Follow the lines?

Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы

Follow the lines.

What have the children got?

Ask and answer.

Ответить на вопрос
Ответы (1)
Kbgsha 4 февр. 2022 г., 08:05:29

Harry picket the camera.

Sofiay201610 29 янв. 2022 г., 01:24:51 | 1 - 4 классы

In pairs ask and answer guestions using the prompts in the table?

In pairs ask and answer guestions using the prompts in the table.

ULKAPULKA 26 янв. 2022 г., 00:38:16 | 5 - 9 классы

Fil in the Questionnaire?

Fil in the Questionnaire.

Answer the questions and then ask your friend.

Zaya6900 12 янв. 2022 г., 07:04:07 | 1 - 4 классы

Follow the lines?

Follow the lines.

What have the children got?

Ask and answer.

Ciokoladka 9 февр. 2022 г., 18:03:34 | 1 - 4 классы

What did they do last year?

What did they do last year?

In paris ask and answer questions about the pictures помогите плиз.

Sofaket 31 янв. 2022 г., 15:24:31 | 10 - 11 классы

Listen and repeat?

Listen and repeat.

Then ask and answer the puestions below.

Богдан0209 29 янв. 2022 г., 23:52:14 | 1 - 4 классы

Read the story and answer the guestion : "What do the children see in the sky?

Read the story and answer the guestion : "What do the children see in the sky?


Виктория02111 13 янв. 2022 г., 18:00:51 | 5 - 9 классы

Complete the sentences?

Complete the sentences.

Use the right format of have got and haven 'got.

Nik2228 13 янв. 2022 г., 11:28:36 | 1 - 4 классы

Write Do / Does, What / Why and answer the guestions?

Write Do / Does, What / Why and answer the guestions.

Sanishka12 15 янв. 2022 г., 20:40:02 | 5 - 9 классы

Ask and answer the questions using the verbs look watch see?

Ask and answer the questions using the verbs look watch see?

МОН3726Е53 21 мар. 2022 г., 04:51:57 | 1 - 4 классы

Fllow the lines and complete the sentences?

Fllow the lines and complete the sentences.

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