New York?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

New York.


San Francisco.


Надо найти лишнее слово.

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Ответы (1)
Antnv 24 июн. 2022 г., 03:49:44

Paris, потому что все остальные города находятся в Америке.

69CYKA69 29 янв. 2022 г., 03:33:26 | 1 - 4 классы

Заполни пропуски i want?

Заполни пропуски i want.

. to london.

My sister wants to go .

. . my mum wants to .

. new york, but i want to go .


We haven, t got a car, so my family wants to go to london .

Train or .


Bax2012 8 мар. 2022 г., 13:58:59 | 1 - 4 классы

Complete the sentences you have never worked as a tailor ?

Complete the sentences you have never worked as a tailor ?

He has just arrived at the airport ?

She has lived a dangerous life?

We haven't worn jeans?

Levi Strauss laved in the city of San Francisco in the 19th century?

Юл12345 11 февр. 2022 г., 08:46:26 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите поставить в нужную форму пжHello?

Помогите поставить в нужную форму пж


I am Tim.

I live in Washington, D.

C. I (live) here for 2 years.

Before we

(live) in New York.

Then my father (get) a new job and we (move) to Washington.

I have many friends.

My best friend (be) Peter.

We (know) each other for 2 years.

Peter (live) next door.

I often (visit) him.

Now we (watch) TV in Peter’s room.

Peter’s mother (cook) dinner.

When the dinner is ready, we (eat) it.

Washington is a very beautiful city.

There (be) many museums there.

I already (visit) the Space museum and the History museum.

Come to Washington one day.

I show you the city.

Orlana92devek 14 мар. 2022 г., 19:24:50 | 10 - 11 классы

I have been to New York several times but I havent been to Atlanta?

I have been to New York several times but I havent been to Atlanta.

Sashulya88200 18 февр. 2022 г., 03:41:47 | 5 - 9 классы

Убери лишнее слово срочно надо пожалуйста?

Убери лишнее слово срочно надо пожалуйста.

1 Rome, Italy, London, Madrid.

2 New York, Washington, San Francisco, Paris.

3 USA, England, Africa, Japan.

4 Manchester United, Arsenal, Barcelona, London.

5 skiing, football, tennis, basketball.

6 Pele, Michael Jordan, Maradona, Arshavin.

Заранее спасибо.

Basta70 16 янв. 2022 г., 06:48:11 | 1 - 4 классы

Зачеркни лишнее слово?

Зачеркни лишнее слово.

Katusham79 10 февр. 2022 г., 05:32:27 | 5 - 9 классы

This morning I to get a Letter from my penfrend who fives in san francisco поставить слова в правильную форму?

This morning I to get a Letter from my penfrend who fives in san francisco поставить слова в правильную форму.

Nastia157 4 янв. 2022 г., 14:14:00 | студенческий

Match people with the places?

Match people with the places.

Sam Paris

Haji Cairo

Natasha New Yor

Sarah Londan

Jean Paul Moscow.

Елена170685 28 мая 2022 г., 04:45:31 | 10 - 11 классы

Нужно вставать артикли (заранее спасибо)XV?

Нужно вставать артикли (заранее спасибо)


Use articles if necessary :


The City of New York

Washington DC is


Capital o f .

United States, but New

York is.

Biggest city.

It is also


World’s taJJesi city.

Heart of

New York is Manhattan, where .

Buildings reach .

Sky. .

Most famous skyscraper in .

World is .

Empire State Buil

ding — 380 metres high with 102 floors.

But. tallest building in New York is .

Wsrld Trade Centre — its two towers are 415 metres high and .

Express lifts take only .

Few seconds to reach .

110th floor.

From here you can see .

Whole of New Ybrk.

Broadway is .

Very long street, and .

Home of New York theatres.

It is also .

Home of Macy’s, .

Largest depart ment store in .


But if you are rich and want to spend money, then come to .

Fifth Avenue, which has .

Most expensive shops in New York.

Bridges and tunnels link Manhattan with Brooklyn and Queens on Long Island, and

with the Bronx, where you can visit .

Largest zoo in .


New York is


City of banks.

Will Street is .

Financial centre

o f .


Best known of more than 30 museums in .

City is


Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Its magnificent collection of European and American paintings contains .

Workso f many o f .

Greatest masters of art world, .

Second best known is .

Museum of Modem Art.

And crossing.

Mouth of.

Hudson River is longest suspension bridge * * in .

World — .

\ ferrazano Narrows Bridgejoins Long Island and States Island.

Beyond .

Bridge a t .

Entrance to New York harbour, stands


Most famous statue in .

Would — Statue of Liberty Manhattan is .

Very beautiful place especially a t .


Lusikktoyan 14 февр. 2022 г., 08:02:28 | 5 - 9 классы

6. Назовите номер предложения, глагол - сказуемое которого стоит в Present Perfect Tense (настоящее совершенное время), и переве­дите это предложение на русский язык :1?

6. Назовите номер предложения, глагол - сказуемое которого стоит в Present Perfect Tense (настоящее совершенное время), и переве­дите это предложение на русский язык :


Many people visited the Lincoln Memorial last year.

2. A group of tourists has just visited the Lincoln Memorial.

3. Millions of people visit the Lincoln Memorial every year.

7. Назовите номер предложения, эквивалентного данному русскому

Вашингтон стал крупным культурным и научным центром.

1. Washington is a centre of culture and science.

2. Washington has become ^ a great cultural and scientific centre.

3. Washington became the centre of science and culture in the nineteenth century.

8. Заполните пропуски прилагательными в соответствующей сте­пени

1 .

Washington is one of (beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful) capitals in the world.

2. The population of New York is (great, greater, the greatest) than the population of Washington.

3. Pennsylvania Avenue is (long, longer, the longest) street in Washington.

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