Look at the picture and write the tables ​?

Английский язык | студенческий

Look at the picture and write the tables ​.

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Ответы (1)
Вова123654 11 янв. 2024 г., 13:48:21

Ответ :

a festive party taking place

проста я думаю.

Clavaromanov 25 февр. 2024 г., 22:31:35 | 5 - 9 классы

Look at the picture and circle the correct preposition?

Look at the picture and circle the correct preposition.

Жужа777 1 авг. 2024 г., 15:09:50 | студенческий

Look at the picture?

Look at the picture.

Then discuss the questions below

помогите дам 30 баллов ​.

Vorotnyak2013 5 мар. 2024 г., 19:15:10 | 5 - 9 классы

Look at the picture in activity 3?

Look at the picture in activity 3.

Sidelnik 7 мая 2024 г., 23:25:28 | 1 - 4 классы

Spot the difference?

Spot the difference.

Look at two pictures of Tinford town centre.

Write the shops that are different in picture.

What shops are the same

помогите пожалуйста!


Chastnikovatanya 22 мая 2024 г., 07:15:50 | 5 - 9 классы

Look at the picture and answer the questionusing the Past PerfectWhat had mom done when dad came backfrom work?

Look at the picture and answer the question

using the Past Perfect

What had mom done when dad came back

from work?


Misterio0enderman 4 авг. 2024 г., 05:37:32 | 5 - 9 классы

Read The Chat discussion again and Look at the Picture in Exercise 2?

Read The Chat discussion again and Look at the Picture in Exercise 2.

Then Answer The questions.

Даю 80 баллов.

Markhaa 3 янв. 2024 г., 15:40:44 | 5 - 9 классы

ПОМОГИТЕ, УМОЛЯЮLook at the pictures and the prompts and write sentences or questions?


Look at the pictures and the prompts and write sentences or questions.

Use the Future 'going to' and the Passive Voice.


1i1kuz 30 авг. 2024 г., 08:01:24 | 1 - 4 классы

What's on the table?

What's on the table?

Look at the picture and write some sentence как зделать?

Аня1309 5 мар. 2024 г., 14:27:43 | 5 - 9 классы

Look at the picture?

Look at the picture.

Write four more sentences about places you can see and four sentences about places you can't see.



Anikinaleksand 13 июл. 2024 г., 14:17:24 | 5 - 9 классы

Вот фото Look and write?

Вот фото Look and write.

Посмотрите и напишите.

The boy has.

Плиз поогите​.

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