Помогите пожалуйста?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите пожалуйста!

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на

бессоюзное присоединение определительных придаточных предложений.

1. The European economy of the 2020s will be very different from that of

the Europe we have known for the last decades.

2. Higher incomes have much more influence on the way people eat (more

meat, less bread) than on the amount they eat.

3. With changed prices the consumer has to change the quantities he demands

if he is to maintain utility at the same level.

4. Real income is the amount of the goods and services a consumer can

buy with his money income.

5. A consumer is a person who consumes the products and services he buys.

6. The price at the time the good is ready for marketing may be different

from the price at the time the decision to produce it was made.

Попроси больше объяснений не следить Demonsdsd 5 часов назад.

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Ответы (2)
Duki 16 апр. 2021 г., 02:23:32

1. Европейская экономика 2020 - х годов будет сильно отличаться от той, которую мы знали последние десятилетия.

2. Более высокие доходы оказывают гораздо большее влияние на то, как люди питаются (более мяса, меньше хлеба), чем на количество съедаемого.

3. При изменении цен потребителю приходится менять потребляемое количество, чтобы поддерживать питательность на том же уровне.

4. Реальный доход - это количество товаров и услуг, которые потребитель может купить на свой денежный доход.

5. Потребитель - это человек, который потребляет продукты и услуги, которые он покупает.

6. Цена товар на момент, когда он готов к продаже, может отличаться от цены на момент принятия решения о его изготовлении.

Sharifovanarmina 16 апр. 2021 г., 02:23:34

Европейская экономика 2020 - х годов будет сильно отличаться от европейской

Европе, которую мы знали в течение последних десятилетий.

2. Более высокие доходы оказывают гораздо большее влияние на то, как люди питаются (более

Мясо, меньше хлеба), чем от того количества, которое они едят.

3. При изменении цен потребитель должен изменить количество, которое он требует

Если он должен поддерживать полезность на том же уровне.

4. Реальный доход - это количество товаров и услуг, которые потребитель может

Купить с его денежным доходом.

5. Потребитель - это человек, который потребляет продукты и услуги, которые он покупает.

6. Цена на момент, когда товар готов к маркетингу, может быть разным

От цены на момент принятия решения о ее изготовлении.

Gulizadisabled 9 янв. 2021 г., 20:39:05 | 5 - 9 классы

Fill in the gaps with the correct from of the verbs be and have?

Fill in the gaps with the correct from of the verbs be and have.

Aminka32 3 мар. 2021 г., 16:34:34 | 10 - 11 классы

Перевести на русский Consumer demand is the quantities of a particular good that an individual consumer wants and is able to buy as the price varies, if all other factors influencing demand are consta?

Перевести на русский Consumer demand is the quantities of a particular good that an individual consumer wants and is able to buy as the price varies, if all other factors influencing demand are constant.

That is, consumer demand is the relationship between the quantity demanded for the good and its price.

The factors assumed constant are prices of other goods, income, and a number of noneconomic factors, such as social, physiological, demographic characteristics of the consumer in question (о котором идет речь).

The theory of demand is based on the assumption that the consumer having budget constraint seeks to reach the maximum possible level of utility, that is, to maximize utility, but he usually prefers to obtain more rather than less.

The consumer has to solve the problem of choice.

Provided he is to maintain a given level of utility, increases in the quantity of one good must be followed by reductions in the quantity of the other good.

The consumer has to choose the specific goods within the limits imposed by his budget.

The concept of marginal utility is of great importance for solving the utility maximization problem.

The marginal utility of a good is the additional utility obtained from consuming an additional unit of the good in question.

The marginal utility from consuming a good decreases as more of that good is consumed.

The income should be allocated among all possible choices so that the marginal utility per dollar of expenditure on each good is equal to the marginal utility per dollar of expenditure on every other good.

A price increase will result in a reduction in the quantity demanded.

This relationship between the quantity demanded of a good and its price is called the law of demand.

As the marginal utility from each additional unit of the good consumed decreases, the consumer will want to buy more of this good only if its price is reduced.

Market demand is the quantities of a good that all consumers in a particular market want and are able to buy as price varies and as all other factors are assumed constant.

Market demand depends not only on the factors affecting individual demands, but also on the number of consumers in the market.

