Помогите пожалуйста с переводом , буду весьма благодарен) 3?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите пожалуйста с переводом , буду весьма благодарен) 3.

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Rotterdam Pilot Station.

This is m / v Pechora.

We are approaching the position allocated by you.

Any instructions?


M / v Pechora.

Pilot boat will reach you in 5 - 7 minutes.

Have you Standard Pilot Ladders?


Yes, we have rigged the International Standard Pilot Ladder on our starboard side.


Because of heavy traffic you will have to take the pilot aboard while underway.

Proceed on your present course reducing speed to 15 knots.


I’ve got you.

We are reducing speed to 15 knots.

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Ответы (1)
KArame1ka 23 февр. 2021 г., 21:12:16



Пилотная станция Роттердам.

Это m / v Печора.

Мы приближаемся к позиции выделенной вами.

Какие - нибудь инструкции?


M / v Печоре.

Лоцманский катер достигнет вас в течении 5 - 7 минут.

У вас имеются Стандартные Лоцманские Трапы(Лестницы)?


Да, мы оснастили Международный Стандарт штормтрапа на нашей стороне правого борта.


Из - за интенсивного движения, вам придется взять на себя роль пилота на борту пока к вам не прибудут.

Продолжайте на вашем нынешнем курсе снижения скорости до 15 узлов


Я тебя понял.

Мы сокращаем скорость до 15 узлов.

Sis6 9 мая 2021 г., 05:39:56 | 1 - 4 классы

Как переводится I believe that I will be a pilot because it's my favorite profession?

Как переводится I believe that I will be a pilot because it's my favorite profession.

Lerabut1 1 июл. 2021 г., 19:05:58 | 1 - 4 классы

Как выполнить задание : l am not a pilot, ?

Как выполнить задание : l am not a pilot, ?

Gnfgnfgn53323 17 мар. 2021 г., 17:54:21 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите с переводом пожалуйста переведите на русский языкMost of the pilot boats are now equipped with a continuous rubber fender which runs along the boat’s sides, bow and stern and is about 50 - 60?

Помогите с переводом пожалуйста переведите на русский язык

Most of the pilot boats are now equipped with a continuous rubber fender which runs along the boat’s sides, bow and stern and is about 50 - 60 cm wide.

This makes shipping the ship’s fenders unnecessary.

In some places where the traffic is rather dense, the Pilot Station asks the master to embark and disembark the pilot while the ship is under way (usually at a speed of not more than 16 knots).

In compliance with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1979, the ships shall be provided with the International Standard Pilot Ladders and Mechanical Hoists.

Usually the watch officer meets the pilot and shows him to the bridge.

Then the pilot manoeuvres the ship into the harbour to her berthing place.

Sometimes the pilot takes the ship only into the harbour and the port pilot boards the ship to manoeuvre her to the berth.

He also sees to the mooring of the vessel.

Qqqqqq555 18 мая 2021 г., 20:03:10 | 1 - 4 классы

. you ever ?

. you ever .

A piano?

(buy)When .

You .

The piano?


You ever .

To London?

(be)When .

You .

In London?


You ever .

To a pilot?

(speak)When .

You .

To the pilot?


You ever .

The film?

(see)When .

You .

A film?


You ever .

Mr Carter?

(meet)When .

You .

Him? (meet).

Navarro 6 июл. 2021 г., 16:07:36 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите пожалуйста с переводом , буду весьма благодарен)) Перевод на русскийTo call for a pilot, the ship either sends a radiogram beforehand or hoists the signal when she approaches the pilot statio?

Помогите пожалуйста с переводом , буду весьма благодарен)) Перевод на русский

To call for a pilot, the ship either sends a radiogram beforehand or hoists the signal when she approaches the pilot station or, which is common nowadays, the Master contacts the pilot station by radiotelephone.

A pilot may board the ship either near the pilot station or in the offing.

When the pilot launch is nearing the ship the pilot is asked which side he wants the ladder be lowered on.

If the wind is fresh or strong, the pilot usually taken aboard from the lee side.

To hold the launch against the sea, a boat rope is put over and the fenders are shipped on the side where the launch makes fast.

Most of the pilot boats are now equipped with a continuous rubber fender which runs along the boat’s sides, bow and stern and is about 50 - 60 cm wide.

This makes shipping the ship’s fenders unnecessary.

In some places where the traffic is rather dense, the Pilot Station asks the master to embark and disembark the pilot while the ship is under way (usually at a speed of not more than 16 knots).

In compliance with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1979, the ships shall be provided with the International Standard Pilot Ladders and Mechanical Hoists.

Usually the watch officer meets the pilot and shows him to the bridge.

Then the pilot manoeuvres the ship into the harbour to her berthing place.

Sometimes the pilot takes the ship only into the harbour and the port pilot boards the ship to manoeuvre her to the berth.

He also sees to the mooring of the vessel.

Although the pilot is consulted as to what course should be steered and practically it is he who cons the ship to her place, yet the responsibility for the safety of the vessel lies with the captain.

XxxSpaKxxx 22 июн. 2021 г., 09:11:22 | 1 - 4 классы

Как расставить слова в правильном порядке чтобы получилось предложение?

Как расставить слова в правильном порядке чтобы получилось предложение.

1 we Moscow are in.

2 I five am.

3 can see you tulip blue a.

5 father my is a pilot.

000000988765 11 окт. 2021 г., 06:03:26 | 5 - 9 классы

Ex : 3 Use the words to write questions?

Ex : 3 Use the words to write questions.

A. How long \ you \ be \ a pilot How long have you been a pilot.

Ivan8622 21 июн. 2021 г., 20:37:43 | 5 - 9 классы

Как зделать это на вопрос I will be a pilot?

Как зделать это на вопрос I will be a pilot.

LinaDNS 30 мая 2021 г., 12:03:43 | 5 - 9 классы

An American farmer wanted to make an air trip?

An American farmer wanted to make an air trip.

There was an airport close to is farm.

So one morning he came there to ask if he could make an air trip .

"You see", he said to one of the pilots.

"I have never flown before, but l would like to.

"The pilot told him that the price of the trip was 10 dollars for a ten - minute trip.

"Oh it is a dollar a minute, " the farmer said.

"Can't you reduce the price?

" The pilot thought for minute and the said, "I won't take any money if you don't say a word during the whole trip.

" The farmer agreed.

"By the way, " said the pilot , "you may take your wife too.

" The farmer was happy.

The next day at three o'clock the farmer and his wife arrived at the airport.

Soon they were up in the air.

The plane flew at a high speed , it went up and down very quickly , but since the passengers didn't say a word "You are brave people , " said the pilot.

"I thought you would be afraid to fly.

" "Well, " said the farmer , "I am glad , l will not have to play for the trip , as l didn't have to say a word , but l wanted to speak to you when my wife fell out of the plane.


True or False

1The pilot agreed to reduce the price.

2The pilot thought that his passengers were very brave.

3The farmer didn't want to tell the pilot that his wife had fallen out

4The farmer and his wife arrived at the airport in the evening.

Iuwvan 20 сент. 2021 г., 11:19:40 | 5 - 9 классы

I have got a headache ?

I have got a headache .

Have you got any aspirin?

Yes, they are in the bathroom.

I ___some for you .

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