Переведите пожалуйста на русский или казахский желательно без переводчикаAcid rain is killing forests (Nearly every species of tree is affected) It has acidified lakes and streams and they can't suppo?

Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы

Переведите пожалуйста на русский или казахский желательно без переводчика

Acid rain is killing forests (Nearly every species of tree is affected) It has acidified lakes and streams and they can't support fish, wildlife, plants or insects.

Depletion of the Ozone Layer The protective layer of the Earth, the ozone layer, which protects the Earth from the sun's destructive UV (ultraviolet) rays, is being damaged by CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons).

They are released by the daily use of industrial and household products : refrigerators, air conditioners, foam insulation, cleaning chemicals, food packaging.

In the ozone layer they attack the ozone molecules making a «hole».

This «hole» allows more UV rays to penetrate to the Earth.

It increases the risk of skin cancer, weakens the immune system of people.

Besides, UV rays influence the oceans, the growth of plankton, an essential part of the marine - life food chain in the negative way, reduce economically important - crops (rice, cotton, soy beans).

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Kosarskij 12 авг. 2021 г., 21:51:44

Кислотный дождь убивает леса (почти каждый вид деревьев поражен) Отравлены кислотой озера и реки, они не могут поддерживать рыбу, дикую природу, растения и насекомых.

Истощается озоновый слой, защитная оболочка Земли, озоновый слой, который защищает Землю от разрушительных солнечных ультрафиолетовых лучей, ему наносится ущербхлорфторуглеродами.

Они выделяются каждый день при использовании в промышленных и хозяйственных продуктах : холодильниках, кондиционерах, пенопластовых изоляторах, химических очистителях, упаковках пищевых продуктов.

В озоновом слое они поражают озоновые молекулы, проделывая "дыру".

Эта "дыра" допускает проникновение больших ультрафиолетовых лучей на Землю.

Растет риск заболевания раком кожи, ослабевает иммунная система людей.

Кроме того, УФ лучи отрицательно влияют на океаны, рост планктона, существенной части морской жизни, сокращают рост экономически важных культур (рис, хлопок, соевые бобы).

89093110442 21 мар. 2021 г., 10:13:45 | 5 - 9 классы

! (((((((ДАЮ 15 БАЛЛ ПОМОГИТЕ))))?

! (((((((ДАЮ 15 БАЛЛ ПОМОГИТЕ))))!

Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу и форме словами.

Переведите предложения.

Temperature, reaching, plants and animals, ozone, contains Conservation is the protection of natural things, e.

G. ____________ and ______________.

Acid rain is rain that ___________ dangerous chemicals.

It is caused by smoke from factories.

The ozone layer is a layer of gases that stop dangerous radiation from the sun from __________ the earth.

Global warming is an increase in world ______________ caused by an increase in carbon dioxide.

CFC is a chemical which destroys the __________ layer.

Nastyakarimova1 27 июл. 2021 г., 22:22:29 | 5 - 9 классы

What is Land Pollution?

What is Land Pollution?

The main reason of pollution is rubbish.

Most of our rubbish goes to big holes in the ground, called ‘dumps’, or landfill, where the garbage truck empties it to into the ground.

But dumps(куча) are very dangerous for our life because they are full of rats, which can carry infections away from dumps.

Another way to get rid of rubbish is to burn it.

But the fires make poisons, which go into the air and pollute it.

Now we are making so much garbage that in many places, there is not enough room to bury it all.

We have to act fast and cut down the amount of garbage we make.

We can recycle and reject.

If we recycle and reject we will produce a lot less garbage, and help keep our planet green.

What is Air Pollution?

Since ancient times nature has served man, being the source of his life.

About 200 years ago the air was clean.

But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to increase.

Large cities have appeared all over the world today.

The product of their activity pollutes the air we breathe.

Today the air is so polluted in some places that its not always safe to breathe there.

Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and harmful substances.

Many cities suffer from smog.

This is so strong in some places that the air, which should be a beautiful blue, looks brown.

The increase in traffic is threatening serious air pollution in our cities, because vehicles, not factories, produce most of toxic micro - particles(частицы), which do most harm.

Toxic gases appear in the atmosphere in critical concentration of carbon dioxide is expected to increase at rates that could change the worlds climate.

What is Water Pollution?

The planet Earth is mostly water.

All our life depends on the water.

But we are not doing a very good job of keeping water clean.

Rivers and lakes are polluted by garbage or by poisonous chemicals which are dumped right into them.

Underground water can be polluted by gasoline or by harmful liquids that seep into the ground.

The seas are in danger.

They are filled with poison : industrial and nuclear waste, chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

The Mediterranean is already nearly dead ; the North Sea is following.

The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction.

If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.

What are Acid Rains?

Another source of global danger is acid rain.

It is a relatively new kind of pollution.

When power plants burn coal to make electricity, and when cars burn gasoline, invisible gases are released into the air.

Some of these gases mix with water and make it acidic.

Some times the gases get into rain clouds, where they get mixed with rain or snow.

Acid rains appeared as a reaction of the atmosphere to the air contamination.

Acid rains damage water, forest, and soil resources.

Acid rains cause the disappearance of fish from many lakes ; bring death to the forests and woods in Europe and America.

Its very important for us to stop making acid rains.

We must drive our cars less, to save energy.

The less energy we use, the less coal those power plants will have to burn.

What is The Greenhouse Effect?

What caused the "greenhouse effect"?

The "greenhouse effect" is caused by carbon dioxide, which prevents heat from escaping.

Global warming or the "greenhouse effect" can cause melting of the polar ice caps, raising of the sea level, and flooding of the coastal areas of the world.

There is every reason to fear that such a climatic change may take place.

If the earths temperature gets hotter by just a few degrees, it could change the weather all over the planet in many ways.

