Помогите перевести текст на русский язык ?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите перевести текст на русский язык !

Спасибо !

There was a big flood near our house in spring.

The water came down from the mountain and the hills, the river came up and u p, and a lot of the houses on the low land were soon under the water.

The Red Cross sent some men, and they brought food and dry clothes, and took some people to higher ground in boats.

One old man lives in a small house near our river.

He is a poor man, and there aren't any other houses near his.

There was a lot of rain one night, and in the morning the old man looked out of his window and saw the flood.

The water was nearly up to his bedroom window.

The water came up and u p, and the old man went to the top floor of his house.

Then the flood was worse, and he went up on to the roof.

"What am I going to do?

" he said.

"The water's very deep, and I can't swim.

" But after three hours the old man saw a boat.

It came slowly near, and the old man saw two young men in it.

"We've come from the Red Cross, " one of the young men called, "and .

. . " "I'm sorry, " the old man answered, "but I've just given you some money this month, and I haven't got much.

I'm a poor man.


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Ответы (1)
Qawsxdercfvg 16 февр. 2018 г., 01:28:02

Большое наводнение около нашего дома было весной.

Вода пришла с горы и холмов, река подошла и u p, и много домов на низкой земле скоро находились под водой.

Красный Крест послал некоторых мужчин, и они принесли еду и сухую одежду, и взяли некоторых людей к возвышенности в лодках.

Один старик живет в маленьком доме около нашей реки.

Он - бедный человек, и вокруг нет никаких других домов.

Однажды ночью было много дождя, и утром старик выглянул из своего окна и увидел наводнение.

Вода была почти до его окна в спальне.

Вода подошла и u p, и старик пошел на верхний этаж его дома.

Тогда наводнение было выше, и он поднялся на крышу.

"Что я собираюсь сделать?

" он сказал.

"Вода очень глубока, и я не могу плавать.

" Но после трех часов старик увидел лодку.

Она медленно проходила рядом, и старик видел двух молодых людей в ней.

" Мы приехали из Красного Креста, " один из молодых людей ответил, "и.

" "Я сожалею, " старик ответил, "но я уже дал Вам немного денег в этом месяце, и у меня нет многого.

Я - бедный человек.


Лиза1301 9 авг. 2018 г., 04:47:51 | 5 - 9 классы

Нужна помощь?

Нужна помощь!

Прочтите текст и вставьте недостающие слова.

An old lady went out shopping last Tuesday.

She came to a bank and saw a car near the door.

A man got out of it and went into the bank.

She looked into the car.

The keys were in the lock.

The old lady took the keys and followed the man into the bank.

The man took a gun out of his pocket and said to the clerk, “Give me all the money!

”But the old lady did not see this.

She went to the man, put the keys in his hand and said, “Young man, you're stupid!

Never leave your keys in your car : someone's going to steal it!

”The man looked at the old woman for a few seconds.

Then he looked at the clerk – and then he took his keys, ran out of the bank, got into his car and drove away quickly, without any money.

[B]C) Opposites .

Put one word in each empty place.

[ / B]


The lady was not .

. . : she was old.

2. The man did not.

. . his keys out of the lock : he left them in it.

3. The man was not.

. . : he was young.

4. He did not want .

. . of the money : he wanted all of it.

5. He was not .

. . : he was stupid.

6. He did not .

. . out of the bank : he ran out of it.

7. He did not drive away .

. . : he drove away quickly.

8. He did not drive away .

. . the money : he drove away without it.

89292308008 22 июл. 2018 г., 11:36:52 | 10 - 11 классы

Если два субстативизированных прилагательных объединены союзом, артикль перед ними ставится или нет : Old and young gathered to celebrate that great event?

Если два субстативизированных прилагательных объединены союзом, артикль перед ними ставится или нет : Old and young gathered to celebrate that great event.

Old and young came to the celebration.

Old and young или the old and the young?

Gerewere 25 мая 2018 г., 03:05:28 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйсто Work in pairs?

Помогите пожалуйсто Work in pairs.

Complete the questions with the words.

