Сжмите текст до 5 - 6 предложений The groups and individuals that representwhat is known as the "anti - globalisationmovement" began in the late twentieth -century?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Сжмите текст до 5 - 6 предложений The groups and individuals that represent

what is known as the "anti - globalisation

movement" began in the late twentieth -


Their purpose was to combat the

obalisation of corporate economic activity and : prevent the free trade among nations that

ght result from such activity.

Members of the anti - globalisation movement

ave generally seeked to protect the world's ; pulation and ecosystem from what they believe : be the damaging effects of globalisation,

jpport for human rights is another cornerstone

c the anti - globalisation movement's platform, - ey advocate for labor rights, environmentalism, = Tiinism, freedom of migration, preservation of

e cultures of indigenous peoples, biodiversity,


Tural diversity, food safety, and ending or

eforming capitalism.

The movement itself

"eludes diverse and som etim es opposing - losophies of the globalisation process, and

corporates alternative visions, strategies and - actics.

Generally speaking, protesters believe that

the global financial institutions and agreements

they make undermine local decision - making


Many governments and free trade

institutions are seen as acting for the good only

of multinational corporations (e.

G. Microsoft,

Monsanto, etc).

These corporations are seen as

having privileges that most human beings do not

even have, such as moving freely across borders,

extracting desired natural resources, and utilising

a diversity of human resources.

They are then

able to move on after sometimes doing permanent

damage to the environment, the culture or the

economy, in a manner impossible for that nation's

citizens to actually do themselves.

Activists also

claim that corporations impose a kind of "global


Common targets include the World Bank

(WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF),

the Organisation for Economic Co - operation

and Development (OECD) and the World Trade

Organization (WTO).

In light of the economic I f *

gap between rich and poor countries, anti -

globalists claim "free trade" will actually result

in strengthening the power of industrialised


Activists of the movement argue that, if

borders are opened to multinational corporations,

they should be similarly opened to allow free

and legal circulation and choice of residence for

migrants and refugees.

These activists tend to

target organisations such as the International

Organization for Migration and the Schengen

Information System.

In 2003, many of those involved in the

movement showed wide opposition to the war

in Iraq.

Many participants were among those 11

million or more protesters that on the weekend

of the 15th of February participated in global

protests against the Iraq war and were dubbed

the "world's second superpower" by an editorial in the New York Times.

The economic and military

issues are closely linked in the eyes of many

within the movement.

Despite the lack of formal co - ordinating

bodies, the movement manages to successfully

organise large protests on a global basis, using

information technology to spread information.

One argument often made by the opponents

of the anti - globalisation movement is that,

although it protests about things that are

widely recognised as serious problems, such

as human rights violations, genocide and global

warming, it rarely proposes detailed solutions.

Some have also criticised the movement for

engaging in violent or destructive protest.


general, movement leaders tend to encourage

peaceful protest as the more productive way

of getting attention and respect for their goals,

although occasionally protests do turn violent.

Tim eline of anti - globalists events

June 18, 1999 — Carnival against Capitalism worldwide, including London,

England, and the USA

January 20, 2001 — Washington, D.

C. , President Bush's inauguration

June 25, 2001 — Barcelona, Spain, World Bank protests

July 20, 2001 — Genoa, Italy, G8 summit

September 29, 2001 — Washington, D.

C. , Anti - capitalist anti - war protests

Weekend of February 15, 2003, March, April — Global protests against

Iraq war about 12 million anti - war protesters

May 29 — June 3, 2003 — Evian, Geneva and Lausanne, Switzerland, G8

July 2 — July 8, 2005 — Scotland, Protests against the G8 Summit

June 2006 — Russia, St Petersburg, G8

June 2, 2007 — 80, 000 protest in Rostock ahead of the G8 Summit.

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Ответы (1)
Verba1999 1 нояб. 2018 г., 18:57:46

The groups and individuals that represent

what is known as the "anti - globalisation

movement" began in the late twentieth -


Their purpose was to combat the

obalisation of corporate economic activity and : prevent the free trade among nations that

ght result from such activity.

