Нужно найти 5 предложений в в Present Indefinite1?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Нужно найти 5 предложений в в Present Indefinite


The discovery of America on October 12, 1492, is perhaps the most important single event in human history, and yet there are a great many unsolved problems about it.

Let′s consider some of the questions which arise when we say that Christopher Columbus discovered America.

2. First, who was Columbus?

His name is mysterious.

It was not Columbus in his lifetime, but Colon, Colom, Colonus, or Colombo.

He called himself, or was called, all five at different times.

One set of documents says that he was a weaver and the son of a weaver at Genoa ; but he himself talks of many years at sea and besides this his knowledge of seamanship must have been the result of long years’ experience.

3. Whatever the truth of his origin Columbus was without question an extremely remarkable man.

He was a very practical sailor and was interested in mathematics, geography and astronomy, at least as far as they related to navigation.

But he was also a dreamer, determined to make his dream, come true.

4. And what was his dream?

The Portuguese had reached India by sailing east.

They had discovered the whole west coast of Africa and rounded what we now call the Cape of Good Hope.

Columbus believed that by sailing west he would reach India – which was the name for Asia generally.

Columbus did reach land by sailing west by a much shorter route than the Portuguese, but he always thought that it was Asia.

It is a strange thing, but Columbus was able to find his dream because he was wrong about the most important point.

He knew that the earth was round and that therefore you could sail round it by traveling either east or west ; but he mistakenly thought that this round ball was much smaller than it is.

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Ромиз 17 окт. 2021 г., 13:36:08

(1. )The discovery of America on October 12, 1492, is perhaps the most important single event in human history, (2) and yet there are a great many unsolved problems about it.

(3) Let′s consider some of the questions which arise when we say that Christopher Columbus discovered America.

(4)His name is mysterious.

(5)It is a strange thing.

TabulaRasa 20 янв. 2021 г., 02:28:50 | 10 - 11 классы

Aesop was a well - known (26)____________ (WRITE) who wrote many animal fables?

Aesop was a well - known (26)____________ (WRITE) who wrote many animal fables.

Through these many fables Aesop showed the wise and (27)_____________ (FOOL) behavior of men.

Not much is known about the life of Aesop.

It is believed he was born in Thrace, Greece and knew what (28)______________ (SLAVE) was on his own experience.

It is said that his (29)_____________ (WISE) so delighted one of his masters that the slave was given his (30)_____________ (FREE).

Привет373 9 мар. 2021 г., 11:47:51 | 5 - 9 классы

Кто знает английский?

Кто знает английский!

Помогите ((( Буду очень благодарен))) The man thought that was the _____ (GOOD) answer to his questions that he paid for the parrot and brought him home.

Devids567346 5 янв. 2021 г., 17:57:36 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйста сделать упражнение по английскому языку :Write these sentences in the right order?

Помогите пожалуйста сделать упражнение по английскому языку :

Write these sentences in the right order.

1)Columbus was sure he could get to India if he sailed west.

2) The King and Queen of Spain sent Columbus on his famous voyage.

3) Columbus made a lot of sea voyages before he sailed west.

4) Columbus was born in Italy but lived in Spain.

5) The seamen met some people on the new islands.

6)It took Columbus and his men there weeks to get to the new land.

Kristina20022304 13 мар. 2021 г., 21:10:55 | 5 - 9 классы

The discovery of America?

The discovery of America.

- перевод текста -

In our day everybody knows what the word America means.

First of all it is the name of the country - the United States of America.

And then America is the name of the two countinents - North America and South America.

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

He was born in Italy but he lived in Spain gave him money to go India.

He was a seameh and made many sea voyages.

In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India.

He decided to go west because he was sure that iur planet was round.

And after sailing 4000 miles, he reached some land.

Columbus thought that must be India but is was not.

It was a new land - a new continent.

It was America - Central America in fact.

People began to speak about the land as New World.

Dansaf84 8 июл. 2021 г., 18:21:58 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйста с английским)Задание?

Помогите пожалуйста с английским)


Write these sentences in the right order.

1)Columbus was sure he could get to India if he sailed west.

2)The King and Queen of Spain sent Columbus on his famous voyage.

3)Columbus made a lot of sea voyages before he sailed west.

4)Columbus was born in Italy but lived in Spain.

5)The seamen met some people on the new island.

6)It took Columbus and his men three weeks to get to the new land.

Помогите пожалуйста

Даю 23 балла.

Bagomol 14 мая 2021 г., 01:26:55 | 1 - 4 классы

Как читается помогите?

Как читается помогите!

1 Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Italy.

His father and both grandfathers were cloth bodies.

He probably worked as a weaver before going to sea.


We don't know much about Columbus.

He had blue eyes and red hair.

He lived in Spain for a long time.

He married the daughter of a sea captain.

For a time he earned his living partly by making Sea Travel, and partly by drawing maps and selling them

3 atacator century, most people thought the earth was flat.

They did not believe that India lies beyond the Atlantic ocean.

They knew only three continents : Europe, Asia and Africa.

Christopher Columbus was sure that our planet is round.

He decided to reach India sailing to the West.

In 1492 the King and Queen of Spain gave him money for a trip to India.

