ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕSurgeons have been performing operations for hundreds of years?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы


Surgeons have been performing operations for hundreds of years.

The first successful appendix operation was in 1736, a painful operations without anaesthetics.

Doctors have been using anaesthetics since 1845.

Queen Victoria was some of the first women to give birth with the help of anaesthetics.

Today surgeons perform amazing operations.

In 1967, in South Africa.

Dr. Christian Barnard performed the first heart transplant.

Since then thousands of people have received new hearts.

People who can’t have children have also received help from medical science.

In 1978 the first test - tube baby, Louise Brown, was born.

Since then over 4000 couples had babies using this technique.

Now there is even an operations that can help people who are short - sighted.

People who have had the operation in Moscow can now see better.

The operation is available in other countries.

New eye surgery using lasers could be even more important in the future.

Spectacles, or glasses, have been with us for about 500 years and people have been wearing contact lenses since the nineteenth century.

Because of the new operations, eye surgeon Mr.

William Jory thinks that in the year 2050 nobody will need glasses.

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Ответы (1)
Лёха4468 20 июн. 2021 г., 14:03:07

Хирурги проводят операции на протяжении сотен лет.

Первая успешная операция по удалению аппендикса была проведена в 1736 году, болезненная операция без анестезии.

Врачи использовали анестетики с 1845 года.

Королева Виктория была одной из первых женщин, родивших ребенка с помощью анестетиков.

Сегодня хирурги проводят удивительные операции.

В 1967 году в Южной Африке доктор Кристиан Барнард провел первую трансплантацию сердца.

С тех пор тысячи людей получили новые сердца.

Люди, которые не могут иметь детей, также получили помощь от медицины.

В 1978 году родился первый ребенок из пробирки.

Родилась Луиза Браун.

С тех пор более 4000 пар родили детей по этой методике.

Теперь есть даже операции, которые могут помочь людям с близорукостью.

Люди, перенесшие операцию в Москве, теперь видят лучше.

Операции доступны в других странах.

Новые операции на глазах с использованием лазеров могут стать еще более важными в будущем.

Очки существуют около 500 лет, и люди носят контактные линзы с девятнадцатого века.

Глазной хирург Уильям Джори считает, что в 2050 году очки никому не понадобятся.

Принцесса129 27 янв. 2021 г., 05:20:17 | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите предложения, выбрав правильную форму сказуемого (Active or Passive)?

Переведите предложения, выбрав правильную форму сказуемого (Active or Passive).

1) Regular operations in the sorting yards (have already planned ; have already been planned).

2) Numerous changes (have made ; have been made) in the design of the vehicle.

3) The major marshalling yard (will have modernized ; will have been modernized) with the latest operating equipment by the end of the year.

4) After the signalling (had improved ; had been improved) a more frequent service of trains was provided.

5) Powerful track - laying machines (have developed ; have been de - veloped) for the construction of railroads.

Vadimrus977 4 мая 2021 г., 19:52:33 | 5 - 9 классы

1. The two women (have talked / have been talking) since morning and they are still talking?

1. The two women (have talked / have been talking) since morning and they are still talking.

2. What (have you been doing / have you done) all this time?

You look terrible.

3. I (haven’t found / haven’t been finding) any information about this writer.

4. You (have made / have been making) much progress in English lately.

You should keep on like that.

5. Our neighbours (have been living / have lived) here since the building itself was built.

6. The child (has already been finishing / has already finished) the essay.

Now he is in the.

Kristinanem4in 11 мая 2021 г., 05:23:00 | 10 - 11 классы

Сделайте перевод текста?

Сделайте перевод текста.

A photograph that changed the world This is the first X - ray photograph.

It was taken by a German scientist, Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen, in 1896.

It is his wife's hand.

The bones in her hand (and also her wedding ring!

) are clearly seen in the photo.

X - rays were discovered by accident, while Roentgen was experimenting with electricity.

Soon after, he built the first X - ray machine.

Immediately, hospital operations were made much safer.

For the first time, doctors could see inside people's bodies before they cut them open!

In 1901, Roentgen was awarded the very first Nobel Prize in Physics.