Then ask your classmate to answer them.

Use : What where why 1 .

Did alice decide to go to the park that day?

2. were the children doing in the park?

3. did alice decide to sit down?

4. did she find a nice bench?

5. was there between alice and the old man?

6. was alice surpriset?

7. did she find in her bag when she came home?

Вот текст One Sunday morning it was fine and warm so Alice decided to spend the day outdoors.

She went out of the houses, bought a paket of crisps, turned to the right, psseed a newly painted houses and went into the park.

Alice walked slowly and looked at the playing children and their smiling mothers, at the flying kites and the colourful balls.

The chatting teenagers were very noisy.

And Alice turned to the left.

There was nothing there but singing birds and running squirrels in the trees.

Soon she was tired and decided to sit on a bench and read her book in peace.

She found a bench under a big green tree.

An old man was sitting there.

He was reading a newspaper.

Alice sat dowb on the chosen dench, took out her book and began to read.

There was a packet of crisps on the bench between her and the old man.

Alice tooc some of theb from the opened packet and the old man took some too.

Alice was surprised.

She looked at the strange man but he was calm.

Alice didn't say anything and started reading again.

Every time Alice took some crisps from the packet, the old man took some crisps too.

Soon there were only a few crisps leftvin the packet.

The girl looked at the strange old man.

Ne took the last two uneaten crisps and gave one to Alice.

The girl was surprised.

She put the unfinished book into ger bag and left as fast as possible.

She came home and took the book out of her bag.

And suddenly she saw her unopened packet of crisps in the bag.

Поможите даю 50 баллов.

Scasn777 21 дек. 2018 г., 15:48:10 | 10 - 11 классы

Краткий пересказ пожалуйста?

Краткий пересказ пожалуйста!

Вот текст : One Sunday morning it was fine and warm so Alice decided to spend the day outdoors.

She went out of the houses, bought a paket of crisps, turned to the right, psseed a newly painted houses and went into the park.

Alice walked slowly and looked at the playing children and their smiling mothers, at the flying kites and the colourful balls.

The chatting teenagers were very noisy.

And Alice turned to the left.

There was nothing there but singing birds and running squirrels in the trees.

Soon she was tired and decided to sit on a bench and read her book in peace.

She found a bench under a big green tree.

An old man was sitting there.

He was reading a newspaper.

Alice sat dowb on the chosen dench, took out her book and began to read.

There was a packet of crisps on the bench between her and the old man.

Alice tooc some of theb from the opened packet and the old man took some too.

Alice was surprised.

She looked at the strange man but he was calm.

Alice didn't say anything and started reading again.

Every time Alice took some crisps from the packet, the old man took some crisps too.

Soon there were only a few crisps leftvin the packet.

The girl looked at the strange old man.

Ne took the last two uneaten crisps and gave one to Alice.

The girl was surprised.

She put the unfinished book into ger bag and left as fast as possible.

She came home and took the book out of her bag.

And suddenly she saw her unopened packet of crisps in the bag.

ЯнаLIKE 22 июн. 2018 г., 04:57:29 | 5 - 9 классы

One day Ben Charlie walker near a river?

One day Ben Charlie walker near a river.

Ben saw a boy, who jumped into the water and starter to swim.

Ben (1) .

That the boy decided to (2) .

The river.

He was a good swimmer, but the river was (3) .

And he began to (4) .


"Charlie jumped into the water quickly and (5) .

To the boy.

The boy was already under water and the dog had to look for him.

For a minute(6) .

Was seen, but then Ben saw the dog"s and the boy"s heads above the water.

Charlie(7) .

The boy out of the river and was given a medal for (8) .

. вот слова вставить в .

Cross cry courage pull understand deep nothing swim.

Annhelp 21 мар. 2018 г., 23:10:11 | 1 - 4 классы

Ответить на вопросы 1?

Ответить на вопросы 1.

Where did the man live.

2. Who had bad manners?

3. What did the man say when he climbed down from the tree?

4. Why did the Rhinoceros take off his skin 5.

How did the man punish the Rhinoceros 6.

