4. Переведите предложения с обстоятельством в роли агентадействия, производя необходимые грамматико - синтаксическиепреобразования?

Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы

4. Переведите предложения с обстоятельством в роли агента

действия, производя необходимые грамматико - синтаксические


1. At ten to five it was already dark and pockets of fog made

very slow, cautious driving essential.

2. Although the official story

states that Ludwig killed himself, the circumstances of his death

have never been satisfactorily explained.

3. She was the direct target

of an attempt that killed four people and injured a further fourteen.

4. The train hit the bridge and the impact killed the driver and a


5. After the Normans, Malta saw troubled times, attacks

by Saracens and pirates, falling by marriage and inheritance into

various hands, including those of Spain.

6. Yesterday saw the publication of not one set of crime but two.

The first, the police figures,

tells of crimes reported to local police stations.

The other, the British Crime Survey, records the public's experience of crime.

7. The

Renaissance saw the beginning of the great writing rift, the splitting

away of literature from everyday speech.

8. Several things explain

these differences.

9. This century has seen a long and tortuous journey towards today's liberties.

10. The Santiago summit launched

talks aimed at creating a 34 - country Free - Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).

11. The headlines of Saturday, 6 June 1970 drew parallels with another case that took place less than a year earlier.

12. The news that evening was bleak.

London felt ominous, even leaderless.

13. Last week, Britain froze the charity's bank accounts and

opened an investigation into possible terrorist abuse of charitable funds.

14. Bombings in Iraq left at least 18 people dead and dozens


In the worst of the attacks, a bomb blew apart a minivan

used as a public bus in Baghdad, killing at least nine people and injuring 16, police said.

15. A survey published today finds that of the

1346 motorists questioned, 29 per cent claimed that partners criticizing their performance at the wheel was the biggest source of friction.

16. This type of cancer kills 4, 000 a year and a trial suggests

that screening could extend the lives of those who develop it by

two and a half years.

17. The raid killed four civilians and a soldier.

18. Last week saw Hezbollah's guerilla force inflict further casualties

on one of the world's most powerful armies in Southern Lebanon.

19. The up - dated, fictionalized version of the story will see the

women of a Yorkshire farming community take the place of the

Hungarian villagers.

20. Some estimates suggest that the trial process has already cost close to €20 million, money that Diisseldorf's

tax payers can ill afford.

21. The following Saturday morning found

me at the Staff Development Centre.

22. This week sees the announcement of a significant advance in the science of cloning animals.

Ответить на вопрос
Ответы (1)
Cтепан 10 нояб. 2021 г., 22:20:24

1. В десять - пять лет было уже темно, а карманы тумана

очень медленное, осторожное вождение.

2. Хотя официальная история

утверждает, что Людвиг убил себя, обстоятельства его смерти

никогда не были удовлетворительно объяснены.

3. Она была прямой целью

попытки убить четырех человек и ранить еще четырнадцать.

4. Поезд ударил по мосту, и удар ударил водителя и


5. После норманнов Мальта увидела смутные времена, нападения

сарацинами и пиратами, падая от брака и наследования в

различные руки, в том числе испанские.

6. Вчера было опубликовано не одно преступление, а два.

Во - первых, полицейские деятели,

рассказывает о преступлениях, сообщенных местным полицейским участкам.

Другое, британское исследование преступности, фиксирует общественный опыт преступления.

7. Ренессанс увидел начало великого письменного разлома, расщепление

от литературы из повседневной речи.

8. Несколько вещей объясняют

эти различия.

9. Этот век видел долгое и извилистое путешествие к сегодняшним свободам.

10. Саммит в Сантьяго начался

направленных на создание зоны свободной торговли в 34 странах Северной и Южной Америки (FTAA).

11. В заголовках субботы, 6 июня 1970 года, были проведены параллели с другим случаем, имевшим место менее чем годом ранее.

12. Весть о том, что вечер был мрачным.

Лондон чувствовал себя зловещим, даже личным.

13. На прошлой неделе Великобритания заморозила банковские счета благотворительной организации и

открыл расследование возможного злоупотребления террористическими средствами из благотворительных фондов.

14. Бомбардировки в Ираке оставили по меньшей мере 18 человек мертвыми и десятками


В худшем случае атаки бомба разнесла микроавтобус

используемый в качестве общественного автобуса в Багдаде, убив по меньшей мере девять человек и ранив 16 человек, сообщили в полиции.

15. Опрос, опубликованный сегодня, показывает, что

1346 автолюбителей подвергли сомнению, 29 процентов заявили, что партнеры, критикующие их производительность за рулем, являются самым большим источником трений.

16. Этот тип рака убивает 4000 в год, и суд предлагает

что скрининг может продлить жизнь тех, кто его развивает

два с половиной года.

17. Набег убил четырех мирных жителей и солдат.

