Перепишите и письменно переведите весь текст?

Английский язык | студенческий

Перепишите и письменно переведите весь текст.

НО! по переводчику и я могу, мне нужен нормлаьный перевод, пожалуйста


Bond markets are important components of capital markets.

Bonds are

fixed - income securities - securities that promise the holder a specified set of


The value of a bond (like the value of any other asset) is the

present value of the income stream one expects to receive from holding

the bond.

This has several implications :


Bond prices vary inversely with market interest rates.

Since the

stream of payments usually is fixed no matter what subsequently happens

to interest rates, higher rates reduce the present value of the expected

payments, and thus the price.

2. Bonds are generally adversely affected by inflation.

The reason is

that higher expected inflation raises market interest rates and therefore

reduces the present value of the stream of fixed payments.

Some bonds

(ones issued by the Israeli government, for example) are indexed for inflation.

If, for example, inflation is 10 percent per year, then the income from

the bond rises to compensate for this inflation.

With perfect indexation the

change in expected payments due to inflation exactly offsets the inflationcaused

change in market interest rates, so that the current price of the bond

is unaffected.

3. The greater the uncertainty about whether the payment will be

made (the risk that the issuer will default on the promised payments), the

lower the "expected" payment to bondholders and the lower the value of

the bond.

4. Bonds whose payments are subjected to lower taxation provide investors

with higher expected after - tax payments.

Since investors are interested

in after - tax income, such bonds sell for higher prices.

The major classes of bond issuers are the U.

S. government, corporations,

and municipal governments.

The default risk and tax status differ

from one kind of bond to another.

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Elenapoddubnya 15 мая 2022 г., 16:40:34


Рынки облигаций являются важными компонентами рынков капитала.


ценных бумаг с фиксированным доходом, которые обещают держателю определенный набор


Стоимость облигации (например, стоимость любого другого актива) равна

текущая стоимость потока дохода, который ожидается получить от холдинга


Это имеет несколько последствий :


Цены на облигации меняются обратно пропорционально рыночным процентным ставкам.


поток платежей обычно фиксируется независимо от того, что впоследствии происходит

к процентным ставкам, более высокие ставки снижают текущую стоимость ожидаемых

платежей и, следовательно, цены.

2. Угрозы, как правило, отрицательно сказываются на инфляции.

Причина в том, что

что более высокая ожидаемая инфляция повышает рыночные процентные ставки и, следовательно,

уменьшает текущую стоимость потока фиксированных платежей.

Некоторые облигации

(например, выпущенные израильским правительством) индексируются для инфляции.

Если, например, инфляция составляет 10 процентов в год, то доход от

облигация поднимается, чтобы компенсировать эту инфляцию.

При идеальной индексации

изменение ожидаемых платежей из - за инфляции точно компенсирует инфляцию

изменение рыночных процентных ставок, так что текущая цена облигации

не затрагивается.

3. Чем больше неопределенность относительно того, будет ли платеж

(риск того, что эмитент по умолчанию откажется от обещанных платежей),

снизить «ожидаемый» платеж держателям облигаций и снизить стоимость


4. Облигации, платежи которых подвергаются более низкому налогообложению, предоставляют инвесторам

с более высокими ожидаемыми платежами после уплаты налогов.

Поскольку инвесторы заинтересованы

в доходах после уплаты налогов такие облигации продаются по более высоким ценам.

Основными классами эмитентов облигаций являются правительство США, корпорации,

и муниципальные органы власти.

Уровень риска и налоговый статус по умолчанию различаются

от одного вида связи к другому.

Margarshap 15 янв. 2022 г., 23:35:39 | 1 - 4 классы

Describe the picture?

Describe the picture.

What are the people and the animals doing?

Lerochka2001 8 янв. 2022 г., 22:33:31 | 5 - 9 классы



Пожалуйста, нужен краткий пересказ данного текста!

Очень прошу помогите!

Two largo islands and a lot of small ones are situated to the northwest of Europe.

They are known as the British Isles.

The largest island is called Great Britain.

The other large island is called Ireland.

In the British Isles there are two states : the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland the largest island in the Brit Great Britain or Britain, is the name for eighth largest Isles, which is divided into England, scotland andwales.

It is the the island in the world.

It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and in west and by the North Sea in the east.

In the south it is separated by the English Channel from the continent.

Northern Ireland is the political The United Kingdom of Great Britain and name for the country, which is made up of Englan Scotland, * Wales and Northern Ireland.

* It is usually known by shorter name of the United Kingdom a or the UK.

People often the United Kingdom Great Britain or Britain.

As name The capital of the UK is London.

The population of the UK is more than 60 million people.

It should be remembered that not only the English live in the UK.

The Scots, Welsh and are British too.

The British are also people of other ethnic groups parents came to live in the UK in the 1950s and 1960s from whose Hong Kong and other places.

And Most British people speak English, but such languages as welsh, Gaelic others are also spoken and taught at schools in the UK.

Lilpoptata 25 янв. 2022 г., 16:04:27 | 5 - 9 классы

Пересказ плиз прошу срочна Two large islands and a lot of small ones are situated to the northwest of Europe?

Пересказ плиз прошу срочна Two large islands and a lot of small ones are situated to the northwest of Europe.

They are known as the British Isles.

The largest island is called Great Britiain.

The other large islands is called Ireland.

In the British Isles there are two states : the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland.