These corporations are seen as

having privileges that most human beings do not

even have, such as moving freely across borders,

extracting desired natural resources, and utilising

a diversity of human resources.

They are then

able to move on after sometimes doing permanent

damage to the environment, the culture or the

economy, in a manner impossible for that nation's

citizens to actually do themselves.

Some have also criticised the movement for

engaging in violent or destructive protest.


general, movement leaders tend to encourage

peaceful protest as the more productive way

of getting attention and respect for their goals,

although occasionally protests do turn violent.

Tanyaaa9 16 апр. 2018 г., 04:02:38 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите пожалуйста логично перевести текст The government brings bills (suggested new laws) to the House of Commons, where they are discussed by MPs?

Помогите пожалуйста логично перевести текст The government brings bills (suggested new laws) to the House of Commons, where they are discussed by MPs.

The bills then go to the House of Lords.

The House of Lords can suggest changes to a bill, but does not have the power to stop it from becoming law.

When the bills come back to the Commons, MPs vote on them, and if they are passed they are signed by the Queen or King and become Acts of Parliament, which means that they become part of British law.

In 1997, the people of Scotland and Wales voted for devolution, which means that they will have their own separate parliaments, known as the Scottish Parliament or the Scottish Assembly, and the Welsh Parliament or the Welsh Assembly.

Westminster will continue to deal with things cuch as foreign affairs, defence and immigration, and the Scottish and Welsh parliaments will deal with things such as health, education, transport, and the environment.

The organizations that are responsible for local government in the UK are called councils.

Their main job is to provide local service such as schools, libraries, and the Fire Service.

They are also responsible for the local environment, and take rubbish form people's houses and clean the streets.

Масяньчик 15 мая 2018 г., 19:11:30 | 5 - 9 классы

Знающие английский язык?

Знающие английский язык!

Помогите сократить текст для пересказа Russia is one of the largest countries in the world.

The vast territory of Russia lies in the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia.

Russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans.

The oceans are : the Arctic, the Atlantic, the Pacific.

The seas are : the White Sea, the Barents Sea, the Okhotsk Sea, the Black Sea, the BalticSea and others.

Russia borders on many countries, such as Mongolia and China in the south - east, Finland and Norway in the north - west, and so on.

The land of Russia varies very much from forests to deserts, from high mountains to deep valleys.

The main mountain chains are the Urals, the Caucasus and the Altai.

There are a lot of great rivers and deep lakes on its territory.

The longest rivers are the Volga in Europe and the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena in Asia.

The largest lakes are Ladoga and Baikal.

Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and its water is the purest on earth.

The Russian Federation is rich in natural and mineral resources.

It has deposits of oil, gas, coal, iron, gold and many others.

The current population of Russia is more than 140 million people.

The European part of the country is densely peopled, and most population live in cities and towns and their outskirts.

The capital of the Russian Federation is Moscow, with the population of about 10 million people.

Russia is a presidential republic.

It is one of the leading powers in the world.

Yulia73 1 дек. 2018 г., 19:42:07 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите с пересказом текста?

Помогите с пересказом текста.

Текст перевел легко.

Но надо еще пересказ а я понятия не имею как его делать.

Помогите пожалуйста


The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada, and China).

It occupies the southern part of North America and stretches from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean.

It also includes Alaska in the north and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.

The total area of the country is about nine and a half million square kilometres.

The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south.

It also has a seaboarder with Russia.

The USA is made up of 50 states and the District of Columbia where the capital of the country, Washington, is situated.

The population of the country is about 250 million.

If we look at the map of the USA, we can see lowlands and mountains.

The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera, and the Sierra Nevada.

The highest peak is Mount McKinley, which is located in Alaska.

America's largest rivers are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande, and the Columbia.

The Great Lakes on the border with Canada are the largest and deepest in the USA.

The climate of the country varies greatly.

The coldest regions are in the north.

The climate of Alaska is arctic.