18. На прошлой неделе боевики «Хезболлы» нанесли дополнительные потери

на одной из самых мощных армий в мире в Южном Ливане.

19. В обновленной, вымышленной версии рассказа будет показано

женщины фермерского сообщества Йоркшира заменяют

Венгерских жителей.

20. По некоторым оценкам, судебный процесс уже стоил около 20 млн.

Евро, деньги, которые были предоставлены Дииссельдорфом

налогоплательщики могут себе позволить.

21. В следующее субботнее утро

меня в Центре развития персонала.

22. На этой неделе отмечается объявление о значительном продвижении в науке клонирования животных.

Beregovoivyches 13 янв. 2021 г., 10:19:45 | 1 - 4 классы

One evening the servant opened the palace door and saw a girl in the rain she got wet the servant took the girl to the queen продолжить сказку 1?

One evening the servant opened the palace door and saw a girl in the rain she got wet the servant took the girl to the queen продолжить сказку 1.

Use words tellers first then after that at last.

ArsenV 17 авг. 2021 г., 13:05:14 | 10 - 11 классы

Five of the sentences below are grammatically incorrect?

Five of the sentences below are grammatically incorrect.

1 This year I invited to the village school on that day and I saw how the village schoolchildren celebrated the Harvest Day.

2 It was decorated wall newspapers, placards and flowers.

3 The fruit and vegetables was grown by the sch.

4 The holiday began with a grand meeting.

5 The students were reported about their summer works.

Юлау 12 мая 2021 г., 00:48:48 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите, очень нужен перевод?

Помогите, очень нужен перевод.

The Development of Rubber Here is the story of rubber.

From the earliest time it was common knowledge the Peruvians that when a cut was made in the outside skin of a rubber tree , a white dliquid milk came out , and that this a sticky mass of rubber might be made .

This rubber is soft when warm, so that it is possible to give it any .

The Peruvians made the that it was very good for keeping out the wet.

Then in the early 1800's , the Americans made use of it for the first time .

First they made overshoes to their feet dry.

Then came a certain Mr.

Mackintosh, who made coats of cloth covered with natural rubber.

From that day to this we have been coating cloth with rubber as Mr.

Mackintosh, and our raincoats are still named after him.

But these first rubber overshoes and raincoats were all soft and sticky in summer, and and inelastic in the winter when it was cold.

But the rubber we have today is soft and elastiс, very strong - even in the warmest summer and the coldest winter.

This was made by a man called Goodyear.

After many , he found that nitric acid made the rubber much better, but it is not hard and strong enough.

Then a strange thing took .

A friend of his , Nicholas Hayward, had the idea in his sleep that rubber might be made hard and strong if mixed with sulphur and put in the sun.

Goodyear put this idea the test, and saw that it did have more or less the desired effect - though somewhat less than more.

The only effect it had was on the outside of the drubber.

It is common knowledge now that the to make rubber hard and strong is by heating dit with sulphur.

Мусьмусь1 10 авг. 2021 г., 18:18:33 | 5 - 9 классы

Match the highlighted word in the text with their descriptions 1) the people who take part in the perfomanse 2)this rises ay the beginning of the perfomance and comes down at the end 3)the actor and a?

Match the highlighted word in the text with their descriptions 1) the people who take part in the perfomanse 2)this rises ay the beginning of the perfomance and comes down at the end 3)the actor and actresses wear these 4)the object or furniture used in the perfomance 5)the perfomances take place on these 6)the painted background that show where the story takes place 7)the use of lights to give different effects during the show.

Alenakorovina2 4 февр. 2021 г., 12:22:17 | 5 - 9 классы

Match the highlighted word in the text with their descriptions 1) the people who take part in the perfomanse 2)this rises ay the beginning of the perfomance and comes down at the end 3)the actor and a?

Match the highlighted word in the text with their descriptions 1) the people who take part in the perfomanse 2)this rises ay the beginning of the perfomance and comes down at the end 3)the actor and actresses wear these 4)the object or furniture used in the perfomance 5)the perfomances take place on these 6)the painted background that show where the story takes place 7)the use of lights to give different effects during the show.

Dan1441 9 апр. 2021 г., 19:33:58 | 10 - 11 классы

Once upon a time there lived two sisters?

Once upon a time there lived two sisters.

The elder sister had a son.

The boy was one year old.

The two women loved the baby dearly.

One day the sisters quarreled and at night the younger sister tried to leave the house with the boy.

The elder sister saw it and stopped her.

“You cannot take the boy.

He’s my son!

” said the elder sister.

But the younger sister wanted to have the boy very much and she

said : “I’ll tell the judge the boy is mine.

I love the baby so much that the judge will believe me.

” So, in the morning they went before the judge.

Each woman told him that the baby was hers.

The judge thought a little and then called his servants.

“ Cut the child into two halves and give each woman a half of the boy, ” he said.

The younger sister didn’t say a word, but the elder told the judge : ”

I’m not the child’s mother.

