Passive voice?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Passive voice.

Usually he buys his clothes in this shop.


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Ответы (1)
Skvorcovaelena 23 мая 2024 г., 15:40:44

Відповідь :

це переклад

Зазвичай він купує свій одяг саме в цьому магазині.

Пояснення :

Чачя 25 мар. 2024 г., 14:09:39 | студенческий

Нужна помощь?

Нужна помощь!

Не могу сделать

Make the subject plural and then translate the sentences.

1. He is a student at the Aerospace University.

2. This woman is an experienced employee.

3. The worker is at the plant.

4. Is this engineer busy?

5. This engineer is busy with a difficult task.

6. The university study is not easy.

7. His life is exciting.

8. One student is about to do this job.

9. This is a worker, he is hard - working.

Deroooro 3 февр. 2024 г., 21:26:05 | 5 - 9 классы

1)Find Present Simple Passive * - Steven Spielberg has directed a lot of successful films?

1)Find Present Simple Passive * - Steven Spielberg has directed a lot of successful films.

- The telephone was invented by Bell.

- He is not included in the team.

- Were they asked about the film?

- These cameras are made in Japan.

- Who was shown your pictures?

- I am usually asked at the lessons.

- Since ancient times people have been studying the night sky.

2)Find Past Simple Passive * - Steven Spielberg has directed a lot of successful films.

- The telephone was invented by Bell.

- He is not included in the team.

- Were they asked about the film?

- These cameras are made in Japan.

- Who was shown your pictures?

- I am usually asked at the lessons.

- Since ancient times people have been studying the night sky.

3)Change Active Voice into Passive Voice.

People grow oranges in Italy.


4)Change Active Voice into Passive Voice.

They don't teach German at the primary school.


5)Change Active Voice into Passive Voice.

They didn't build tall buildings on this island.


Manko1997 4 февр. 2024 г., 07:31:35 | 5 - 9 классы

Fill the gaps with the correct tensis1)I(learn)_____ English for seven years now2)He___(usually / spend) his holiday by de sea?

Fill the gaps with the correct tensis

1)I(learn)_____ English for seven years now

2)He___(usually / spend) his holiday by de sea.

3) Jone ____ (send) the letters yesterday.

4)I ___ (hear) the news two hours ago.

Vgg5 1 мар. 2024 г., 05:34:01 | студенческий

Найдите в тексте passive и выпишите?

Найдите в тексте passive и выпишите.

Помогите пж ​.

Cdcdfdfdcdcdfdfd 2 мар. 2024 г., 14:57:53 | 5 - 9 классы

Преобразуйте в Passive Voice?

Преобразуйте в Passive Voice.

Many interesting texts always (to read) at our French lessons.


МинаевPro 5 янв. 2024 г., 11:38:18 | студенческий

I will call you as soon as I (come) home зробіть в душках в час active voice​?

I will call you as soon as I (come) home зробіть в душках в час active voice​.

Nesnaikabob 21 янв. 2024 г., 10:08:14 | студенческий

1Turn the sentences into Passive Voice : ?

1Turn the sentences into Passive Voice : .

1. They are building a new house.

2. Margareth is baking a cake.

3. He composed many hit songs.

4. My cousin sent me an invitation.

5. William Shakespeare wrote a lot of wonderful sonnets.

2. Make up sentences from separate words :


Worn, I, for ages, haven’t, that


Already, dressed, am, I


Scruffy, he, wearing, is, jeans, old, those


Fill in too or enough : 1.

I won’t eat this soup!

It’s … hot.

2. Those shoes are not comfortable … 3.

The journey was ….



Turn the sentences into Passive Voice :


Father is fixing his car.

2. Fred wrote the composition.

3. The President will open a new hospital this month.

4. He gave us two tickets.

5. The cook has prepared the food.

2. Make up sentences from separate words :


Suits, that, you, black, dress, silk, perfectly.

2. You, choose, can, help , me, else, something?

3. Looks, Jane, smart, very.

3. Fill in too or enough : 1.

I won’t buy those jeans.

They are… expensive.

2. She can’t fit in this shirt.

It’s not big ….

3. Mary’s hat is… old - fashioned and besides it is not warm…


Кицюнічка 23 янв. 2024 г., 22:28:06 | 10 - 11 классы

Слова в скобках написать в passive voice?

Слова в скобках написать в passive voice.

Vasilijdemin20 9 февр. 2024 г., 10:31:49 | студенческий

Помогите, пожалуйста6?

Помогите, пожалуйста


Put the verbs in brackets into the Passive Voice using the correct grammar tense.

1) When .

New computers .

(to set up)?

– They .

(to set up) next Wednesday.

2) What colour .

Brian’s bike .

(to paint) yesterday?

– It .

(to paint) dark blue.

3) Who .

The tests .

(usually to mark) by?

— They .

(usually to mark) by our professor.

4) Why .

The mail .

(to deliver) so late yesterday?

– Because the postman .

(to delay) by traffic.

5) What hotel .

(to reconstruct) next year?

– According to our plan The Flamingo Hotel .

(to reconstruct) next year.

6) How much money .

(to steal) from the bank yesterday?

– 1 million dollars .

(to steal) yesterday.

7) What places in your city .

(usually to visit) by tourists?

– The Fine Arts Museum .

(to visit) most frequently.

8) What time .

The library .

(to close) last Friday?

– It .

(to close) at 6 o’clock in the evening, as usual.

9) How many TV sets .

(to produce) by this plant every month?

– I think more than 1 000 TV sets .

(to produce) by this plant monthly.

10) Where .

Your dog .

(to see) last time?

– It .

(to see) near our local school last Tuesday.

Terloe 16 февр. 2024 г., 03:22:34 | 10 - 11 классы

31. Change to the plural?

31. Change to the plural.

Ex. He goes to work every day.

They go to work every day.

1. He sometimes fights.

2. Julia likes to sleep.

3. Sue wants to go to Greece.

4. Kate usually eats chocolate for lunch.

5. Granny sometimes goes to the doctor's.

6. Sam usually eats roast chicken for dinner.

7. Molly wants to be a teacher.

8. She always makes a cake on Saturday.

9. You like to buy new clothes.


Ilyinacom2004 25 февр. 2024 г., 21:03:32 | 5 - 9 классы

ХЄЛППППП ПЛІССС 3 put the verbs in brackets into the passive 1 Malls_(buy) of tuna fish 2 Great music (play) in this cafe​?

ХЄЛППППП ПЛІССС 3 put the verbs in brackets into the passive 1 Malls_(buy) of tuna fish 2 Great music (play) in this cafe​.

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