I need the money for the party?

Английский язык | студенческий

I need the money for the party.

Can you give .

To me?

Them it

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Ответы (2)
Alerami 11 мар. 2022 г., 14:59:52

Смотри тут переводится

Мне нужны деньги Для вечеринки.

Можете ли вы дать .

Мне? Them - их

It - это

Какой тут может быть ответ

Наверное ты неправильно написал (а), ну посмотри ещё раз).

Pushkin199 11 мар. 2022 г., 14:59:54

Money - неисчисляемое существительное, всегда только "IT".

Никаких других вариантов.

Gulchehramomun 18 февр. 2022 г., 21:19:58 | 5 - 9 классы

Напишите произношение этого стиха?

Напишите произношение этого стиха.

Little girl, little girl, Where have you been?

I've been to see grandmother Over the green.

What did she give you?

Milk in a can.

What did you say for it?

Thank you, Grandam.

Vova20021005 14 февр. 2022 г., 15:44:24 | 5 - 9 классы

You have decided to organise party for your sister?

You have decided to organise party for your sister.

Write a letter to your friend inviting her for the party.

Написать письмо на английском, помогите пожалуйста.

Lelyaglebova2 2 мар. 2022 г., 23:32:02 | 5 - 9 классы

Task 3?

Task 3.

You are going to give a talk about the internet.

You will have to start in


5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10 - 12 sentences).

Remember to say : - what people use the internet0 - what educational opportunities the internet offers to students - whether the internet can be harmful for users and why.

98711 18 мар. 2022 г., 17:23:40 | 5 - 9 классы

Insert the verbs in the appropriate form to form second conditionals?

Insert the verbs in the appropriate form to form second conditionals.

Binnerts _____________ (may) look for some sources on Dracula, if there__________ (be) any.

If the police__________ (turn) the robber out he ___________ (do) it again.

Molly’s face says 'I __________ (love) you if ______ I but I can't.

These legends ___________ (draw) them on, if only they _________ (have) no time to think realistic.

If the King __________ (employ) an agent it (certainly be) you.

If Greg ____________ (not have) money enough to move to another town, we____________ (give) it to him.

If Mollenhauer and Butler and___________ (can) get together, it ___________ (be) a very different matter.

If it ____________ (be) up to me, I _________ (have) my helicopter airborne.

'___________ (not can) you know more, if you _________ (think) proper?


You _________ (can) write every month if you _________ (like).

Ninalove08 2 янв. 2022 г., 02:06:50 | 5 - 9 классы

Little girl, little girl,Where have you been?

Little girl, little girl,

Where have you been?

I've been to see grandmother

Over the green.

What did she give you?

Milk in a can.

What did you say for it?

Thank you, Grandam.


Янушка2007 18 мар. 2022 г., 07:59:51 | 5 - 9 классы

Напиши как читается этот стих, не перевод, а как читается на русскомLittle girl little girlwhere have you been?

Напиши как читается этот стих, не перевод, а как читается на русском

Little girl little girl

where have you been?

I ve been to see grandmother

Over the green

What did she give you

Milk in can

What did you say for it?

Thank you, grandma.

Svet95lana 9 янв. 2022 г., 11:12:13 | 5 - 9 классы

Задай специальный вопрос к предложениям Mike invited her to the party 2 You enjoyed the party?

Задай специальный вопрос к предложениям Mike invited her to the party 2 You enjoyed the party.

Котейка76 31 янв. 2022 г., 15:49:17 | 5 - 9 классы

Exercise 4 Complete the letter with one letter in each gap?

Exercise 4 Complete the letter with one letter in each gap.

How are t_ _ _ _s w_ _ _ you?

I hope you're feeling better.

I'm having a party on Friday.

Do you w_ _ _ to come?

It isn't going to be a big party but it should be fun.

The party starts at seven o'clock.

We're going to have some food and chat and then play some music.

Mum and dad are going out for the evening but they're coming home at ten p.

M. so the party won't f_ _ _ _ _ very late.

I hope you can come.

Let me know.

S_ _  you s_ _ _


Dianaya88 26 апр. 2022 г., 06:54:41 | 10 - 11 классы

1. Rephrase the following situations using an appropriate modal verb?

1. Rephrase the following situations using an appropriate modal verb.

1. I advise you to stop eating chocolate.

You ____ stop eating chocolate.

2. I insist that you do your homework.

You ____ do your homework.

3. Will you let me speak to David, please?

___ I speak to David, please?

4. She can hear you well enough.

You ______ shout.

5. Talking is not permitted during the test.

You ____ talk during the test.

6. It isn’t right to speak to your mother like that.

You ____ speak to your mother like that.

7. It isn’t possible for him to come to the party.

He ____ come to the party.

8. He is obliged to go to the police station once a week.

He ____ to go to the police station once a week.

9. It’s forbidden to feed the animals in the Zoo.

You ____ feed the animals in the Zoo.

10. It’s necessary to dust the furniture.

You ____ dust the furniture.

11. Would you mind if I read your book?

____ I read your book?

12. Perhaps they’ll come with us.

They ____ come with us.

13. Would you mind if I use your glasses?

____ I use your glasses?

14. Let’s try doing this exercise.

____ we try doing this exercise.

15. He can do it himself.

Why ____ he ask anybody for help?

16. Perhaps, she will phone them today.

She ____ phone them today.

17. Why don’t you go to the sea for a holiday?

You ____ go to the sea for a holiday.

18. Would you like me to help you with the dishes?

____ I help you with the dishes?

5iqb 14 февр. 2022 г., 17:48:08 | 10 - 11 классы

12. Perhaps they’ll come with us?

12. Perhaps they’ll come with us.

They ____ come with us.

13. Would you mind if I use your glasses?

____ I use your glasses?

14. Let’s try doing this exercise.

____ we try doing this exercise.

15. He can do it himself.

Why ____ he ask anybody for help?

16. Perhaps, she will phone them today.

She ____ phone them today.

17. Why don’t you go to the sea for a holiday?

You ____ go to the sea for a holiday.

18. Would you like me to help you with the dishes?

____ I help you with the dishes?

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