The law of demand also works with market demand.

Danil8888892 1 авг. 2021 г., 09:49:01 | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите тексты на русский язык пожалуйста Theory of the Consumer The individual consumer or household is assumed to possess a utility function which specifies the satisfaction which is gained from ?

Переведите тексты на русский язык пожалуйста Theory of the Consumer The individual consumer or household is assumed to possess a utility function which specifies the satisfaction which is gained from the consumption of alternative bundles of goods.

The consumer’s income or income - earning power determines which bundles are available to the consumer.

The consumer then selects a bundle that gives the highest possible level of utility.

With few exceptions, the consumer is treated as a price taker - that is, the consumer is free to choose whatever quantities income allows but has no influence over prevailing market prices.

In order to maximize utility the consumer purchases goods so that the subjective rate of substitution for each pair of goods as indicated by the consumer’s utility function equals the objective rate of substitution given by the ration of their market prices.

This basic utility - maximization analysis has been modified and expanded in many different ways.

Theory of the Producer The individual producer or firm is assumed to possess a production function, which specifies the quantity of output produced as a function of the quantities of the inputs used in production.

The producer’s revenue equals the quantity of output produced and sold times its price, and the cost to the producer equals the sum of the quantities of inputs purchased and used times their prices.

Profit is the difference between revenue and cost.

The producer is assumed to maximize profits subject to the technology given by the production function.

Profit maximization requires that the producer use each factor to a point at which its marginal contribution to revenue equals its marginal contribution to cost.

Under pure competition, the producer is a price taker who may sell at the going market price whatever has been produced.

Under monopoly (one seller) the producer recognizes that prices the price paid for an input increases as purchases are increased.

Svietlanakalin 28 февр. 2021 г., 17:14:11 | 10 - 11 классы

Перевести на английский Consumer demand is the quantities of a particular good that an individual consumer wants and is able to buy as the price varies, if all other factors influencing demand are con?

Перевести на английский Consumer demand is the quantities of a particular good that an individual consumer wants and is able to buy as the price varies, if all other factors influencing demand are constant.

That is, consumer demand is the relationship between the quantity demanded for the good and its price.

The factors assumed constant are prices of other goods, income, and a number of noneconomic factors, such as social, physiological, demographic characteristics of the consumer in question (о котором идет речь).

The theory of demand is based on the assumption that the consumer having budget constraint seeks to reach the maximum possible level of utility, that is, to maximize utility, but he usually prefers to obtain more rather than less.

The consumer has to solve the problem of choice.

Provided he is to maintain a given level of utility, increases in the quantity of one good must be followed by reductions in the quantity of the other good.

The consumer has to choose the specific goods within the limits imposed by his budget.

The concept of marginal utility is of great importance for solving the utility maximization problem.

The marginal utility of a good is the additional utility obtained from consuming an additional unit of the good in question.

The marginal utility from consuming a good decreases as more of that good is consumed.

The income should be allocated among all possible choices so that the marginal utility per dollar of expenditure on each good is equal to the marginal utility per dollar of expenditure on every other good.

A price increase will result in a reduction in the quantity demanded.

This relationship between the quantity demanded of a good and its price is called the law of demand.

As the marginal utility from each additional unit of the good consumed decreases, the consumer will want to buy more of this good only if its price is reduced.

Diana131920 22 апр. 2021 г., 03:30:49 | 10 - 11 классы

Измените следующие словосочетания, используя притяжательный падеж :the activities of the peoplethe desires of consumersthe reputation of a sellerthe work of a daythe economy of countrythe problems of ?

Измените следующие словосочетания, используя притяжательный падеж :

the activities of the people

the desires of consumers

the reputation of a seller

the work of a day

the economy of country

the problems of the economists

the works of Keynes

the dollar of a consumer

the telephone of the secretary.

Pravovedyu 1 сент. 2021 г., 15:20:19 | 10 - 11 классы

. Составьте предложения из двух подходящих по смыслу частей?

. Составьте предложения из двух подходящих по смыслу частей.

1. Market demand is


An improvement of technology is a change that


Profits are


As long as the total demand and the total supply of the commodity remain equal,


Part of company’s profits is put back into the business rather than


With inflation, people have to increase expenditure because


Profit depends on


Opportunity cost is the amount


Examining how revenues and costs change with the level of output produced and sold


Revenue minus cost.