Why are there great folds in the Rhinoceros skin now Сам текст Once upon a time on an island in the Red Sea there lived a man.

One day he took flour and water, and carrots, and plums, and sugar and made himself a very big brown cake.

But just as he was going to eat it there came down to the beach Rhinoceros with two piggy eyes and bad manners.

He said, “How!

” and the man left the cake and climbed to the top of a tree.

The Rhinoceros ate the cake and went away.

The man came down from the tree and said, Them that takes cakes Which the man bakes Makes dreadful mistakes.

Five weeks later the weather was very hot and all the animals took off their skins.

The Rhinoceros left his skin on the beach and went into the water.

At that moment the man put cake - crumbs inside the skin and climbed on the top of the tree.

The Rhinoceros came out of the water and put his skin on, and it tickled like cake - crumbs in bed.

He ran to the tree and rubbed, and rubbed himself against it.

And he rubbed his skin into great folds on his neck and over his legs.

And from that day a rhinoceros has great folds in his skin.

Galinatihonova 6 апр. 2018 г., 19:53:31 | 5 - 9 классы

The Rich Man and the Gold There was once a very rich man?

The Rich Man and the Gold There was once a very rich man.

He had three cars and two houses and many other things.

One day he said, «I am getting old.

I’m going to sell everything and buy a big piece of gold.

» He sold his houses and his cars and everything and he bought a very big piece of gold.

He dug a hole near a tree, and he put the piece of gold into the hole.

«No one will find my gold here», he said.

Every day he went back and dug up the gold.

He looked at it and said, «Good!

My gold is there».

Then he put the gold back into the hole and put the earth back on top of it.

But one day there was a man behind the tree.

He was a thief and he was asleep.

The rich man didn’t see the thief.

He dug up the gold and looked at it.


» he said, «My gold is there».

The thief woke up and looked round the tree.

«What is the man putting into the hole?

» he thought.

«I’m going to find out».

The rich man put the gold back into the hole and went away.

Then the thief went to the hole and dug up the gold.

«A big piece of gold!

» he said.

«It’s my gold now.

I am a rich man.

» He ran off with the gold and never came back.

The next day the first man came back and began to dig.

He dug and he dug but he did not find the gold.

«My gold is not here», he said.

«I am not a rich man now.

I have no gold!

» and he began to cry.

Then he went home and told one of his friends.

His friend said, «Don’t cry.

Here is a big stone.

Take it and put it in the hole.

Then every day you can go and dig it up and look at it».

A piece of gold in a hole is no better than a stone.

1. Выписать незнакомые слова, перевести.

(Не менее 15 слов) 2.

Составить предложения с незнакомыми словами.

(15 предложений) 3.

Задать вопросы к тексту.

(Не менее 5 предложений).

Alina2000r 26 дек. 2018 г., 17:44:14 | 1 - 4 классы

Where do the old man and his sons live?

Where do the old man and his sons live.

Яяяя111 8 дек. 2018 г., 13:23:15 | 5 - 9 классы

Suddenly a young man came in?

Suddenly a young man came in.

Rosie looked at him and couldn't believe her eyes.

He was the very young man from the mirror.

As their eyes met Rosie understood that she loved the man and her heart was his.

Looking at the man the Queen asked, "You are not a magician, are you?

" перевести быстрее пожалуйста.

Mixarudakov 13 дек. 2018 г., 09:42:58 | 5 - 9 классы

Once there lived an old man and an old woman, his wife?

Once there lived an old man and an old woman, his wife.

They had no children.

The old man had a pet - a bird.

It was a little grey bird.

The man loved it dearly.

He took good care of it.

He gave it food and water every morning and every evening.

One day the old man was going to the shop to buy food.

He said to his wife : ''I'LL go to the shop to buy bread, salt, butter, spaghetti and sugar.

Please, take good care of the bird!

Give it food and water in the morning and in the evening!

'' ''OK'', said his wife.

''I well''.

It was very cold.

The old man put on his warm trousers and boots, a sweater, an overcoat , a warm cap and went away.


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