VII. Прочитайте текст и переведите письменно 2, 3 и 4 абзацы?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

VII. Прочитайте текст и переведите письменно 2, 3 и 4 абзацы.

Demand and Supply Demand is the quantity of goods that wish to buy at each price.

Other things equal, at lot prices the demanded quantity is higher.

Supply is the quantity of goods that sellers wish to sell at each price.

Other things equal, when prices are high, the supplied quantity is high as well.

The market is in equilibrium when the price regulates the quantity supplied by producers and the quantity demanded by consumers.

When prices are not so high as the equilibrium price, there is excess demand (storage) raising the price.

At prices above the equilibrium price, there is excess supply (surplus) reducing the price.

There are some factors influencing demand for good, such as the prices of other goods, consumer incomes and some others.

As consumer income is increased, demand for a normal good will also increase but demand for an inferior good will decrease.

A normal good is a good for which demand increases when incomes rise.

An inferior good is a good for which demand falls when incomes rise.

As to supply, some factors are assumed as constant.

Among them are technology, the input price, as well as degree of government regulation.

An improvement in technology is as important for increasing the supplied quantity of good as a reduction in input prices.

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Ответы (1)
Леруськ2001 3 мая 2018 г., 00:46:57

Спрос и предложение

Спрос количество товаров, которые желают купить по каждой цене.

При прочих равных условиях, по ценам лота требуемое количество гораздо выше.

Предложение на рынке количество товаров, которые продавцы желают продать по каждой цене.

При прочих равных условиях, когда цены высоки, поставляется количество велико, как хорошо.

Рынок находится в равновесии, когда цена регулирует количество поставляемого производителями, и объем спроса со стороны потребителей.

Когда цены не так высоки, как равновесной цены, есть избыток спроса (хранение) повышение цен.

По ценам выше равновесной цены, есть избыток предложения (профицита) снижение цены.

Есть несколько факторов, влияющих спрос на блага, такие, как цены на другие товары, потребительские доходы и некоторые другие.

Как доход потребителя увеличивается, спрос на обычный товар, также увеличивается, но спрос на неполноценного блага будет уменьшаться.

Нормальная хорошая хорошая, спрос на которые увеличивается, когда доходы растут.

Уступает хорошего хорошо, спрос на которые падает, когда рост доходов.

Как поставить некоторые факторы считаются постоянными.

Среди них технологии, входной цены, а также степень государственного регулирования.

Улучшение технологии, как важно для повышения прилагаемый количество добра в виде снижения цен на сырье в.

Kamila141203 21 авг. 2018 г., 07:07:01 | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите плиз, переводчик фигню выдает The theory of demand is based on the assumption that the consumer hav¬ing budget constraint seeks to reach the maximum possible level of utility, that is, to m?

Переведите плиз, переводчик фигню выдает The theory of demand is based on the assumption that the consumer hav¬ing budget constraint seeks to reach the maximum possible level of utility, that is, to maximize utility, but he usually prefers to obtain more rather than less.

The consumer has to solve the problem of choice.

Provided he is to maintain a given level of utility, increases in the quantity of one good must be followed by reductions in the quantity of the other good.

The consumer has to choose the specific goods within the limits imposed by his budget.

ORLOVAVLAD 10 янв. 2018 г., 09:43:00 | 1 - 4 классы

The money market comprises the demand for money and the money supply?

The money market comprises the demand for money and the money supply.

The equilibrium in the money market is such a state of balance when the demand for money from households and businesses is satisfied by the quantity of the money supplied.

The equilibrium in the money market is reached by changing bond prices.

People can hold their wealth in various forms — money, bonds, equities, and property.

For simplicity we assume that there are only two assets : money, the medium of exchange that pays no interest, and bonds, which we use to stand for all other interest - bearing assets that are not directly a means of payment.

As people earn income, they ad to their wealth.

As they spend, they de - plete their wealth.

How should people divide their wealth at any instant be - tween money and bonds to gain the best profits possible and not to incur losses?

There is an obvious cost of holding money.

The opportunity cost of holding money is the interest one would have gained if he (she) had held bonds.