His invention is still used every day by doctors and dentists, and is called the window into the human body.

Since the intoduction of computer imaging in the 1970s, X - ray machines have been used for other things, too.

At airports, many criminals have been caught with illegal items in their luggage.

Also, lost works of art have been discovered underneath other paintings.

In factories, many faults in new products are found every day, using X - rays.

There is no doubt that new uses for X - rays will be developed in the future.

Gtesz 11 янв. 2021 г., 12:18:37 | 5 - 9 классы

. The two women (have talked / have been talking) since morning and they are still talking?

. The two women (have talked / have been talking) since morning and they are still talking.

2. What (have you been doing / have you done) all this time?

You look terrible.

3. I (haven’t found / haven’t been finding) any information about this writer.

4. You (have made / have been making) much progress in English lately.

You should keep on like that.

5. Our neighbours (have been living / have lived) here since the building itself was built.

6. The child (has already been finishing / has already finished) the essay.

Now he is in the garden.

7. The boss (has known / has been knowing) the information you are telling now.

8. The school team (has won / has been winning) the competitions since 1978.

Раскройте скобки пожалуйста.

Degujora 29 июл. 2021 г., 22:39:42 | 10 - 11 классы

In your culture?

In your culture.

A teacher from a Lipetsk school talks about the traditions of helping people in their school.

What are the traditions.

Fill in the gaps in the sentences.

(0)The school started working in 1987.

The school has worked since 1987.

(1)In 1987 the children started to collect information for the school museum.

The children _____________ information for the school museum since __________.

(2) The museum started working in 1999.

The museum ________________ for ____________ year.

(3) In 1998 the children gave the first concert for veterans.

The children ____________________ concerts for veterans since ___________.

(4) Since 1987 the children have given veterans gifts and flowers.

The children __________________ for _______________.

(5) The children have helped to clean the lakes for eight years.

___________________ since _________________.

Альба294 11 авг. 2021 г., 04:35:55 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйста?

Помогите пожалуйста!

Accident or incident


Five people have been killed in a car .

This morning.

2. After the criminal had been found nobody mentioned the.


3. The demonstration proceeded without.

4. Seven people have been injured in climbing .

In Nepal.

5. A serious .

Is blocking the southbound side of the M4.

7ab4k81 7 дек. 2021 г., 08:11:00 | 10 - 11 классы

Заполните пропуски в предложении?

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

… you ever … in … USA?

Выберите один ответ : did, were, the have, been, - - - have, been, the had, been, the.

Linaprimenko200 7 нояб. 2021 г., 18:51:28 | 1 - 4 классы

Answer the questions using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense?

Answer the questions using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

1)Since when have you been studying at this school?

2)For How long have you been studying English?

3)Since whem have you been living in Aturay?

Lskk 6 авг. 2021 г., 06:38:07 | 10 - 11 классы

Спишіть, вибираючи правильну часову форму?

Спишіть, вибираючи правильну часову форму.

1. Atomic energy (will have been supplying / supplied) power for lighting cities for many future years to come.

2. During many years Ukrainian scientists and engineers (have been making / made) big advances in science and technique.

3. This student (has been studying / studies) at our University since 2006.

4. The best architects of Sumy (had been discussing / have discussed) the plans for the new multi - storey buildings and shops several times before their construction.

5. Petro Orel who (had been taking / took) part in these constructions entered our University four years ago.

6. Since December 1990 our country (has been changing / changed) its appearance greatly.

7. By the first of September this year the second year students (will have been studying / will study) here for two years.

8. My friends (will have been learning / will learn) English for two years more before they pass their state examination.

9. The Ukrainians (have been raising / have raised) standards of their life all these years.

10. We have heard the agronomists (have been working / had worked) on the development of new sorts of winter wheat since the end of the twentieth century.

Demchenko48 29 апр. 2021 г., 23:59:44 | 5 - 9 классы

Choose the correct variantShe has been / have been playingIt has been / have been raining since the early morning?

Choose the correct variant

She has been / have been playing

It has been / have been raining since the early morning.

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