B. the firm can select the output level maximizing its profit.

C. paid out as dividends.

D. the equilibrium price will remain unchanged.

E. makes it possible for firms to produce more goods with the same amount of resources as before.

F. how much the amount received is greater than the amounts paid.

G. the total demand from all consumers.

H. old the level of expenditure in money terms now buys a smaller quantity of goods.

I. an input can obtain in its use elsewhere.

Coolskomorohova1 11 апр. 2021 г., 22:50:20 | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимания на конструкции типа the more?

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимания на конструкции типа the more.

The less.

1. The more goods you sell, the more profit you make.

2. The longer I waited, the more impatient I became.

3. The more tired you are, the more difficult it is for you to concentrate your attention.

4. The more you read, the more you know.

5. The less you eat fat food, the healthier you are.

6. The more you walk, the easier for you to keep fit.

7. The richer he gets, the more friends he has.

8. The more popular he became, the less time he spent with us.

KanagatO 9 апр. 2021 г., 14:52:46 | 10 - 11 классы

Прочтите текст и письменно переведите на русский язык 1, 2 и3 - й абзацы?

Прочтите текст и письменно переведите на русский язык 1, 2 и

3 - й абзацы.


Price is the quantity of payment or compensation given by one party to another

in return for goods or services.

In modern economies, prices are generally expressed in units of some form of


(For commodities, they are expressed as currency per unit weight of the


) Although prices could be quoted as quantities of other goods or services

this sort of barter exchange is rarely seen.

Prices are sometimes quoted in terms of

vouchers such as trading stamps and air miles.

In some circumstances, cigarettes have

been used as currency, for example in prisons, in times of hyperinflation, and in some

places during World War 2.

In the black economy, barter is also relatively common.

In many financial transactions, it is customary to quote prices in other ways.

The most obvious example is in pricing a loan, when the cost will be expressed as the

percentage rate of interest.

The total amount of interest payable depends upon the

loan amount and the period of the loan.

Price sometimes refers to the quantity of payment requested by a seller of

goods or services, rather than the eventual payment amount.

This requested amount is

often called the asking price or selling price, while the actual payment may be called

the transaction price or traded price.

Likewise, the bid price or buying price is the

quantity of payment offered by a buyer of goods or services, although this meaning is

more common in asset or financial markets than in consumer markets.

Задание 5.

Прочтите последний абзац текста и вопрос к нему.

Из пред -

ложенных вариантов выберите правильный ответ на вопрос.

What do we call the requested payment quoted by the seller?

A) the buying price

b) the selling price

c) the transaction price.

Ррррртвоякиса 7 мар. 2021 г., 18:24:27 | 5 - 9 классы

Fill in the blanks in each sentence with two or three words that have the same sound but different spelling and different meanings?

Fill in the blanks in each sentence with two or three words that have the same sound but different spelling and different meanings.

The number of blanks equals the number of letters in the missing word.

Write the missing words with commas and spaces between them.

Unfortunately, we did _ _ _ put a very good _ _ _ _ in the rope, and it came unfastened.

The people on the safari _ _ _ _ _ that a _ _ _ _ of elephants was headed their way.

If you sit _ _ _ _ very quietly, you can _ _ _ _ the wind blowing through the trees.

The man in the _ _ _ coat _ _ _ _ the notice to me.

We _ _ _ _ on horseback through the tall grass until we came to the _ _ _ _ that led to the town.

Opereta 19 сент. 2021 г., 05:59:52 | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание набессоюзное присоединение определительных придаточных предложений?

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на

бессоюзное присоединение определительных придаточных предложений.

1. The European economy of the 2020s will be very different from that of

the Europe we have known for the last decades.

2. Higher incomes have much more influence on the way people eat (more

meat, less bread) than on the amount they eat.

3. With changed prices the consumer has to change the quantities he demands

if he is to maintain utility at the same level.

4. Real income is the amount of the goods and services a consumer can

buy with his money income.

5. A consumer is a person who consumes the products and services he buys.

6. The price at the time the good is ready for marketing may be different

from the price at the time the decision to produce it was made.

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