The first people to build ships were the Egyptians 5000 years ago?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

The first people to build ships were the Egyptians 5000 years ago.

They used them to travel on the River Nile, the longest river in Africa.

In the sixteenth century, people from Europe travelled thousands of kilometers in large ships.

(7)___ was important that they found new ways around the world.

Life was hard for these sailors and on the journey (8) _____died because they often didn’t have (9) food.

In the nineteenth century, ships called clippers’ (10) ______tea from China to Britain and wool from Australlia to the USA.

In very strong winds, clippers could sail 650 kilometres a day.

In modern times, the largest ships are oil tankers.

(11) ___of these are 400 metres long (12) __________the sailors have to use bicycles to travel around the ship































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Ответы (2)
Dianochka2005 23 мая 2024 г., 08:44:20

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8. A









Емакаси47 23 мая 2024 г., 08:44:21

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Mahsatovanadiy1 17 янв. 2024 г., 07:11:57 | 1 - 4 классы

Listen and complete?

Listen and complete.


- - Tom doesn't like going on holidays to the His favourite place for a holidays is the There's a You can and They walk in the Last year, Tom and his family were in a There wasn't a in the water.

And they also have but there was a​.

Deroooro 3 февр. 2024 г., 21:26:05 | 5 - 9 классы

1)Find Present Simple Passive * - Steven Spielberg has directed a lot of successful films?

1)Find Present Simple Passive * - Steven Spielberg has directed a lot of successful films.

- The telephone was invented by Bell.

- He is not included in the team.

- Were they asked about the film?

- These cameras are made in Japan.

- Who was shown your pictures?

- I am usually asked at the lessons.

- Since ancient times people have been studying the night sky.

2)Find Past Simple Passive * - Steven Spielberg has directed a lot of successful films.

- The telephone was invented by Bell.

- He is not included in the team.

- Were they asked about the film?

- These cameras are made in Japan.

- Who was shown your pictures?

- I am usually asked at the lessons.

- Since ancient times people have been studying the night sky.

3)Change Active Voice into Passive Voice.

People grow oranges in Italy.


4)Change Active Voice into Passive Voice.

They don't teach German at the primary school.


5)Change Active Voice into Passive Voice.

They didn't build tall buildings on this island.


Likki901 11 февр. 2024 г., 17:20:18 | 10 - 11 классы

Complete the task?

Complete the task.

Read the text below.

Transform the words in brackets in capital letters (so that they match the content lexically and grammatically).

Use them to fill in the gaps.



Write one word in each gap.

The Mark Twain house

Some of the most famous(FICTION) characters were brought to life inside a stick - style mansion in the heart of Hartford, Connecticut.

Sam Clemens, whose pen name was Mark Twain, spent his most(PRODUCT) years in the house that he and his wife considered their dream home.

Today, many(VISIT) come from all over the world to walk through the halls where his books were born.

Mark Twain himself said that he and his family spent their happiest years there.

Today, the Mark Twain House is a treasured(ATTRACT) in Hartford.

Walking through the house, people can imagine him writing "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and his wife Olivia hosting(SOCIETY) events in the elegant ballroom.

Rinatk799 23 янв. 2024 г., 14:27:55 | 5 - 9 классы

Read the text about the legendary rock band and decide if the statements are Right (R) or Wrong (W)?

Read the text about the legendary rock band and decide if the statements are Right (R) or Wrong (W).

The legends of rock

The Beatles was one of the most popular British rock bands of the last century.

This band won the hearts of almost all people around the world.

The band of four musicians were very famous in rock music and changed the lives of their fans.

The names of this group members were known even for children.

The factories produced the clothes with their names written on T - shirts, caps, and other items of clothing.

The name of this legendary four were typed on the posters, calendars and even on the drink and food labels.

Some new parents even gave their names to the newborn children.

You could hear the songs of the Beatles everywhere.

People sang them and danced.

The lyrics of the Beatles’ songs were easy to tune but they were with deep meaning.

Most of the songs were about peace in the world, friendship and love.

They were cheerful, energetic, soft and quiet.

They were different.

People from many countries were the fans of the Beatles.

Right / Wrong

You could hear the songs of this band in some parts of the world.

Right / Wrong.

Vladchertan 12 февр. 2024 г., 10:58:39 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите задание Charity begins at home It is said that charity begins at home, and people in the UK seem to have put these words into practice?

Помогите задание Charity begins at home It is said that charity begins at home, and people in the UK seem to have put these words into practice.

Their enthusiasm for helping others shows in the 187, 000 charity organisations that exist in the country.

Some of the most famous ones are Oxfam, Age Concern, the RSPCA, the British Heart Foundation and Marie Curie Cancer Care.

People donate money to charity organisations or volunteer to help them raise money.

Many of these organisations run charity shops.

The first charity shop in the United Kingdom was established Oxfam in Broad Street, Oxford.