The climate of the central part of the country is continental.

The south has subtropical climate.

Hot winds blowing from the Gulf of Mexico often bring typhoons.

The climate along the Pacific coast is much warmer than that of the Atlantic coast.

The USA is a highly developed industrial country.

It is the leading producer of copper and oil and the worlds second producer of iron ore and coal.

On the industrial enterprises of the country they produce aircrafts, cars, textiles, radio and television sets, weapon, furniture, and paper.

Though mainly European and African in origin, the Americans are made up from nearly all races and nations, including the Chinese and the native Americans — Indians.

The largest cities are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San Francisco, and others.

The United States is a federal republic consisting of 50 states, each of which has its own government.

The seat of the central (federal) government is Washington, D.

C. According to the Constitution of the USA, the powers of the government are divided into 3 branches : the executive, headed by the President, the legislative, exercised by the Congress, and the juridical.

The Congress consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

There are two main political parties in the USA : the Republican and the Democratic.

Barinsvet 21 окт. 2018 г., 08:21:08 | 10 - 11 классы

Globalisation refers to the idea that the world is developing a single economy and culture as a result of improved technology and communications and the influence of very large multinational companies?

Globalisation refers to the idea that the world is developing a single economy and culture as a result of improved technology and communications and the influence of very large multinational companies.

The world is seen as a global village in which all countries depend on each other and seem to be closer together There are many arguments surrounding the phenomenon of globalisation and they're all quite controversial.

Opponents of globalisation or anti - globalists say that it exploits workers and degrades the environment.

They say that, as multinational corporations become more powerful, they become less accountable for their actions.

And there's increasing concern that multinational (mainly American) companies are crushing the cultures of smaller nations.

But supporters of globalisation, or globalists, argue that world trade makes everyone richer.

They say that, as more countries make trade deals with one another, international understanding increases, therefore lessening conflict and improving human rights.

Помогите пожалуйста, нужно краткий пересказ, только основные мысли.

Кирочка2003 29 сент. 2018 г., 15:11:50 | 10 - 11 классы

Укажите верные утверждения?

Укажите верные утверждения.

The main borders of Russia with other countries are in the south and in the west.

They are the Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans that Russia is washed by.

There is no official language in Russia as it is a multinational state.

There are three parts of power that Russian political system consists of : the Federal Assembly, the Federation Council and the Duma.

Лера2001а 23 апр. 2018 г., 22:04:28 | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите на русский язык пожалуйста?

Переведите на русский язык пожалуйста!

30 баллов (3) That the preparation of a new war being conducted in a number of countries, notably in the U.

S. A.

And Great Britain, be condemned.

(2) That the use of the atomic weapon and other means of mass extermination of human beings be proclaimed contrary to the conscience and honour of nations and incompatible with membership in the United Nations Organization, and that it be considered impermissible for the United Nations further to delay the adoption of practical measures for the unqualified prohibition of the atomic weapon and for the establishment of the necessary strict international control.

(3) That the General Assembly express the wish that the five Powers — the United States of America, Great Britain, China, France — unite their efforts to avert the danger of a new war and conclude among themselves a Pact for the Strengthening of Peace.

Юляшка115 16 авг. 2018 г., 05:24:11 | 1 - 4 классы

For many years I've watched the ships a - sailing to and fro, The mighty ships, the little ships, the speedy and the slow : And many a time I've told myself that someday I would go Around the world th?

For many years I've watched the ships a - sailing to and fro, The mighty ships, the little ships, the speedy and the slow : And many a time I've told myself that someday I would go Around the world that is so full of wonders.

МихаилН 15 апр. 2018 г., 22:09:44 | 10 - 11 классы

ЗАДАТЬ ВОПРОС К КАЖДОМУ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЮ Common targets include the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organisation for Economic Co - operation and Development (OECD) and the World?

ЗАДАТЬ ВОПРОС К КАЖДОМУ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЮ Common targets include the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organisation for Economic Co - operation and Development (OECD) and the World Trade Organization (WTO).

