Last night we ( cannot / stand ) the smoke​?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Last night we ( cannot / stand ) the smoke​.

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Seadetibo 15 июн. 2024 г., 03:19:21

Ответ : Last night we couldn’t stand the smoke.

Объяснение :

Buzbaeva01 17 февр. 2024 г., 16:13:18 | 5 - 9 классы

II. Use the correct form of the Passive Voice?

II. Use the correct form of the Passive Voice.

1 Stars (see) in the sky at night.

2 The experiment (finish) next week.

3 New houses (build) in our city every year.

4 The picture (draw) by the boy yesterday.

5 Famous paintings (keep) at the museums.


ДАМ 45 баллов!

Olarma 18 февр. 2024 г., 02:50:35 | студенческий

Переделайте предложения в страдательный залог?

Переделайте предложения в страдательный залог.

We visit the gallery last weekend.

He lost my phone.


Luhan 6 янв. 2024 г., 05:07:19 | студенческий

Complete the sentences?

Complete the sentences.

Use I / she was etc.

Or were / they etc.

1. Anna studied very much last night.

She was tired.

3. Yesterday was a beautiful day.


4. We saw a comedy last Sunday.


Yukooshima 28 февр. 2024 г., 03:58:43 | 10 - 11 классы

Exercise 2Fill in the blanks with 'has', 'have' or 'had'?

Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with 'has', 'have' or 'had'.

1. Dory.

A cute pet dog.

2. I.

A toothache.

What shall I do?

3. . you visited the exhibition already?

4. He.

No idea how to improve himself.

5. We.

Seen the picture already



A cold last week and she missed the class.

7. Roy.

His own transport.

8. Bonnie.

Finished her homework.

9. Sam.

Fun at the party last night.

10. I.

A new bicycle.

11. They.

Breakfast at this morning.

12. Kyle.

Six pencils.

13. This hen.

Red wings.

14. Do you.

A balloon?

Tarascem 2 апр. 2024 г., 08:53:54 | студенческий

Are / were / was you at home last night / / / / / plsss​?

Are / were / was you at home last night / / / / / plsss​.

Lfurka 23 янв. 2024 г., 17:25:57 | 5 - 9 классы

Chickens have wings?

Chickens have wings.


, they cannot fly.

Kuzmichew396 17 мар. 2024 г., 12:30:10 | 5 - 9 классы

Заповніть пропуск прийменником часу?

Заповніть пропуск прийменником часу.

Carl moved to Spain … 1997.

At on since in Питання №2 ?

2 бали Заповніть пропуск прийменником часу.

We went to the park to have lunch … noon.

At an on in Питання №3 ?

2 бали Заповніть пропуск прийменником часу.

The manager will be back … half an hour.

For at in on Питання №4 ?

2 бали Виправте помилку в реченні.

My brother returned home in the night.

My brother returned home in night.

My brother returned home on night.

My brother returned home at the night.

My brother returned home at night.

Питання №5 ?

2 бали Виберіть зайве.

T - shirt puffer jacket shorts flip - flops Питання №6 ?

2 бали Заповніть пропуск у реченні.

My clothes didn’t have any …, so I took a small bag to put my keys and the phone.

Collars buttons pockets sleeves.

Сэказ 25 мар. 2024 г., 05:59:19 | студенческий

2 Write the correct present, past or future passive form of the verbs?

2 Write the correct present, past or future passive form of the verbs.

1 The new arcade will be opened (open) 3 next year.

2 The church sixteenth century.

3 The café every night.

4 The beach.

Until 1540.

5 The wild birds .

(not / release) tomorrow.

6 Sharks.

Very often these days.

(build) in the (clean) .

(not / discover) .

(not / see) here Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

Begin the passive sentence with the noun in bold.

Only include by + agent where shown.

1 Homer wrote The Odyssey.

The Odyssey was written by Homer.

2 People will film the documentary here.

3 Animal experts train the dolphins.

. by.

4 They organise the event every year.

5 Someone took the photo last year.

6 Wild animals won't eat the food.

. by.

* * * * * * * * * ​.

Иилы 5 янв. 2024 г., 06:34:58 | студенческий

Complete the sentences with the correctrooms and parts of the house?

Complete the sentences with the correct

rooms and parts of the house.

1 Come and have a drink on the patio.

It’s so

sunny today.

2 The light on the l _ _ _ _ _ _ outside my

bedroom doesn’t work.

3 The dog usually sleeps under the table in the h _ _ _ .

4 The c _ _ _ _ _ _ in the attic is very low.

I can’t

stand up in there.

5 There’s a big mirror above the f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

6 When there isn’t any rain, the grass on the

l _ _ _ looks a bit brown.

Tan199 12 янв. 2024 г., 14:29:39 | 5 - 9 классы

4 Write questions and short answers about you in the past simple?

4 Write questions and short answers about you in the past simple.

Have a big breakfast Did you have a big breakfast?

No, I didn't 1 meet a friend last night 2 go to town on Saturday 3 make a pizza last night 4 write an email yesterday 5 have coffee at breakfast 6 see a film on TV


Patriik 12 февр. 2024 г., 02:16:22 | студенческий

1. I need _____ my homework before the start of the week?

1. I need _____ my homework before the start of the week.

2. We _______ our project last night.

3. Are you planning ________a cake for dessert tomorrow?

4. They __________ the exam already this week.

5. My brother really __________ a mess in the kitchen today.

6. You ____ 5 mistakes!

Look at your paper!

7. Can you ______ me a favour?

8. I _________ exercises tomorrow in the morning.

Make / do.

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