Oxfam has the largest number of charity shops in the UK with over 800 stores.

Charity shops sell goods at very low prices.

The items for sale are usually second - hand and donated by members of the public.

These include books, records, CDs, clo accessories, household items, furniture and costumes for special occasions such as Hallowe There are bargains for everyone!

Some charity shops also sell new goods that are somehou related to the cause they support.

In Oxfam stores, for example, you can find fair trade fo crafts.

Staff who work at charity shops are volunteers, so most of the profits from the sales go t the charity.

In the US, where charity shops are called thrift stores, this kind of shoppin - word it's called thrifting.


Евросия 13 мар. 2024 г., 10:35:52 | 5 - 9 классы

Reading 8 Read the text?

Reading 8 Read the text.

Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Can your clothes help change the world?

CalAid is a UK charity that collects old and new clothes.

They want them for refugees.

These people, young and old, are running away from dangerous countries.

They are trying to start new lives.

But when they arrive, they often have nothing.

They only have the wet clothes they are wearing Children are wearing summer clothes in the middle of winter.

They have light, summer jackets but they don't have coats for the rain.

Small children are walking for days in cheap boots.

Mothers are holding babies who are wearing old pyjamas.

So how does CalAid work?

People take their old clothes to schools or collection centres.

Then every week a lorry drives to Calais in France with the clothes and the other things that people give.

At the moment the refugees urgently need winter clothes.

They are living in terrible camps, in terrible conditions.

The low temperatures at night are making things more difficult The charity is asking for gloves, hats and scarves right now.

They also want men's socks and good walking boots.

So please don't throw your clothes away!

You can take them to a school near you.

Tell your friends to help too!

But please don't bring summer clothes or smart clothes.

These clothes are unnecessary at the moment.

The clothes have to be warm for the winter and comfortable 1 CalAid sells clothes 2 Refugees bring warm clothes with them for the cold weather in Europe 3 The charity takes the clothes to camps in France.

4 The chanty wants socks for female refugees 5 People should only give casual clothes​.

039273801 11 февр. 2024 г., 13:01:50 | 10 - 11 классы

In the future people probably (to travel) in space And they (to live) on other planets?

In the future people probably (to travel) in space And they (to live) on other planets.

Daniiplq 15 мар. 2024 г., 22:40:29 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите составить монолог из 17 предложений по этому тексту даю 39 балов : country and people There are fifty states in the United States of America?

Помогите составить монолог из 17 предложений по этому тексту даю 39 балов : country and people There are fifty states in the United States of America.

Two of these states, Alaska and Hawaii, are not connected to the other states.

The US is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, by the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico in the south.

In the north there are Great Lakes.

The US is a large country with many natural wonders.

The US has almost every kind of weather.

Also, it has many kinds of land - rocky coasts, dry empty deserts, big rivers, wide plains and grasslands, lakes of all sizes, high mountains, great forests, sunny beaches, lands of endless winter.

More than 250 million people live in the US.

There are a lot of parks, forests and wildlands where you can enjoy the beauty and power of wild America.

The Grand Canyon, Yosemite Valley, and Yellowstone are among the most famous.

Many rivers cross the United States.

But the great est is the mighty Mississippi.

Native Americans called it "the father of waters".

And the Mississippi has been an important waterway since early times, when native Americans travelled on the river in canoes.

Among other big rivers are the Colorado and the Missouri.

The Colorado River rises in the Rocky Mountains or the Rockies that stretch from Alaska down almost to the south of the country.

Another big mountain chain is the Appalachians in the east also running from north to south.

The Grand Canyon is one of America's main tourist attractions.

It is so big that you must go there yourself to feel its true size and beauty.

The Colorado River formed the Grand Canyon over millions of years.

Slowly, the river cut down through hard rock.

Today, the canyon is one mile deep and 200 miles (320 km) long.

The canyon looks different at different times of day, and in different seasons and weather.

The United States is a young country.

Its written history is only a few hundred years old.

It is sometimes, in fact, called the "New World".

Over the last four hundred years millions of people have come to start a new life in this "New World".

Americans are not afraid of new ideas.

They built the first skyscrapers and they put the first man on the Moon.

They like to be modern.

They like exciting, modern cities, new houses, and new cars.

At the same time, Americans love old things.

They like to visit historic houses and museums.

They build old pioneer houses and remember the days of the "Wild West".

Americans are interested in old traditions, but they are good at making new traditions too.

The people of the United States are a mixture of many different nationalities.

Every American schoolchild learns that the United States is a big melting pot of countries.

In one city you can find people whose parents, grandparents or great - grandparents came from China, Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, and every European country.

These different people brought to their new land a wonderful mixture of customs and traditions.

The Germans brought Christmas trees.

The Irish brought St.

Patrick's Day celebrations.

The Scots brought Halloween.

