Complete the text with the past simple forms of the verbs in brackets?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Complete the text with the past simple forms of the verbs in brackets.

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Ответы (1)
T4heKj7essikatyana 29 мар. 2024 г., 16:26:39

2) was

3) separated

4) was

5) lived

6) visited

7) taught

8) bought

9) died

10) went

11) left

12) met

13) started

14) became

15) wrote.

VAINSHELBAUM 17 февр. 2024 г., 11:48:59 | 5 - 9 классы

Complete the sentences about Kelly’s morning using the verb in the Past Simple?

Complete the sentences about Kelly’s morning using the verb in the Past Simple.

Use the verbs in the box.

Составьте предложения об утре Келли, используя глаголы из рамочки в Past Simple.

Yagodkaghb 24 мар. 2024 г., 07:41:55 | 5 - 9 классы

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets​?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets​.

XJIEBYLLIEK 8 янв. 2024 г., 16:05:41 | 5 - 9 классы

Complete the sentense with the Past Simple Passive?

Complete the sentense with the Past Simple Passive.

All the albums _______ (to record) in 1960s.


Korolevagalina 22 мар. 2024 г., 15:10:56 | студенческий

Put the verbs in brackets into the past Simple or the present Perfect?

Put the verbs in brackets into the past Simple or the present Perfect.


Imalina 11 февр. 2024 г., 05:42:47 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйста с английским, очень срочно?

Помогите пожалуйста с английским, очень срочно.

Complete the text with the full or bare infinitive of the verbs in brackets.

Salaevam 7 февр. 2024 г., 16:21:27 | 5 - 9 классы

Допоможіть пж даю 25 балівComplete the story?

Допоможіть пж даю 25 балів

Complete the story.

Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple tense.

BombzMashers 26 янв. 2024 г., 04:57:11 | 10 - 11 классы

18. Match the present simple forms to the past simple forms?

18. Match the present simple forms to the past simple forms.

How do we form the past simple?


Inasimba 30 янв. 2024 г., 03:06:53 | 5 - 9 классы

Complete the conversation with the present simple or will future form of the verbs in brackets?

Complete the conversation with the present simple or will future form of the verbs in brackets.

Then listen and check.

Repparman 17 февр. 2024 г., 11:21:39 | 1 - 4 классы

Task 2?

Task 2.

Complete the sentens with past simple.

Иван7538936 7 мар. 2024 г., 16:25:00 | 5 - 9 классы

Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets?

Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.

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