Даю 40 баловTask 2?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Даю 40 балов

Task 2.

Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of living in the city or in the countryside.

Напиши о преимуществах и недостатках жизни в городе и деревне



Advantages ( + )

Disadvantages ( - )

про город и деревню.

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Ответы (1)
HxmReggie 23 мая 2024 г., 03:06:12

Adv in county side : - fresh air - beautiful fiends - quit - it’s more clean because there are no factories, cars etc.

Disadv in a countryside : - bad internet connection - winter is colder - might be problems with water, heating etc

Adv in city - public transport (it’s convenient) - less problems with water, heating etc - easier to find a job - easier to find a place to hang out

Disadv in city - it’s loud - “bad” air - more expensive to live , than in countryside

Adv - advantages

Disadv - disadvantages

Сократила просто

Можешь пометить как лучший ответ?

Буду благодарна).

Тттаттт 23 янв. 2024 г., 21:40:36 | студенческий

Whatequipmentdoyou need forthe outdooractivities above?

Whatequipmentdoyou need forthe outdoor

activities above?

Make sentences asin the example.

Whatelse is missing from the list?

Defrag97 16 янв. 2024 г., 20:01:23 | 5 - 9 классы

In your article you should think of the following questions : 1?

In your article you should think of the following questions : 1.

What are the advantages of joining the club?

2. What kind of sports can you join?

3. Who are the teachers / instructors?

Помогите пожалуйста ​.

ОльгаСидельникова 1 мар. 2024 г., 17:17:00 | 5 - 9 классы




Complete the sentences.

Солнышко888 28 мар. 2024 г., 03:07:15 | 5 - 9 классы

50 Балов?

50 Балов!

Переведите текст

London, the capital of Great Britain, is a big city.

It covers more than 600 square miles

and consists of 33 separate boroughs, including the City, the West End, the East End and

houses over 12 million people.

They say, big cities are not always different.

Modern buildings, modern shops and

stores, hotels and cinemas look alike in today's cities.

But some things you can only see in


What are they?

In London you find Beefeaters and Pearly Kings and Queens.


find Covent Garden and Madam Tussaud's.

Britain has more living symbols of its past than many other countries, and its capital

boasts many ancient buildings like the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, or St.

Paul's Cathedral.

London is a royal city.

The British King or Queen has a palace there - Buckingham


Queen Elizabeth lives there now.

Tourist can see the everyday ceremony called "the

Changing of the Guard".

Every day a new guard of thirty guardsmen marches to the palace

and take the place of the "old guard".

The Tower of London, built in 1078 by William the Conqueror to protect the city, is

an interesting place with its Beefeaters and the| Crown Jewels.

The Imperial State Crown is

one of the Crown Jewels in the Jewel House in the Tower of London.

It has 3000 stones in it :

diamonds, red rubies, blue sapphires, and beautiful pearls.

The Queen wears it on state


Then it goes back to the Tower.

The Beefeaters guard Tower and the Crown

Jewels, and they help visitors.

London is a city, but to Londoners 'the City' is a place in London.

The banks and big

companies have their head offices there.

City offices are in tall modern buildings, or in old

buildings on narrow streets.

The office people do not live in the City, they come to the City

every day, from Monday to Friday.

Five important streets meet at Piccadilly Circus in London's 'West End'.

The cars, the

tourist coaches, the red London buses, and the taxis go round a statue there.

It is not a statue

of a famous man or woman.

People don't remember the statue's real name.

They say : 'It's

Eros, the Greek god of love'.

Piccadilly Circus is a very busy place.

It is busy day and night.

People come here to the shops in the day time, and at night they come for a night out.


can eat in one of the restaurants in the West End near Piccadilly Circus.

They can get food

from twenty different countries in West End restaurants.

Londoners, and visitors, can go to a theatre in the West End, or to a concert, to an

opera or a ballet.

And there are fifty cinemas near Piccadilly Circus.

West End hosts

museums and galleries, among them are the Tate Gallery, the National Gallery, the National

Portrait Gallery and the British Museum.

The 'East End' is the area of London where people from abroad have come to find


It is especially famous as the centre of the clothing industry in London and as a market


Every Sunday morning it becomes one of the sights of London.

London is packed with interest and it's all in colour.

So whether you're new to the city, or

you've visited it before there will be something exciting in London.

87715117870ksyксю 25 мар. 2024 г., 19:49:49 | студенческий

Computer gamesadvantages examples / detailsSome games areeducational?

Computer games

advantages examples / details

Some games are


They can improve your


Disadvantages examples / details

помогите пожалуйста ​.

Pmpkvorkuta 29 мар. 2024 г., 17:45:53 | 10 - 11 классы

III Complete the following conversationA : What city do you live in?

III Complete the following conversation

A : What city do you live in?

B : .

A : Is your city clean or polluted?

B : .

A : How many plants are there in your city?

B : .

A : What do you do to keep your city clean?

B : .


25011969 8 янв. 2024 г., 13:15:33 | 5 - 9 классы

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb : check out, check in, checksoff, check on, checked out of1?

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb : check out, check in, checks

off, check on, checked out of


After you .

, someone will help you carry your bags to your


2. Let's go and .

That new restaurant in the city center.

3. Laura usually .

The items on her shopping list as she goes around

the supermarket.

4. Peter was asked to return his room key when he .

The hotel.

5. Can you .

The dinner and make sure it's not burning?

Shamambaeva01Park95 4 мар. 2024 г., 08:18:08 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйста : ( Make the following sentences negative?

Помогите пожалуйста : ( Make the following sentences negative.

1 They will restore the main church in our city next year.

2 The government will do something to improve the roads in our country


He will pass that exam successfully


I'll bring you some tea and biscuits.

5. They will organise a nice concert here.


Borovikova2004 23 янв. 2024 г., 11:17:49 | 5 - 9 классы

Make a list of the Best zoos in the world?

Make a list of the Best zoos in the world.

Не перевод задания, а готовое само задание.

Ерика2 21 мар. 2024 г., 13:16:47 | 10 - 11 классы

We sometimes?

We sometimes.

The train to the city centre.

Are taking

have taken



КСЮШАКОРОЛЕВА123 2 мар. 2024 г., 14:10:10 | 5 - 9 классы

Our countrysideConnect the key words with the definitions, 4people who look after crops andAgriculturemethods that are used to raiseafter crops and animalsFarmers​?

Our countryside

Connect the key words with the definitions, 4

people who look after crops and


methods that are used to raise

after crops and animals


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