
Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы


Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word or with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

No. Items.


It was _____ (the / - - / a) middle of the summer, and the days ____(be) long and hot.

School started earlier than ever before.

It was the beginning of August and they

____(already / be) in school for a week.

Tim ___(lie) in his bed every night listening to his

friends playing in the street.

He wished he ____(can) be with them.

He wanted to play

instead of being alone in his room.

The fan in the window did not help much to cool the


He put the wet cloth on his forehead to cool the sweat from his face.

Sometimes he

would sit up and look out of the window to watch the kids, but it made him

____(feel / feeling / to feel) sad when he did.

The best part of summer was watching the

fireflies as they blinked in the night.

He was usually asleep before he could see them, but

on Friday nights, he ____(allow) to stay up later.

Then he could play outside, chase the

fireflies and put them ____(in / into / onto) a jar.

He ____(hide) them under the sheets on

his bed and watched them glow.

In the morning if they were still alive, he would let them

to ___(to go / go / going).

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Ответы (1)
Ooaah 23 мая 2024 г., 03:07:19

Ответ :

It was the middle of the summer, and the days were long and hot.

School started earlier than ever before.

It was the beginning of August and they

already were in school for a week.

Tim lied in his bed every night listening to his

friends playing in the street.

He wished he could be with them.

He wanted to play

instead of being alone in his room.

The fan in the window did not help much to cool the


He put the wet cloth on his forehead to cool the sweat from his face.

Sometimes he

would sit up and look out of the window to watch the kids, but it made him

feel sad when he did.

The best part of summer was watching the

fireflies as they blinked in the night.

He was usually asleep before he could see them, but

on Friday nights, he's allowed to stay up later.

Then he could play outside, chase the

fireflies and put them into a jar.

He hid them under the sheets on

his bed and watched them glow.

In the morning if they were still alive, he would let them

to go.

Mahsatovanadiy1 17 янв. 2024 г., 07:11:57 | 1 - 4 классы

Listen and complete?

Listen and complete.


- - Tom doesn't like going on holidays to the His favourite place for a holidays is the There's a You can and They walk in the Last year, Tom and his family were in a There wasn't a in the water.

And they also have but there was a​.

Rusikbakirov1 12 мар. 2024 г., 02:46:41 | студенческий

4. He (not, write)his home task at the mome ht (think) he (play) on the computer?

4. He (not, write)his home task at the mome ht (think) he (play) on the computer.


Юля0308 10 апр. 2024 г., 19:05:54 | 5 - 9 классы

Jason looked at his watch?

Jason looked at his watch.

It was time for his favorite TV show.

He turned on the TV.

He sat down in his chair.

But then he heard his dog.

His dog was scratching at the door.

Oh, no, Jason thought.

The dog wanted to go out.

The dog had to go to the bathroom.

If he lived in a house, he could let the dog go out the door and into the yard.

But he lived in an apartment.

He didn’t have a yard.

He had to take the dog for a walk.

But if he took the dog for a walk, he would miss his favorite TV show.

The dog scratched at the door again.

Jason turned off the TV.

Write true, false, doesn’t say.

1. Jason looked at his watch.

2. Jason has many friends.

3. The dog scratched at the door again.

Aida367 8 янв. 2024 г., 19:58:37 | 1 - 4 классы

Fill in the gap 3 with the correct form of the verb?

Fill in the gap 3 with the correct form of the verb.

She - - - — 1(to find) the family on the beach.

Theo - - - — 2(to sit) on the sand beside his clothes.

Pierce, who - - - — * 3 (to swim) * , - - - — 4 (to lie) on the pebbles, half in and half out of the water.

The dog, who - - - - - 5 (to swim) with Pierce, - - - — 6 (to shake) itself.

The cat, who - - - - - 7 (to get) into a basket, - - - — 8(to watch) the dog.

Paula and John - - - — 9 (to get) fully dressed and - - - — 10 (to walk) slowly along the beach.

G2002a 13 мар. 2024 г., 21:12:11 | 5 - 9 классы

СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕпрочитайте текст и зделайте задания в низуThe sailor and the monkeysA ship stopped at the coast of South Africa?


прочитайте текст и зделайте задания в низу

The sailor and the monkeys

A ship stopped at the coast of South Africa.

One of the sailors left the ship and went to a town near the coast.

He had some blue caps made of wool in a bag and wanted to sell them in the town.

The sun was hot and the sailor decided to have a rest in the forest.

He sat down under a big tree, took one of the caps out of his bag and put it on his head.

He slept for some time.

When the man woke up, he took his cap off and wanted to put it into his bag with the other caps.

But he saw that there were no caps in it now.

Where were they?

"Where are my caps?

" he cried.

Then the sailor heard a great noise in the trees above his head.

He looked up and saw monkeys, and each monkey had a blue cap on its head!

"Give me back my caps, you monkeys!

" he cried.

But the monkeys didn't listen to him.

They only jumped from tree to tree and made a great noise.

"Give me back my caps!

" he cried again and again.

But nothing helped.

The monkeys only looked at him.

Then the sailor was very angry.

He took off the blue cap, threw it on the ground and cried, "You have taken all my caps!

You can have this cap too!

" The monkeys saw him do that.

Then each monkey took off the cap and threw it on the ground.

The sailor picked up his caps, put them into his bag and went to town.

1. Listen to the text.

Are the following statements about the text true or false?

Change the false statements to make them true.

