 8.

Under capitalism, economic decision - making is decentralized a.

May be called command economies.

B. entirely through government regulation.

C. and resources are allocated through goods and services markets.

D. why auto workers have historically been among the highest paid workers in the world.

E. which rely heavily on economic advisers in making the decisions about the future of the country.

F. entirely on to produce results that are good for the society.

G. was of little importance in the economies of Europe and America.

H. to produce goods which can satisfy (удовлетворять) people's demands.

Teorome 19 авг. 2018 г., 03:45:23 | 10 - 11 классы

Очень нужен перевод текста срочно?

Очень нужен перевод текста срочно.

The free market allows individuals to produce goods and services without any government restrictions.

The command economy allows little individual economic freedom since1 most decisions are made by the government.

Between these two extremes lies the mixed economy.

In a mixed economy the government and private sector cooperate in solving economic problems.

The government controls production through taxation2 and orders for goods and services for the army, the force administration and other needs.

In a mixed economy the government may also be a producer of goods.

An example of this is the UKwhere there are nationalized industries such as railways and coal.

Sysanin14 28 окт. 2018 г., 10:06:40 | 10 - 11 классы

Вставьте пропущенные предлоги, где это необходимо?

Вставьте пропущенные предлоги, где это необходимо.

9. Eveiy field, economics.

Particular, has its "schools" and groups.

"Liberal" economists believe .

Market system opportunities.

But they also believe .

Government support and regulation .

An economy.

"Classical liberals" or the "Chicago Group" rely .

People's private choices as the rational basis .

The economic system.

"Radical" economists, including .

Marxists and other critics, believe that free - market capitalism must result.

Depressions and mass unemployment.

They assume that governments must run .

All economic units and make all economic decis ions.

Svetlana11 6 июн. 2018 г., 23:53:04 | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите пожалуйста предложенияEconomics is the study of how society decides what, how, and for whom to produce?

Переведите пожалуйста предложения

Economics is the study of how society decides what, how, and for whom to produce.

2. The central economic problem for society is how to reconcile the con­ flict between people's limitless demand for goods and services and the resources which can be allocated for the production of these goods and services.

3. The market is the process by which individuals' decisions about con­ sumption of goods, firms' decisions about what and how to produce, the workers' decisions about how much and for whom to work are rec­ onciled by prices.

4. When resources are limited, they are allocated through the political pro­ cess.

In a country like Sweden with a strong government the level of production of social services maybe higher than the level of production of goods for individual consumption.

5. The world economy produces mostly for the people living in the indus­ trial countries.

6. In many countries there was a large dose of central regulation and plan­ning.

7. Even the countries with free market economy still have high levels of government activity in the production of public goods and services and the regulation of markets.

8. All - round planning is not an easy task, and there is not any command econ­ omy that relies entirely on planning for all resources allocation decisions.

Bykovavt 2 мая 2018 г., 21:47:41 | 5 - 9 классы

Вставьте пропущенные слова?

Вставьте пропущенные слова.

Two kinds of economies are the traditional economy and the market __________.

The traditional economy exists ____________ societies where there is no trade.

In this economy people do not ____________ money because they do not need it.

___________ market economy exists in societies where people buy and ___________ goods.

In the market economy, people need _____________, so that they can buy products.

In the traditional economy, people rely on nature.

___________ hunt and grow only the food they need.

On the one hand, this ___________ an advantage.

These people have no reason _________ fight because they do not own anything.

This means they ___________ peaceful.

On the other hand, this is a disadvantage.

These ___________ are poor.

Furthermore, they cannot protect themselves against natural disasters because they have _____________ technology.

This means they often die of hunger and disease.

In the market economy, ____________ and demand control what sells.

This is an __________ because producers have to provide customers with the guality and prices they want.

However, ___________ need an incentive and this is profit.

Firstly, producers compete with each other to sell their product and make a ___________.

Secondly, producers use technology in order to spend less on labour.

This can be a disadvantage because if people do ____________ work they do not have money to spend on goods.


The producer cannot ___________ a profit.

In my opinion, the best system is the merket economy.

Unfortunately, as the incentive is profit, governments set_____________ in order to control the economy.

This means a true ___________ economy cannot exist.

Starikova87 1 февр. 2018 г., 07:21:25 | 10 - 11 классы

Заполнитепропускивпредложениях словамиизсписка?