Nobody wanted to help him.

Many years after he sailed with three small ships into the Atlantic ocean.

They were Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta.

After sailing 4000 miles (6400 kilometres) they reached some land.

When they landed they saw strange trees and flowers, men and women with olive skin color.

They gathered around sailors and looked at them with great surprise.

4 Columbus thought it must be India.

He called these Islands the West Indies.

People started talking about this land as "new world".

But this was America.

So, Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492

5 Columbus made many voyages to the New world.

The second great voyage of Christopher Columbus took place in 1493.

He had seventeen ships with him.

He reached Cuba and discovered some other Islands of the West Indies.

Nikysik100 5 дек. 2021 г., 03:17:04 | 10 - 11 классы

Not 1?

Not 1.

At school liked the English teacher we had in our last year!

That was because he was very strict and he do not let us do 2.

That he did not agree with during the lesson .

He did not have much of a sense of humour either, which 3.


4. enjoys a joke sometimes after all !

However , despite this, I think he was one of the best teacher i've ever had.

He was able to explain 5 .

At all that 6 .

Wanted to ask him and he seemed to know 7.

There was to know about the English language and English literature .

He was also very fair : if 8.

In the class was not trying , they had a hard time , but 9 .

Was his favourite .

He treated 10.

In the same way .

Ka3talinaal7enko 3 нояб. 2021 г., 14:55:12 | студенческий

Перевести текст?

Перевести текст.

Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher.

He was a brilliant scientist


Galileo was born in 1564 in Pisa, Italy.

He was the first of six children of Vincenzo Galilei and Giulia Ammannati.

His father was a famous musican.

Galileo's early education was in a monastery.

From there, in 1581, he went to the University of Pisa, where he was a student of medicine and mathematics.

Then from 1592 to 1610 he went to the University of Padua.

He wasn't a student as this university – he was a professor of mathematics and astronomy.

Galileo was the father of three children – two daughters and a son – but he wasn't married to their mother.


Galileo made excellent telescopes.

With the he could see moons going round the planet Jupiter and the planet Venus going round the sun.

At the time, there was the belief that the earth was the centre of the universe and the sun went round the earth.

However , by 1610 Galileo's theory was that the earth was not the centre of our universe.

Galileo said that the sun was the centre, and the earth moved round it.


Some religious organisations weren't happy with Galileo's theories.

His ideas were dangerous because they were different from the ideas in the Bible.

Finally, in 1634 there was a trial.

Galileo was 70 and not in good health so he wasn't sent to prison, but he couldn't leave his house in Florence.

It was here that he died is 1642.

He was 78 years old and completely blind.

Hamidullovareg 21 июл. 2021 г., 19:19:41 | 1 - 4 классы

Перевод текста, срочноооо?

Перевод текста, срочноооо!

Без переводчика пожалуйста (≧∀≦)

Nowadays everybody knows that the word America means.

First of all it is the name of the country - the United States of America or just America.

And then America is the name of the two continents - North America and South America.

These two continents, North America and South America, form the part of the world called America.

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

In forteen hundred and ninety - two Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue.

This is the song that many children learn about Christopher Columbus and his journey to America.

We don't know much about the man.

He was born in Italy, but lived in Spain for a long time.

He was a seaman and made many sea voyages.

In 1492 the king and the queen of Spain gave him money to go to India.

He decided to sail West as he was sure that our planet is round.

And after sailing 4000 miles - 6400 km he reached some land.

Columbus thought that it must be India.

But it was not.

It was a new land - a new continent.

It was America - Central America, in fact.

People began to speak about the land as - the new world.

Даю 20 баллов.

Sornak 9 июн. 2021 г., 20:39:53 | 10 - 11 классы

Нужно найти 5 предложений в Present Indefinite1?

Нужно найти 5 предложений в Present Indefinite


The discovery of America on October 12, 1492, is perhaps the most important single event in human history, and yet there are a great many unsolved problems about it.

Let′s consider some of the questions which arise when we say that Christopher Columbus discovered America.

2. First, who was Columbus?

His name is mysterious.

It was not Columbus in his lifetime, but Colon, Colom, Colonus, or Colombo.

He called himself, or was called, all five at different times.

One set of documents says that he was a weaver and the son of a weaver at Genoa ; but he himself talks of many years at sea and besides this his knowledge of seamanship must have been the result of long years’ experience.

3. Whatever the truth of his origin Columbus was without question an extremely remarkable man.

He was a very practical sailor and was interested in mathematics, geography and astronomy, at least as far as they related to navigation.

But he was also a dreamer, determined to make his dream, come true.

4. And what was his dream?

The Portuguese had reached India by sailing east.

They had discovered the whole west coast of Africa and rounded what we now call the Cape of Good Hope.

Columbus believed that by sailing west he would reach India – which was the name for Asia generally.

Columbus did reach land by sailing west by a much shorter route than the Portuguese, but he always thought that it was Asia.

It is a strange thing, but Columbus was able to find his dream because he was wrong about the most important point.

He knew that the earth was round and that therefore you could sail round it by traveling either east or west ; but he mistakenly thought that this round ball was much smaller than it is.

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