Where do you hear these things?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Where do you hear these things?

Write the school subjects.

1 Have you got your computers?

2 Kick the ball to me.

3 "How do we make the present simple?

4 "Can you draw a cat?


Ответить на вопрос
Ответы (1)
Varjkesovich 28 февр. 2024 г., 07:19:19

Ответ : 1.

Computer Science or Information Technology2.

Physical Education or Sports3.

English or Language Arts4.

Art or Visual Arts.

Masha222445 9 июн. 2024 г., 18:39:59 | 5 - 9 классы

Describe what you can see in the photos?

Describe what you can see in the photos.


some of the words in Exercise 1 on page 61

and your own ideas.

Do you know, or can you

guess where these places are?

Племянница 20 мар. 2024 г., 08:04:02 | 5 - 9 классы

Даю 20б?

Даю 20б.

Осталось меньше часа.

Помогите пожалуйста ответить на вопросы.

Answer the questions.

•What is your school?

• What can you say about the school equipment?

• What about discipline in your school?

• Do you like all the teachers in your school?

• Do you think that teachers should be strict?

• What do you do if the lesson is boring?

• Are you allowed to do everything you wish at the lessons?

• Do you keep the school rules?

• Have you got many lessons every day?

• Are there any labs and workshops in the school?

• Where does usually PE lesson take place?

• Is there a football team in school?

• Are the teachers strict?

•Do you like to go to school?

Why? Why not?

Manaevavika 17 июн. 2024 г., 21:52:18 | 5 - 9 классы

2. Read the explanations and write the places?

2. Read the explanations and write the places.



Запишите в ответе слова с маленькой буквы.

Точку в конце ставить не нужно.

Example answer : post office

This is the place where you can get petrol for your car.

Введите текст

This is the place where you can get some money.

Введите текст

This is the place where you can get a haircut.

Введите текст

This is the place where you can swim.

Введите текст

This is the place where you can buy glasses.

Danilka1111 11 мар. 2024 г., 23:37:01 | 5 - 9 классы

Think about the things you can / can't do at your school, and the things you must / mustn't do?

Think about the things you can / can't do at your school, and the things you must / mustn't do.

Write at least three sentencesm then share your ideas.

041102 13 янв. 2024 г., 17:16:14 | студенческий

3 Write the questions and match them with the correct answers (b - h)?

3 Write the questions and match them with the correct answers (b - h).

0 How / cousins / got?

0 How many cousins have you got?


1 How / text messages / send / in a day?

2 How / posters / in your bedroom?

3 How / music / you / stream / the weekend?

4 How / fruit / your brother / eat?

5 How / photos / on your desk?

6 How / homework / you / have / today?

7 How / ice cream / you want?


Rays91 13 мая 2024 г., 04:08:10 | 5 - 9 классы

2 1. 45 Read the text again?

2 1. 45 Read the text again.

Answer the questions 2 Do you cut round the top or the bottom of the tube?

3 How do you make the hole in the tube?

4 What do you put around the tube?

5 How do you look through the camera?

6 Where do you see the image when you use a Camera Obscura?


Соннняяяяя 25 авг. 2024 г., 12:19:38 | 5 - 9 классы

Task 3?

Task 3.

Imagine you visited Altyn Emel or Shymbulak.

Write an email to your English

friend (100 - 140 words).

Use the following to describe the place.

Write :

Where you went

Who with

What you saw

What you did there

How you got around

Recommend a trip there


Алёна20 29 февр. 2024 г., 00:11:10 | 5 - 9 классы

Read these sentences and rewrite them using the modal verbs in the brackets in the correct form?

Read these sentences and rewrite them using the modal verbs in the brackets in the correct form.

Don't forget about full stops.

Example 0.

You are allowed to go to the party.


Answer 0.

You can go to the party.

1. It’s your duty to feed your cat.

(have to)


I strongly advise you to check your documents.



You are allowed to borrow my coat.


Эльза109 19 янв. 2024 г., 04:20:45 | 1 - 4 классы

VOCABULARY 1 Where do you hear these things?

VOCABULARY 1 Where do you hear these things?

Write the school subjects.

1 'What is 10 x 17?

' 2 'Where is Italy?

' 3 'Can you sing this?

' 'What is a robot?

' 4 5 6 'Kick the ball to me.

' 7 'How do we make the present simple?

' 8 'Can you draw a cat?

' 'Have you got your computers?


Настяшмель 24 июл. 2024 г., 02:23:23 | 5 - 9 классы

Please write and tell me about your pets your pets?

Please write and tell me about your pets your pets.

Have you got a pet ?

Do you to the 200?

When did you 20 to the zoo?

Напишите по этим вопросам сочинение о кошке малмнена англ


Вы перешли к вопросу Where do you hear these things?. Он относится к категории Английский язык, для 10 - 11 классов. Здесь размещен ответ по заданным параметрам. Если этот вариант ответа не полностью вас удовлетворяет, то с помощью автоматического умного поиска можно найти другие вопросы по этой же теме, в категории Английский язык. В случае если ответы на похожие вопросы не раскрывают в полном объеме необходимую информацию, то воспользуйтесь кнопкой в верхней части сайта и сформулируйте свой вопрос иначе. Также на этой странице вы сможете ознакомиться с вариантами ответов пользователей.