Заполнитепропускивпредложениях словамиизсписка.

When there is a demand we… prices but we … them if we want to sell something quickly.

Answer 1 Businesses … their products in the media to attract more customers.

Answer 2 A … economy is one where a government doesn't decide what can be bought and sold and / or how it is done.

Answer 3 Technology is one of the main … of the market economy.

Answer 4 Production … are the amount of money companies spend to make a product.

Answer 5 The main incentive for businesses in a market economy is making a ….

Answer 6 I can’t … that car – it’s far too expensive.

Answer 7 If there is only one producer in the market, there is no … Answer 8 Supply and … control what is on the market and how much it sells for.

Наглая11 9 февр. 2018 г., 16:12:28 | 10 - 11 классы

Пожалуйста помогите перевести текст?

Пожалуйста помогите перевести текст.

INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY Every group of people must solve three basic problems of daily living : what goods and services to produce, how to produce these goods and services, and for whom to produce these goods and services.

Economics is the study of how society decides what, how, and for whom to produce.

By goods we mean physical commodities such as steel, cars, and strawberries.

By services we mean activities such as massages or live theatre performances which can be consumed or enjoyed only at the instant they are produced.

In exceptional circumstances, society may find that some of the questions about what, how, and for whom to produce have already been answered ; until the arrival of Man Friday, Robinson Crusoe need not worry about the 'for whom' question.

In general, however, society must answer all three questions.

By emphasizing the role of society, our definition places economics within the social sciences, the sciences that study and explain human behaviour.

The subject matter of economics is that part of human behaviour which relates to the production, exchange, and use of goods and services.

The central economic problem for society is how to reconcile the conflict between people's virtually limitless desires for goods and services, and the scarcity of resources (labour, machinery, and raw materials) with which these goods and services can be produced.

In answering the questions what, how, and for whom to produce, econo¬mics explains how scarce resources are allocated between competing claims on their use.

Because economics is about human behaviour, you may be surprised that we describe it as a science rather than a subject within the arts or humanities.

This reflects the way economists analyse problems, not the subject matter of economics.

Economists aim to develop theories of human behaviour and to test them against the facts.

Xd102xd 22 июл. 2018 г., 16:28:58 | 10 - 11 классы

Choose from A - D?

Choose from A - D.

There is only one correct answer.

1. Определите предложение, в котором глагол to be будет переведен словом должен : А.

In command economy market is to be controlled by government.

B. The aim of private sector is to control each sphere of economy.

C. The problem is to define the countries’ type of economy.

D. Economics is a science, which has to study economy.

2. Определите предложение, где глагол to be будет переводиться словами : состоит / заключается в том, чтобы : A.

In planned economy goods are to be produced according to the government decision.

B. The problem was to limit the dose of government intervention.

C. In industrial countries markets are to allocate resources.

D. The consumption of imported goods is to be limited in this country.

3. Укажите предложение, в котором употребляется оборот “to be + of + существительное” : A.

Democracy is of great value to market economy.

B. Economists are discussing the problem of allocating production in the countries with command economy.

C. They have not known about his interest to economics.

D. It is known that the production of goods is regulated through markets.

4. Market is A.

The process by which production and consumption are coordinated through prices.

B. the process by which production is coordinated through prices.

C. the process by which consumption is coordinated through prices.

D. the process by which prices are coordinated through consumption and production.

5. Command economy is A.

The type of economy in which each sphere is controlled by trade unions.

B. the type of economy in which each sphere is controlled by markets.

C. the type of economy in which each sphere is controlled by the government.

D. the type of economy in which each sphere is controlled by the society.

6. Mixed economy is A.

The type of economy where free market exists.

B. the type of economy where free market exists but with a dose of governmental control.

C. the type of economy where extensive planning exists.

D. the type of economy where money exchange is based on market demand.

7. Market economy is A.

The type of economy without government intervention.

B. the type of economy where resources are allocated through prices.

C. the type of economy where economic decisions are made by the government.

D. the type of economy without governmental control and where resources are allocated through markets.

8. Free market economy A.

Is rare in the world.

B. is widely spread all over the world.

C. exists in many countries.

D. existed in former Soviet countries.

9. Russia is an example of A.

Mixed economy.

B. free market economy.

C. command economy.

D. market economy.

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