Great Britian, or Britian, is the name for the largest island in the eight largest island in the world.

The United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northen Ireland is the political name for the country, which is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and or the UK.

People often name the United Kingdom as Great Britian or Britian, which is not correct.

The capital of the UK is London.

The population of the UK is about 60million people.

It should be remembered that not only the English live in the UK.

The Scots, Welsh and Irish are British too.

The British are also people of other ethnic groups whose parents came to live in the UK in the 1850s and 1860s from India, Pakistan, Hong Kong and other places .

Most British people speak English, but such languages as Welsh, Gaelic and others are also spoken and taught at scools in the UK.

2006ксан 19 янв. 2022 г., 11:00:20 | 5 - 9 классы

Ребят, помогите пожалуйста?

Ребят, помогите пожалуйста!

Rewrite the following sentences with "not the same as" and "different from" keeping the meaning of the sentence :


The view from the window and the view from the door are different


The taxes in Singapore and Canada are not the same


The boiling point of oil is higher than water


The vegetation of Europe and North America differs


His schedule and your schedule are the same


This cake and that cake taste the same


The density of water is greater than ice.

Alinavkysna718 1 мар. 2022 г., 19:12:06 | 5 - 9 классы

12. ) Write what is missing in the text?

12. ) Write what is missing in the text.

The States.

1) The .

Is the fourth largest country in the world stretching from the .

Ocean in the east to the .


2) It is situated in .


3) It borders on .

In the north and on .

In the south.

4) There are a lot of mountains in the USA.

The highest and largest are the .

In the west.

5) The .

Are in the east, they are lower and older.

6) The mighty .

Is the longest river in the USA.

Some other rivers flow into it.

7) The .

Lakes in the north of the USA are very deep.

The .

Lake is the largest and the .

Lake is the smallest.

8) . is the capital of the USA.

It is situated on the .


Alexxxe 17 мар. 2022 г., 18:54:27 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите, пожалуйста?

Помогите, пожалуйста!

Надо написать вопросы в к этому тексту : The Union Flag is the symbol of the United Kingdom.

The colours of the UK flag are red, white and blue.

It has got three crosses that are from each nation of the United Kingdom expert for Wales.

The flag is on every government building on certain special days and holidays.

The Union flag is also on the flags of some Commonwealth nations, such as Australia and New Zealand.

Должно быть 5 вопросов.

Andryuhatab 6 апр. 2022 г., 12:05:04 | 5 - 9 классы

ПереводLondon is the British capital and one of the biggest cities in the world?


London is the British capital and one of the biggest cities in the world.

The oldest part of London is called the City.

It is small, but it is very important.

Two thousand years ago a town was built here.

For hundreds of years people lived and worked there, but now many of the old houses are gone.

Thousands of the people come here every morning to work in large offices.

To the east the large area called the East End.

This is London's poorest part, where people of all colours live.

The very large riverside dorks in the East End make London one of the three largest parts in the world.

To the west are the fine shops and theatres of the area known as the West End.

This is part is best known to rich tourists.

Oxford Street with its great department stores is the favorite street for shopping.

In the West End there are beautiful parks too.

The largest of all London's parks is the Hyde Park.

The Houses of Parliament are along the bank of the Thames and Parliament Square is one of many London squares.

Some of them are small, others are large and busy, like Trafalgar Square.

Valiasm2000 13 янв. 2022 г., 13:55:32 | 5 - 9 классы

Complete the table with is, are or am, and the - ing form of the verds?

Complete the table with is, are or am, and the - ing form of the verds.

Белочка02 29 апр. 2022 г., 06:17:23 | 10 - 11 классы

Перепишите предложения, используя нужные формы степеней сравнения прилагательных?

Перепишите предложения, используя нужные формы степеней сравнения прилагательных.

Переведите предложения :


London is one of the (old) towns in the world.

2. The city and the west End are much (interesting) than any other part of London.

3. The (big) the cities are the (great) the pollution is.

Moyseenkot 22 июн. 2022 г., 08:44:30 | 10 - 11 классы

Подчеркните в тексте предложения в страдательном залоге и дайте их перевод?

Подчеркните в тексте предложения в страдательном залоге и дайте их перевод.

The World is not Enough

He's one of the most famous characters in film history and over three billion people have watched him - that's half the world's population!

Since 1962 he's been in twenty films, or one film every two years.

Who is he?

He's Bond .

James Bond.

The British writer, Ian Fleming, created James Bond in 1953.

Fleming was a typical English 'gentleman'.

He was educated at Eton (an expensive school in England), then worked as a journalist before becoming a banker in London.

However, during the war his life completely changed when he worked as a spy in Russia.

He wrote most of his novels about his own interesting experiences.

Although the Bond novels were exciting action stories about spies, they didn't become well known until they were made into films.

When the first film Or No opened in Britain in 1962, Fleming became famous overnight.

However, it wasn't untilGoldfinger in 1964 that James Bond became successful around the world.

Goldfinger broke box office records at home and abroad.

The phrase `I'm Bond .

James Bond' was recognised all over the world.

Will Bond films continue to entertain us in the future?

The answer is probably 'yes'.

There will always be James Bond fans because audiences will always enjoy exciting thrillers.

The last film, The World Is Not Enough, made an amazing £6.

2 million in its first weekend!

The truth is that James Bond films, with their fast cars, spy gadgets and dangerous missions, are the ultimate action movies.

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