It naturally follows that people will hold money rather than bonds only if there is a benefit to offset this cost, only if holding money is more profitable than holding bonds.

It may happen only when interest rates on bonds are too low to make it profitable to hold bonds.

Suppose the money market is in equilibrium when the interest rate on interest - bearing assets (e.

G. Treasury bills and other securities) is 6% and the amount of money demanded is $200 mm.

Now suppose the interest rate goes down, say, to 4%.

In this case interest - bearing assets are no longer profitable as they can't earn a sufficient return.

Hence the demand for money will rise and will lead to a temporary lack of money in the money market.

If they lack money, households and businesses are likely to sell bonds they possess for cash.

That will cause an increase in the bond supply, which lowers bond prices and rises interest rates on interest - bearing assets.

With a higher interest rate the amount of money people are willing to have in hand will decrease again.

Con - sequently, the money supply will adjust to a current demand to reflect a new higher interest rate.

Conversely, the increase in the money supply creates its temporary surplus, which results in the demand for bonds and bond prices going up.

The interest rate falls thus restoring balance in the money market, but at a new lower interest rate.


Kiri18761 8 дек. 2018 г., 10:45:14 | 10 - 11 классы



Модальный глагол Перепешите следующие предложения ; подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент.

Предложения переведите.

1) In order to compete in the market the company was to spend enough money on adverrtising.

(in order to - для того чтобы) 2) As the demand of these goods is low, the producer has to decrease the price for them.

3) He might rely on bank credit.

4) The firm must provide quality certificates for all its goods.

Даниил762 16 февр. 2018 г., 15:16:58 | 10 - 11 классы

Задайте к тексту 5 специальных вопросов, 5 общих вопросов, 3 альтернативных вопроса и 3 разделительных вопроса?

Задайте к тексту 5 специальных вопросов, 5 общих вопросов, 3 альтернативных вопроса и 3 разделительных вопроса.

Demand and Supply Demand is the quantity of goods that wish to buy at each price.

Other things equal, at lot prices the demanded quantity is higher.

Supply is the quantity of goods that sellers wish to sell at each price.

Other things equal, when prices are high, the supplied quantity is high as well.

The market is in equilibrium when the price regulates the quantity supplied by producers and the quantity demanded by consumers.

When prices are not so high as the equilibrium price, there is excess demand (storage) raising the price.

At prices above the equilibrium price, there is excess supply (surplus) reducing the price.

There are some factors influencing demand for good, such as the prices of other goods, consumer incomes and some others.

As consumer income is increased, demand for a normal good will also increase but demand for an inferior good will decrease.

A normal good is a good for which demand increases when incomes rise.

An inferior good is a good for which demand falls when incomes rise.

As to supply, some factors are assumed as constant.

Among them are technology, the input price, as well as degree of government regulation.

An improvement in technology is as important for increasing the supplied quantity of good as a reduction in input prices.

Kalachev2004 16 авг. 2018 г., 04:21:55 | 10 - 11 классы



Вставьте в предложения следующие слова и словосочетания в соответствующей форме : choice, to obtain (2), number, that is, within (2), to maintain, constant, rather than, per (4), provided, to result in, to assume, to choose 1.

We assume that the consumer prefers to have more of a good….


2… the good whose price has risen is a normal good, the economist can… that the demand for it will fall.

3. A constant level of utility is… through correct choice of goods or services that can be… at one time.

4. The lower price….

Additional demand.

5. People must often make a… between two or more goods.

They usually… the good with the highest utility… the limited budget, choose the cheapest good.

6. Income is usually counted… year, but sometimes also… month or even… week.

7. The man having a credit card has to pay… a certain… of days for everything that he has bought with its help during the month.

8. We do not assume that… acre productivity will remain… as modern agricultural technology allows farmers to… better results.

Aleksandrsvirid 12 февр. 2018 г., 08:08:15 | 10 - 11 классы



Вставьте в предложения следующие слова и словосочетания в соответствующей форме : choice, to obtain (2), number, that is, within (2), to maintain, constant, rather than, per (4), provided, to result in, to assume, to choose 1.

