студенческий - Английский язык - Вопросы и ответы

Mrpawr 3 окт. 2024 г., 06:50:23 | студенческий

Срочно раскидайте по таблицам ​?

Срочно раскидайте по таблицам ​.

Rjbchenkovaola5 3 окт. 2024 г., 04:40:08 | студенческий

Choose the right form to fill in the gap?

Choose the right form to fill in the gap.

My friend ____________ happy to see me.

Was am are were.

Forever56 2 окт. 2024 г., 21:50:01 | студенческий

Срочно, дам 50 баллов?

Срочно, дам 50 баллов!


ЯнаКумкова 2 окт. 2024 г., 12:07:14 | студенческий

Помогите СРОЧНО?

Помогите СРОЧНО!

ARINALiande 2 окт. 2024 г., 12:03:36 | студенческий

Задание 11?

Задание 11.

Вставьте off, in, out, up, down, on, чтобы закончить предложения, и переведите их на русский язык : 1.

I went to the window and looked…….

→ 2. The door was open, so we came….

…. → 3.

There was a free chair, so I sat……….

→ 4. Hurry….

…! We haven’t got much time.

→ 5. I turned …….

The light.

→ 6. It was cold, so I put ….

My coat.


Slavon4ik 2 окт. 2024 г., 04:09:07 | студенческий

Помогите срочно англ дам 50 балов буду дуже вдячна ​?

Помогите срочно англ дам 50 балов буду дуже вдячна ​.

Аося 1 окт. 2024 г., 22:11:04 | студенческий

Подскажите пожалуйста?

Подскажите пожалуйста!

BortichS1 1 окт. 2024 г., 21:31:45 | студенческий

Помогите пожалуйста?

Помогите пожалуйста.

Маdinа 1 окт. 2024 г., 21:26:30 | студенческий



! ! ​.

Mohmadgro 1 окт. 2024 г., 19:30:43 | студенческий

Прочтите текст, напишите 5 вопросов по содержанию прошедшего времени?

Прочтите текст, напишите 5 вопросов по содержанию прошедшего времени.

Likazemlyankina 1 окт. 2024 г., 17:17:11 | студенческий

Іще одне завдання потрібно дуже?

Іще одне завдання потрібно дуже.

Erkoisaev1 1 окт. 2024 г., 05:24:55 | студенческий

Look out?

Look out!

He. fall!

Кс0605 1 окт. 2024 г., 05:21:03 | студенческий

Помогите с английским​?

Помогите с английским​.

Yanabeharska 30 сент. 2024 г., 17:49:26 | студенческий

Текст на англійській мові як я хочу провести свої зимні канікули вісім реченьСрочно пжжжж?

Текст на англійській мові як я хочу провести свої зимні канікули вісім речень

Срочно пжжжж.

LidiaK24 30 сент. 2024 г., 17:37:50 | студенческий

Сочинение по английскому по картине​?

Сочинение по английскому по картине​.

Afrodita33391 30 сент. 2024 г., 15:19:54 | студенческий

3 Beach volleyballe?

3 Beach volleyballe.


Complete the text.

Choose the right form of the verbs in the simple presen chkole.

Com shkole.


OK, so you.

(want) to look cool, listen to 'cool' music and stay fit at the same time.

The answer is beach volleyball.

It. (not have) ale.

Com lot of rules.

As in volleyball two teams .

(play) on a court with a net across it.

But in beach volleyball they.

(have) a shorter court and the players.

(not / play) on a hard floor, they.

(play) on sand.

The teams .

(play) two games.


(not have) a goal or goalkeeper.

One e player.

(hi) the ball from the back line.

The teams.

(try) to 'kill' the ball in the other team's court.

The players.

(use) hand signals so that the others in their tearn.

(know) what they want to do.

Vshkol vshkole vshkole.



Svetlii 30 сент. 2024 г., 14:50:46 | студенческий

Ex. 5?

Ex. 5.

Translate into English :


Я думала, что вы опоздаете в кино.

2. Мы думали, что вы работаете над дипломным проектом.

3. Мы думали, что вы уже нашли свой чертеж.

4. Я знал, что вы купили билет в театр.

5. Она сказала, что собирается ехать в деревню.

6. Он сказал, что взял в библиотеке необходимые книги.

7. Она сказала, что пойдет в музей на следующей неделе.

8. Я был уверен, что вы переводили статью без словаря.

9. Я боялась, что вы устанете.

10. Я не знала, что дети проголодались.

11. Мы были уверены, что эти шедевры живописи произведут на вас большое впечатление.

12. Мы были уверены, что этот дворец связан с именем и биографией русского поэта.

Тороб 30 сент. 2024 г., 12:15:00 | студенческий

Mountain Gorillas Alison Hammond is writing a series of articles about animals in danger for Nature Magazine?

Mountain Gorillas Alison Hammond is writing a series of articles about animals in danger for Nature Magazine.

This week, she tells us about mountain gorillas.

What would you do if you saw a mountain gorilla?

Most people would probably be very afraid and run away!

That's because gorillas have a very frightening appearance.

Firstly, gorillas are huge.

They can grow up to 2 metres tall and can weigh more than 200 kilograms (male gorillas weigh twice as much as female gorillas).

Secondly, gorillas can make a lot of noise.

They can roar, bang their chests, and show their teeth.

In fact, these aggressive displays are very rare and male gorillas only do it when they are protecting their families.

The truth is, gorillas are incredibly intelligent, gentle, and social animals that stay together in small family groups.

The leader is the largest male, called the silverback.

That's because of the beautiful silver fur on its back.

They spend almost all of their time on the forest floor, eating and sleeping.

They are mainly vegetarian, although they eat some insects.

Young gorillas often play together.

They run around and climb trees.

At night, the animals make a nest to sleep in.

The lighter gorillas nest in trees.

The heavier gorillas make nests on the ground and the babies sleep with their mothers.

Gorillas rarely attack humans.

They only fight when something or someone attacks them or their young.

In that situation, they will fight to the death.

Hunters looking for baby gorillas may have to kill a whole family to get what they want.

Sadly, there are fewer than 650 mountain gorillas left in the wild, which means they are an endangered species.

These gorillas only live in the mountain jungles of Zaire, Rwanda, and Uganda.

They are endangered because people hunt them for food and for trophies.

They are also threatened by war, and humans cut down their forests for farmland, fuel, and housing.

Life for these gentle giants isn't peaceful.

1) For what two reasons are people afraid of gorillas?

2) When are gorillas usually aggressive?

3) Why are some male gorillas called silverbacks?

4) Why do hunters sometimes kill whole families?

5) Why do humans want the land where gorillas live?


Vovhinnik 30 сент. 2024 г., 10:19:38 | студенческий

2. Read the rubric and the statements A - E?

2. Read the rubric and the statements A - E.

Think of a question that can answer each.

You are going to hear four questions.

Read the answers.

For every question 1 - 4 choose the right answer (A - E).

One answer doesn't match any of the questions.

A) Yes, fi he doesn't take long.

B) Yes, he was late.

C)No, he was half an hour late.

D)Maybe he had an appointment.

E) Because he had to catch the bus.

1 _____ 2_____3______4______.

Stadnikdarya 30 сент. 2024 г., 09:21:27 | студенческий



Задайте вопросы к предложению : English is worth studying.