What is The Ozone Hole?

Up in the sky, above the air we breathe, theres a layer of gas called ozone.

It helps us by blocking out the sun rays that can harm our skin, and by letting the rays that are good for us come through.

Now the ozone layer is being damaged by gases that people have made.

The gases are called CFCs.

They are used in refrigerators, air conditioners, plastic foam and some other things.

The CFCs float up to the top of the atmosphere, where the ozone layer is, and eat up the ozone.

It increases the risk of skin cancer, weakens the immune system of people.

Scientists are very concerned about the ozone layer, because a lot of it has gone away in just a few years.

Составьте таблицу на три столбика 1 столбие - проблема , 2 столбик - Причина , 3 столбик - последствия.

Плюшкин11 12 июл. 2021 г., 12:42:12 | 5 - 9 классы

Listen and read?

Listen and read.

Complete the dialogue with the correct phrases from the box.

The friends are in the youth club kitchen.

They are cooking for the charity food stall.

Срочно помогите.

ЛевБанас 4 мар. 2021 г., 01:30:20 | 5 - 9 классы

Complete the sentences with the words from the box?

Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

(desert, Earth, oceans, plants, Pole)

1)There are four .

On the .

. 2)The Sahara is the largest .

. 3) The South .

Is the coldest place on Earth.

4) We always water .

In hot and dry weather.

Можно с переводом.

) админу много киндеров.

Никита20043 15 мая 2021 г., 08:49:09 | 5 - 9 классы

Можете пож?

Можете пож.

Перевести текст срочно нужно пишу : There is a lot of water on the Earth.

The water is in the rivers and in the lakes.

There is much water in the deep seas and oceans too.

But the water in the seas and oceans is salty.

Water is in trees, in flovers and in the air.

Nothinf and nobody can live without water.

Some water falls down on the Earth as rain.

Всё заранее спасибо!

Paulina5razz 24 авг. 2021 г., 23:45:11 | 5 - 9 классы

Перевидите текст The EarthThe Earth is a special place for everyone?

Перевидите текст The Earth

The Earth is a special place for everyone.

The Earth is a special place animals, birds and plants.

But when people pollute the Earth, Water and Soil I think it's really dumb!

GMO 28 февр. 2021 г., 23:56:06 | 5 - 9 классы

Look at the chart and compare any two planets?

Look at the chart and compare any two planets.

Example : Venus is hotter than the Earth.

The day on Venus is longer than on the Earth but the year is shorter.

Venus is nearly as large as the Earth.

Razvala1982 1 мая 2021 г., 05:02:02 | 5 - 9 классы

Complete this text with the words from the box and speak about the USA geography?

Complete this text with the words from the box and speak about the USA geography.

Appalachian, Washington, The Big Apple, North, Lakes, Atlantic, Canada, father, Colorado, Rocky, fifty, Mexico, Mississippi, New York, California, Texas.

The USA is one of the biggest countries of the world.

It is situated in .


The country borders on .

In the north and .

In the south.

There are .

States in the USA, some of them are Washington, .

, . , .

The capital of the country is .

In the east the .

Ocean washes the USA.

Here the biggest city of the country is situated.

It is .

, Americans often call it .

The .

Mountains are situated in the west.

They are younger and higher.

There are many rivers and lakes in the USA.

Americans are proud of the .


It is the longest river of the country.

People call it mighty and " the .

Of waters".

It begins in the north of the country.

The Great .

Are in the centre of America and the Great .

Are situated in the north - east and central USA.

They are the five largest lakes along the USA and Canadian borders.

Rimaluks50 23 мар. 2021 г., 17:43:16 | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите текст пожалуйста?

Переведите текст пожалуйста.

In the world around us tgere are two things tgat do not belong to any contry.

They are the air and ocean water.

But people all over the world are concerned about very important things.

The problem is that the nature is damaged gereatly and needs protection.

Marry lips sailing in ocean waters pollute the water.

Polluting ocean waters leads to reducing of speeies of its animals, as they are dying of contamination.

Or contaminated fish can be caught in the sea by a fishberman and sold in markets.

Eating contaminated fish may affect man`s health.

Pollution of air results in destroying of the ozone layer, which protects the Earth from the dangerous light of the Sun.

It also causes acid rains that damage the resources and wildlife affecting the balance of nature.

Our forests are dying from acid rains, many species of animals and plants are under threat of disappearing.

The most serious danger arising from damaging the environment is the result of above mentioned consequences.

This is the danger for the life and health of man.

If we are unable to learn to use the environment carefully and protect it from damage caused y man`s activity, very soon we`ll have no world to ive in.

If we want our children to live in the same world we live in, or a better and healthier one, we must learn to protect the water, the air and the earth from pollution.

Boobota 17 нояб. 2021 г., 01:43:39 | 10 - 11 классы

Men (to be)____________interested in the stars ever since they first (to look) _________into the sky?

Men (to be)____________interested in the stars ever since they first (to look) _________into the sky.

In the past they (to think) _________that the sun (to move)_________round the earth and that you (to fall)_______________off the earth if you (to step) _________off at the end of it.

Вопрос Переведите пожалуйста на русский или казахский желательно без переводчикаAcid rain is killing forests (Nearly every species of tree is affected) It has acidified lakes and streams and they can't suppo?, расположенный на этой странице сайта, относится к категории Английский язык и соответствует программе для 1 - 4 классов. Если ответ не удовлетворяет в полной мере, найдите с помощью автоматического поиска похожие вопросы, из этой же категории, или сформулируйте вопрос по-своему. Для этого ключевые фразы введите в строку поиска, нажав на кнопку, расположенную вверху страницы. Воспользуйтесь также подсказками посетителей, оставившими комментарии под вопросом.