In light of the economic 25 If * gap between rich and poor countries, antiglobalists claim "free trade" will actually result in strengthening the power of industrialised nations.

Levonarutyunya 2 мар. 2018 г., 15:42:03 | 1 - 4 классы

The fact that the two countries and international issues and a lot?

The fact that the two countries and international issues and a lot.

SivkovSasha 29 сент. 2018 г., 10:47:45 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите с переводом пожалуйста The main parts ofthe human body are the head, the trunk, the upper and the lower extremities or limbs?

Помогите с переводом пожалуйста The main parts ofthe human body are the head, the trunk, the upper and the lower extremities or limbs.

The head is connected with the trunk with the neck.

The head is formed by the back part, the crown and the face.

The upper part of the face is formed by the forehead and the temples.

Below there are the eyes, the nose, the cheeks, the mouth and the chin.

On both sides of the head there are the ears.

The eye is composed of the eyeball and the pupil.

The eyebrows, lashes and the lids protect theeyes.

The oral cavity contains the teeth which are set in the gums, the tongue, the hard and the soft palate, the tonsils and the throat.

The margins of the mouth are the lips.

The jaws form the framework of the mouth.

[ рис 3 ] The organs of senses are the eyes, the ears, the nose, the skin and the tongue.

We see with our eyes.

We hear with our ears.

We smell with our nose.

We taste with our tongue.

We touch with our skin.

The parts of the trunk are the breast, the waist, the abdomen, the back, the buttocks and the genitals.

In the thoracic cavity there are the respiratory, the circulatory and the digestive organs.

The main organs ofrespiration are the nasal cavity, the pharynx, the larynx, the trachea, the bronchi, the lungs and the diaphragm.

We breath with our lungs.

The circulatory system comprises the heart and the blood vessels - the arteries, the veins and the capillaries.

The heart pumps blood to various parts of the body.

The organs of digestion are contained in the oral cavity, in the thoracic cavity and in the abdominal cavity.

Digestion begins in the mouth.

From the mouth food passes in to the esophagus which is in the thoracic cavity.

Through the esophagus food passes into the stomach and the intestines where it is further digested.

The liver, spleen and the gall­bladder also take part in the process of digestion.

The main excretory organs are the kidneys, the ureters, the urethra and the urinary bladder.

The organs of excretion excrete waste products.

The body is coveredwith the skin.

The back and the top of the head are covered with hair.

At the finger - tips there are the nails.

The nervous systemconsists of nerves, the brain and the medulla.

The osseous system consists of bones which support the body.

Their places of articulation are called the joints.

The muscular system consists of muscles which contract and move the limbs.

The main bones which form the skeleton are the skull, the vertebral column which consists of vertebrae, the ribs, the scapulae, the clavicles and the sternum which form the thoracic cavity, and the pelvic bones.

The humerus, the ulna, the radius are the bones which form the upper limbs.

The femur, the tibia and the fibula are bones which form the lower extremities.

The main glands ofthe human body are the secretory glands, such as the thyroid, the pancreas, the suprarenal and the salivary glands.

The excretory glands are the sweat glands, the adipose glands and the lacrimal glands.

The arm is formed by the shoulder, the upper arm, the elbow and the forearm.

The hand consists of the wrist, the palm, the fingers and the thumb.

The leg is formed by the hip, the thigh, the knee, the shank, the calf, the ankle.

The foot consists of the heel, the sole and the toes.

The substance which forms the human body consists of cells, fibers and tissues.

Вы зашли на страницу вопроса Сжмите текст до 5 - 6 предложений The groups and individuals that representwhat is known as the "anti - globalisationmovement" began in the late twentieth -century?, который относится к категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности вопрос соответствует учебной программе для учащихся 10 - 11 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью автоматической системы «умный поиск». Интересную информацию можно найти в комментариях-ответах пользователей, с которыми есть обратная связь для обсуждения темы. Если предложенные варианты ответов не удовлетворяют, создайте свой вариант запроса в верхней строке.