Виконати завдання користуючись часами Past Perfect та Past Simple?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Виконати завдання користуючись часами Past Perfect та Past Simple.

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Ответы (1)
Ladymoon95 7 окт. 2024 г., 01:50:43

Ответ :


By the time we got to the cinema the film had started, so we missed the first five minutes.

2. When I rang the bell there was no answer.

The neighbour told me that they had gone about half an hour ago.

3. I saw New York for the first time last night.

I had not seen it before.

4. There was so much to see in London.

I had planed to see a lot of things but there wasn't enough time.

I'll have to come back.

5. If she had taken my advice, it wouldn't have happened.

6. We wouldn't have had an argument, if they had not mentioned politics.

7. If you had not parked there, you wouldn't have got a parking fine.

8. John told me he had bought a new car.

9. When we arrived in Ireland, the airline company had lost our luggage, so we had to wait two days to get it back.

Fortunately they delivered it to the hotel.

Объяснение : Надеюсь правильно.

89171907338 15 июл. 2024 г., 09:18:33 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите поставить в Presently Perfect and Past Simple?

Помогите поставить в Presently Perfect and Past Simple.

Жансая991 31 янв. 2024 г., 21:06:21 | 5 - 9 классы

Скласти речення в Past Simple(3речення) ; Past Cont?

Скласти речення в Past Simple(3речення) ; Past Cont.

(3реч), Past Perfect (3реч) ; Present Simple (3 реч), Present Cont.

(3реч), Present Perfect (3 реч)


Olga4570 31 июл. 2024 г., 16:16:55 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите срочно на past simple present perfect срочно пожалуйста?

Помогите срочно на past simple present perfect срочно пожалуйста.

KATYGUSAK 29 апр. 2024 г., 16:53:33 | 10 - 11 классы

Use the the past simple, continuous, perfect, perfect continuous or would?

Use the the past simple, continuous, perfect, perfect continuous or would.

Jktcz 21 сент. 2024 г., 01:09:55 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите срочно пожалуйста?

Помогите срочно пожалуйста!

Past simple or Present perfect​.

Oli12 27 апр. 2024 г., 10:36:30 | 5 - 9 классы



Даю 90баллов!

Choose the Past Perfect or the Past Simple.

We had already eaten when John (come) home

Choose the Past Perfect or the Past Simple.

Last year Juan (pass) all his exams.

Choose the Past Perfect or the Past Simple.

When I (get) to the airport, I discovered I had forgotten my passport.

Choose the Past Perfect or the Past Simple.

I went to the library, then I (buy) some milk and went home.

Choose the Past Perfect or the Past Simple.

I opened my handbag to find that I

(forgot) my credit card.

Choose the Past Perfect or the Past Simple.

When we (arrive) at the station, the train

had already left.

Choose the Past Perfect or the Past Simple.

We got home to find that someone (break) into the house.

Choose the Past Perfect or the Past Simple.

I opened the fridge to find someone (eat) all my chocolate.

Choose the Past Perfect or the Past Simple.

I had known my husband for three years when we (get) married.

Choose the Past Perfect or the Past Simple.

Julie was very pleased to see that John (clean) the kitchen.

ТаМнеБыстро 8 июн. 2024 г., 08:09:21 | 5 - 9 классы

ПомогитеPut the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or the past simple?


Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or the past simple.

Alex315mega 10 авг. 2024 г., 07:17:12 | 5 - 9 классы

Даю 30 баллов, помогите предложение в past perfect simple или в past perfect continuous?

Даю 30 баллов, помогите предложение в past perfect simple или в past perfect continuous.

Gunia3 10 янв. 2024 г., 00:01:43 | 1 - 4 классы

We use это Present simple past simple или present perfect?

We use это Present simple past simple или present perfect.

Peöeöed 5 сент. 2024 г., 19:27:53 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйста Past simple and Past Perfect даю 25 баллов?

Помогите пожалуйста Past simple and Past Perfect даю 25 баллов.

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