Qwertyuiop1964 7 апр. 2024 г., 22:16:48 | 5 - 9 классы

2 Read the text and the statements to it?

2 Read the text and the statements to it.

Write if the statements are true or false.

Most of Britain's most popular newspapers are tabloids.

These include

The Sun, The Mirror, The Express and The Daily Mail.

Although some tabloids

are serious newspapers and the broadsheets also have tabloid editions, many

people talk about tabloid journalism or the tabloid press to refer to a type

of a newspaper that contains many articles about music, sport and famous

people, and less serious news, and is often insulting to women and people

from other countries.

The word « is less widely used in the USA,

where most of the important national newspapers are of a regular size.


best - known US tabloid, which uses short articles and large photographs, is the

New York Daily News.

Serious tabloids include the Chicago Sun - Times.

……. 1) Tabloids are rather popular in Britain.

………2) All the tabloids are serious newspapers.

………. 3) Most people believe that there is very little serious news in tabloids.

………. 4) Tabloids concentrate on such topics as political and economic


………. 5) The New York Daily News is issued in the UK.

………. 6) The Chicago Sun - Times is a serious tabloid.

Fhbshsbvdbnddjdhhr 14 янв. 2024 г., 14:06:49 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйста))Fill in : upside - down, far and wide, disease, gold, disaster?

Помогите пожалуйста))

Fill in : upside - down, far and wide, disease, gold, disaster.

1. During the storm, ______ struck and the ship sank to the bottom on the sea.

2. The Pirates travelled to many places and searched ______ for the treasure.

3. He felt sorry for the birds, wish were tied ______ by their feet.

4. The sheep were all sick with a terrible _______ .

5. They found a chest of _______ buried in their garden.

Gamlet1111 8 апр. 2024 г., 02:53:25 | 5 - 9 классы

1. …Africa is much larger than … Europe?

1. …Africa is much larger than … Europe.

A) - , -

b) the, the


Last year I visited …Mexico and …United States.

A) the, -

b) - , the


…South of …England is warmer than … north.

A) the, - , the

b) - , the, -

c) - , - , -


… Portugal is in … western Europe.

A) - , -

b) the, the


… France and …Britain are separated by … Channel.

A) - , - , -

b) the, the, the

c) - , - , the


Jim has traveled a lot in … Middle East.

A) -

b) the


… Chicago is on … Lake Michigan.

A) the, the

b) - , -


… highest mountain in …Africa is … Kilimanjaro.

A) the, the, the

b) - , - , -

c) the, - , -


Next year we are going skiing in … Swiss Alps.

A) the

b) –


… United Kingdom consists of … Great Britain and … Northern Ireland.

A) the, the, the

b) - , - , -

c) the, - , -


… Everest was first climbed in 1953.

A) the

b) -


… Milan is in … north of … Italy.

A) the, the, the

b) the, - , -

c) - , the, -


… Seychelles are a group of islands in … Indian Ocean.

A) - , -

b) the, the


…River Volga flows into … Caspian Sea.

A) - , -

b) the, the


. … America was discovered in the 15th century.

A) -

b) the


I went to … France last year, but I haven’t been to … Netherlands yet.

A) the, the

b) the, -

c) - , the


I live in … Tverskaya Street.

A) the

b) –


… Thames flows through … London.

A) the, the

b) the, -

c) - , the

19 … United Kingdom includes … Great Britain and … Northern Ireland.

A) the, the, the

b) - , - , -

c) the, - , -


St. Bernard dogs are named after a monastery high up in … Alps.

A) the

b) –


… USA is … fourth largest country in … world after … Russia, …Canada and the Republic of … China.

A) the, the, the, - , - , - ,

b) the, - , - , the, the, the

c) - , the, - , - , - , -


… English Channel is between …Great Britain and … France.

A) the, the, the

b) the, - , -

c) - , the, -


… Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of … London.

A) - , -

b) the, the


Would you like to go to … Kremlin?

A) the

b) –


…Everest is … highest mountain in … world.

A) the, the, the

b) - , the, the

c) - , the, -


… West End is the symbol of wealthy and luxurious life.

A) the

b) –


… Pacific is … largest ocean on our planet.

A) the, the

b) the, -

c) - , the


Have you ever been to … Bolshoi Theatre?

A) the

b) –


Does … Mark speak … Spanish?

A) the, the

b) - , -


Show me … Canary Islands on this map, please.

A) -

b) the


How much does it cost to stay at … Grand Hotel?

A) the

b) –


I’ve made up my mind to go to … Black Sea … next summer.

A) the, the

b) the, -

c) - , the


… Lake Baikal is the deepest one in … world.

A) the, the

b) the, -

c) - , the


Every morning during breakfast bagpipes are played outside the Queen’s dining - room in … Buckingham Palace.

A) the

b) –


… Urals are old and not very high.

A) the

b) –.

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