Give him to my sister and let him live.

” The judge then said to his servants : “ Give the boy to the elder sister.

She is the real mother.


Forestik0 15 июн. 2021 г., 21:04:26 | 5 - 9 классы

Переведите текст прошу только не с переводчика?

Переведите текст прошу только не с переводчика.

Once upon a time on an island in the Red sea there lived a man.

One day he took flour and water, and carrots, and plums, and sugar and made himself a very big brown cake.

But just as he was going to eat it there came down to the beach the Rhinoceros with two piggy eyes and bad manners.

He said, how and the man left the cake and climbed to the top of a tree.

The Rhinoceros ate the cake and went away.

The man came down from the thee and said.

"Them that takes cakes, wich the man bakes, makes dreadful mistakes.


Five weeks later the weather was very hot and all the animals took off their skins.

The Rhinoceros left his skin on the beach and went into the water.

At that moment the man put cake crumbs inside the skin and climbed on the top of the tree.

The Rhinoceros came out of the water and put his skin on, and it tickled like cake crumbs in bed.

Не ran to the tree and rubbed, and rubbed himself against it.

And he rubbed his skin into great folds on his neck and over his legs.

And from that day a rhinoceros has great folds in his skin.

Hadizade 11 дек. 2021 г., 00:18:40 | 10 - 11 классы

ПОМОГИТЕ ПЕРЕВЕСТИ, пожалуйста : ) Заранее большое спасибо?

ПОМОГИТЕ ПЕРЕВЕСТИ, пожалуйста : ) Заранее большое спасибо!

At ten to five it was already dark and pockets of fog made

very slow, cautious driving essential.

2. Although the official story

states that Ludwig killed himself, the circumstances of his death

have never been satisfactorily explained.

3. She was the direct target

of an attempt that killed four people and injured a further fourteen.

4. The train hit the bridge and the impact killed the driver and a


5. After the Normans, Malta saw troubled times, attacks

by Saracens and pirates, falling by marriage and inheritance into

various hands, including those of Spain.

6. Yesterday saw the publi -

cation of not one set of crime but two.

The first, the police figures,

tells of crimes reported to local police stations.

The other, the Brit -

ish Crime Survey, records the public's experience of crime.

7. The

Renaissance saw the beginning of the great writing rift, the splitting

away of literature from everyday speech.

8. Several things explain

these differences.

9. This century has seen a long and tortuous jour -

ney towards today's liberties.

10. The Santiago summit launched

talks aimed at creating a 34 - country Free - Trade Area of the Ameri -

cas (FTAA).

11. The headlines of Saturday, 6 June 1970 drew paral -

lels with another case that took place less than a year earlier.

89024829662hh 10 авг. 2021 г., 03:58:21 | 10 - 11 классы

Правильно ли стоят глаголы в Past Perfect?

Правильно ли стоят глаголы в Past Perfect?

1. The seven kids opened the door to the wolf because they thought that their mother came.

2. The little kid told Mother Goat that the wolf was in the house and ate the other kids.

3. Cinderella couldn’t remember where she lost her glass - slipper.

4. The girls was afraid of the woman whom her father chose as his new wife.

5. At the end the silly dog lost the bone that he found on the road.

6. The Fox took the cheese, which fell from the tree.

7. Granny could not get up from the bed because she got ill.

8. The Elephant’s Child was very glad that the Crocodile gave him such a long nose.

9. Johnny Cake said that he ran away from the bear and the wolf, and he could run away from the fox too.

10. Mark Twain said that he never heard that woman in the opera “Carmen”.

ЕлизаветаКрапивина 23 мая 2021 г., 19:58:39 | 5 - 9 классы

Пожалуйста, очень срочно надо?

Пожалуйста, очень срочно надо.

Write the correct form of the verb (active or passive)

The police .

(announce) that the Portnoy's Bank (rob) yesterday.

Two men .

(enter) the bank at 4.

30 with guns in their hands.

Customers and bank clerks .

(ask) to lie down on the floor and one of the bank clerks .

(make) to fill the robbers' bags with money.

After that the two men .

(leave) the bank quickly.

The police officer Jason Gregson says that more than 200, 000 pounds .

(steal) yesterday, but nobody .


Jason Gregson believes that the robbers .

(find) soon.

The bank .

(close) still.

На этой странице находится вопрос 4. Переведите предложения с обстоятельством в роли агентадействия, производя необходимые грамматико - синтаксическиепреобразования?, относящийся к категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности данный вопрос соответствует знаниям учащихся 1 - 4 классов. Здесь вы найдете правильный ответ, сможете обсудить и сверить свой вариант ответа с мнениями пользователями сайта. С помощью автоматического поиска на этой же странице можно найти похожие вопросы и ответы на них в категории Английский язык. Если ответы вызывают сомнение, сформулируйте вопрос иначе. Для этого нажмите кнопку вверху.