We assume that the consumer prefers to have more of a good….


2… the good whose price has risen is a normal good, the economist can… that the demand for it will fall.

3. A constant level of utility is… through correct choice of goods or services that can be… at one time.

4. The lower price….

Additional demand.

5. People must often make a… between two or more goods.

They usually… the good with the highest utility… the limited budget, choose the cheapest good.

6. Income is usually counted… year, but sometimes also… month or even… week.

7. The man having a credit card has to pay… a certain… of days for everything that he has bought with its help during the month.

8. We do not assume that… acre productivity will remain… as modern agricultural technology allows farmers to… better results.

Abzaljanim06 25 февр. 2018 г., 12:06:25 | 10 - 11 классы

Вставьте в предложения следующие слова и словосочетания в соответствующей форме : choice, to obtain (2), number, that is, within (2), to maintain, constant, rather than, per (4), provided, to result i?

Вставьте в предложения следующие слова и словосочетания в соответствующей форме : choice, to obtain (2), number, that is, within (2), to maintain, constant, rather than, per (4), provided, to result in, to assume, to choose 1.

We assume that the consumer prefers to have more of a good….


2… the good whose price has risen is a normal good, the economist can… that the demand for it will fall.

3. A constant level of utility is… through correct choice of goods or services that can be… at one time.

4. The lower price….

Additional demand.

5. People must often make a… between two or more goods.

They usually… the good with the highest utility… the limited budget, choose the cheapest good.

6. Income is usually counted… year, but sometimes also… month or even… week.

7. The man having a credit card has to pay… a certain… of days for everything that he has bought with its help during the month.

8. We do not assume that… acre productivity will remain… as modern agricultural technology allows farmers to… better results.

DmDilen 12 июл. 2018 г., 18:19:40 | 10 - 11 классы

4. Переведите письменно текст и ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста?

4. Переведите письменно текст и ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

This system of buying goods became very common during the first half of the twentieth century.

Today a large proportion of all the families in Great Britain buy furniture, household goods and cars by hire - purchase.

In the USA, the proportion is much higher than in Great Britain, and people there spent over 10 percent of income on hire - purchase installments.

The goods bought by hire - purchase are, in almost every case, goods that will last : radio and television sets, washing - machines, refrigerators, motor - cars and motor - cycles and articles of furniture.

The price of an article bought in this way is always higher than the price that would be paid for cash.

There is a charge of interest.

The buyer pays a proportion, perhaps one quarter or one - third of the price when the goods are delivered to him.

He then makes regular payment, weekly or monthly, until the full price has been paid.

Hire - purchase has advantages and disadvantages.

It helps newly - married couples with small incomes to furnish their homes.

It increases the demand for goods and, in this way, helps trade and employment.

If families are paying each month installments on such household goods as a washer and a car, they can spend less money (or perhaps no money) uselessly on too many alcoholic drinks.

1. What goods are usually bought by hire - purchase?

2. When do the goods become the property of the buyer?

3. What, in your opinion, are the advantages and disadvantages of hire - purchase.

Liza1312 7 нояб. 2018 г., 07:13:36 | 10 - 11 классы

III. Match the antonyms : ability, higher price, to cut, to supply, to demand, inelastic, to consume, to raise, least, to couple, small, large, inversely, to part, incapacity, to produce, most, elasti?

III. Match the antonyms : ability, higher price, to cut, to supply, to demand, inelastic, to consume, to raise, least, to couple, small, large, inversely, to part, incapacity, to produce, most, elastic, directly, lower price.

Polina0 29 авг. 2018 г., 03:25:59 | 10 - 11 классы

Перепишите следующие предложения ; подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них, т?

Перепишите следующие предложения ; подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них, т.

Е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола - сказуемого.

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The utility depends on the quantities of goods consumed.

2. The assumption is that the consumer chooses the good having the greatest utility for him.

3. The syndicate controls prices and output and, allotting quatas to its members, it divides the market demand among them.

4. At prices above equilibrium we have a situation know as excess supply, or surplus.

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