1. A ship stopped at the coast of North Africa.

2. One of the sailors went to a village near the coast.

3. He had some blue caps made of wool in a bag.

4. The sailor decided to have a rest in the hotel.

5. He put one cap on his head and went to bed.

6. When he woke up, he couldn't find his caps.

7. The sailor heard a great noise in the trees above his head.

8. He saw monkeys with blue caps on their heads.

9. The monkeys were funny in the caps and the sailor was happy.

Anton12312 7 апр. 2024 г., 08:16:39 | студенческий

COMPLETE THE SENTENCES AND MATCH TO THE PICTURES 1 - Mark (blow) the tyre when his dad look) at him?

COMPLETE THE SENTENCES AND MATCH TO THE PICTURES 1 - Mark (blow) the tyre when his dad look) at him.

2 - Julia (play) tennis when his racquet (break).

He was very sad 3.

- My dad (read) the newspaper when I (arrive) home 4 - The girl (fall) asleep when she (study) in her bedroom.

5. - It was early in the morning and the yellow bird (sing) happily 6.

- When I.

(see) my friend he (laugh) loudly.

7 - My cat afternoon.

(sleep) on the branch in the 8 - The four friends (hold) hands before starting playing the strange game.

9. - Sonia (ring) (talk) to her friend when the phone 10.

- The pupils.

. (be) in silence while the teacher (give) the exams.

11. - Maggie (jump) when she heard the results of the exam.

12. The cowboy (ride) his best horse when it (start) to rain.

The horse.

(begin) to run very very fast.

Astasimaks 6 апр. 2024 г., 02:44:28 | 10 - 11 классы

UNIT g 9 3 Choose the correct form of the verbs in the text below?

UNIT g 9 3 Choose the correct form of the verbs in the text below.

Aaron Lucas is 21 and he's always dreamed of being a train driver.

Today is his first day at work and Sheffield is his first destination.

The train 'leaves / is leaving London St Pancras at 2.

30 and ?

Is arriving / arrives two hours later.

Next week, he 3's going to drive / drives trains further - to Newcastle, Edinburgh and Aberdeen And the good news is that he doesn't travel / isn't travelling alone, the whole family stake / are taking the train with him on his first day.

He b's going to work / works all week, but for them it's a holiday!


Космос1523 29 февр. 2024 г., 23:21:33 | 5 - 9 классы

9 . Complete the text with the correct form of the word in brackets?

9 . Complete the text with the correct form of the word in brackets.

When¹ (Germany) doctor Ludwig Guttmann arrived at Stoke Mandeville hospital in 1944, he was very unpopular.

He was not surprised by the (rude) of the nurses because his country was at war with theirs.

His patients were all' (Britain) soldiers so (argue) were normal.

Dr Guttmann's job was to open a new section of the hospital for the 3 (treat) of these men, who all had back injuries.

When he arrived, the patients spent all day in bed.

They were suffering from depression and (homesick).

Dr Guttmann wanted to give them hope to live, so he took away their medicine and started to work on their (fit).

He gave them wheelchairs to move around and then he asked (permit) to borrow some sports equipment.

The patients played hockey and basketball together.

Then, Dr Guttmann made" (arrange) for the Stoke Mandeville Games.

The competition was held on the same day as the opening ceremony of the 1948 London Olympic Games.

Of all Dr Guttmann's 10 (achieve), this was probably the greatest, because the event later became the Paralympic Games we know today.


1998sanya16 5 февр. 2024 г., 12:17:09 | 5 - 9 классы

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в форме Past Perfect?

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в форме Past Perfect.

1. Frank was in the Tretyakov Gallery last Sunday.

He . (never, to be) there before.

2. She entered the room, greeted the guests, and introduced the friend she .

(to bring).

3. By 6 o’clock they .

(not, to announce) the results yet.

4. He .

(to try) getting her on the phone since early morning but she was out


By the time he was 15 he .

(to break) his arm three times.

6. She .

(to do) all the housework before the children returned from school.

7. Everybody was eager to get tickets for her concert.

She .

(to be) the most famous

singer in the country for many years.

8. It was the second time you .

(to lie) to me.

That’s why I never believed you afterwards.

9. She .

(to be) very busy lately so she nearly forgot about our arrangement.

10. We .

(to discuss) every detail of the plan by evening.

11. He had dinner and took out the book he .

(to buy) on his way home.

12. When the police arrived the criminal .

(already, to escape).

13. It was the most beautiful bunch of flowers I .

(ever, to get).

14. I was surprised when she called.

We . (not, to speak) for the last two months.

15. At the age of 40 he was a very experienced specialist.

He . (to achieve) a lot since

he started working in that field.

16. It .

(to get) dark by the time we reached the place.

17. He had a good tan.

He . (just, to return) from his holiday in Spain.

18. He .

(to smoke) twenty cigarettes by the end of the argument.


69ka124 25 янв. 2024 г., 01:30:02 | 5 - 9 классы

3 Complete the text with the verbs in the box and the correct form of be going to?

3 Complete the text with the verbs in the box and the correct form of be going to.

Eat learn write see not see read walk not travel not take meet phone Explorer Ray Fines is travelling to the USA on Saturday and he is going to walk 5, 000 kilometres from New York to Los Angeles.

He on buses or in cars.

He ² his family for ten months, but he' his wife every week.

I'm very excited about this expedition, ' says Ray.

8 1 * _ a lot of things about the USA.

I'____ some fantastic countryside and I' a lot of different people.

Ray' and sleep in cheap hotels.

He equipment in his rucksack.

Ray's friends.

Expedition on the internet because he 10 laptop every night.

Any camping about his a blog on his - ​.

Evgenjob 28 февр. 2024 г., 12:18:23 | студенческий

60 баллов?

60 баллов!

Put the verbs into the Active Voice.

 No notice was taken of him.

 Such things are usually done without delay in these countries, you know.

 I think he knew what was coming to him when he was caught.

 They were led into the courtyard of the jail and placed against the wall.

 The usual ‘formalities were performed.

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