Task 3?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Task 3.

Write the letters in numbers.

1. Seven hundred seventy five -


One hundred thirty five -


Two hundred forty four –


Thirteen and five - ​.

Ответить на вопрос
Ответы (1)
Равшан4636 21 мар. 2024 г., 00:01:52

Ответ : 1 - 775.

2 - 135.

3 - 244.

4 - 1305

Объяснение :

Steamlalka 16 февр. 2024 г., 12:32:10 | студенческий

Put the correct form of the verb 'to work' / Вставьте необходимую форму глагола to work :By the time Robert retired he … as a vet for thirty - five years already?

Put the correct form of the verb 'to work' / Вставьте необходимую форму глагола to work :

By the time Robert retired he … as a vet for thirty - five years already.


Espacesinge 29 февр. 2024 г., 05:35:15 | 5 - 9 классы

Make up five sentences with Relative pronouns : whoo and whom?

Make up five sentences with Relative pronouns : whoo and whom.

Xottabych425 28 мар. 2024 г., 17:53:13 | 1 - 4 классы

Помогите пожалуста?

Помогите пожалуста!

Where are these people from five questions and answer.

DikoOh 16 апр. 2024 г., 20:55:28 | 5 - 9 классы

Пж надо срочно перевести в цифры : three hundred and seventy fiveEight hundred and oneThirteen thousand three hundredNine hundred and seventy threeTwelve thousand one hundredSeven hundred and twenty o?

Пж надо срочно перевести в цифры : three hundred and seventy five

Eight hundred and one

Thirteen thousand three hundred

Nine hundred and seventy three

Twelve thousand one hundred

Seven hundred and twenty one

Forty thousand five hundred

One thousand one hundred and two

Five hundred and twenty three

Two thousand four hundred and nine

Four hundred and ninety seven

Ninety thousand two hundred and one.

Aksenovamilana 18 апр. 2024 г., 00:09:59 | 5 - 9 классы

Task 4?

Task 4.

Put the letters in the right order and write down the words.

1. cdaasotrebr - 2.

Oblmiysse - _ 3.

Uashtxeed - 4drrauem - 5 momecnedr - ​.

Aladevarina 30 июн. 2024 г., 00:50:56 | 5 - 9 классы

1 Write the numbers in words?

1 Write the numbers in words.

1 600 six hundred

2 7, 584

3 259

4 354

5 22nd

6 53rd

7 11th

8 99th​.

Жекич6 22 июн. 2024 г., 03:52:55 | 5 - 9 классы

NUMBERSOne is a number,Two is a numberThree is a number?


One is a number,

Two is a number

Three is a number.


Number five is before six,

And number seven is more!

Eight is a number,

Nine is a number,

Now become to ten.

And we are back at

one again!

​ помогите перевести правильно пожалуйста.

Т221 8 июн. 2024 г., 15:54:58 | студенческий

Task 1 (15 points)?

Task 1 (15 points).

Complete the words.

Translate every word into Russian.

Then make up five sentences with any five words.

C_nd_m_n_ _m

d_ _le_

r_ _ c_

su_ _r_s

d_r_i_ _ r_

_ow_ h_u_e

_h_lt_ _


c_tt_ _e

t_ _t

Now make up five sentences with any five words.





____________________________________________________________________ ​.

Vjvjhvhjgv 16 окт. 2024 г., 12:27:28 | 5 - 9 классы

How many galleries are opened to publis?

How many galleries are opened to publis?

A) Two thousand B)One million C) One hundred D)One billion


MariMinty 26 янв. 2024 г., 05:43:02 | 5 - 9 классы

She ?

She .

Tv Show Five Times.

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