Переведите пожалуйста без помощи онлайн переводчиков?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите пожалуйста без помощи онлайн переводчиков.


A fire service is not a career but a profession and a good fireman makes his

work also his hobby.

It is surprising how little the community knows about the

fire service and the work of a fireman.

It is not generally understood that the

field of knowledge required is far greater than that of almost any other

profession and includes mathematics, hydraulics, chemistry, English, building

construction, plan drawing, legislation, fire service law, fire alarms, fixed fire protection installations including carbon dioxide, dry powder, sprinkler and

chemical extinguishing agents .

No longer can a fireman go into a building

and use water indiscriminately.

The modern development of industry has

produced many hazardous materials which explode violently on contact with


When a man decides he would like to join the fire service he may do so

Either as a junior fireman or as a probationary fireman.

After an entrance

examination and an interview an outline is given about his work including the

hazardous duties and the need to deal with dead bodies or people badly

injured .

A fireman must be able to respond to an alarm from any duty during the

day time in 20 seconds which means he has tо be on an appliance and leaving7

the fire station in this time, and at night time from a rest period in 40 seconds.

To accept an order without question and to climb a ladder and enter a

burning building which is on fire without thought for one's own safety stresses

the need for strict discipline and outlines the need for team spirit.

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Ответы (1)
Apokaliptika 28 окт. 2021 г., 07:32:14


Работа пожарным - не карьера, а профессия.

Хороший пожарный считает свою работу также и своим увлечением.

Удивительно, как мало люди знают про пожарную службу и работу пожарного.

Люди редко понимают, что объем необходимых знаний гораздо больше, чем практически в любой другой профессии, и включает математику, гидравлику, химию, язык, строительное дело, черчение, знание законодательства, включая законы о пожарной службе, пожарных сигнализациях, фиксированные противопожарные средства, включая углекислый газ, порошок, разбрызгиватели, и химические агенты пожаротушения.

Пожарные больше не забегают в здания чтобы без разбора поливать всё водой.

Индустриальное развитие создало много опасных веществ, которые взрываются при контакте с водой.

Когда человек решает вступить в пожарную службу, он может стать младшим пожарным, или пожарным на испытательном сроке.

После вступительных экзаменов и собеседования, ему описывают его будущую работу, включая опасные обязанности, и необходимость работы с мертвыми и раненными.

В дневное время пожарный должен быть в состоянии среагировать на сигнал тревоги в течении 20 секунд, вне зависимости от того, чем он занят, что значит, что в это время он уже должен быть на пожарной машине и покидать станцию, а в ночное время - в течении 40 секунд.

Для того, чтобы неукоснительно следуя приказу подняться по лестнице в горящее здание без раздумий о собственной безопасности, необходима строгая дисциплина и сильный командный дух.

Ленок11111 15 авг. 2021 г., 17:32:20 | 1 - 4 классы

Переведите пожалуйста текстIn those days people usually built houses of wood?

Переведите пожалуйста текст

In those days people usually built houses of wood.

Sometimes there were fires in the city, but they were usually very small.

1666 was the year of the Great Fire of London.

On Saturday, 2nd September, 1666, there was a strong wind from the river and a big fire began.

It started in the house of the kings baker, near London Bridge.

The bakers wife woke up in the middle of the night because the house was on fire.

Soon the next house started burning and then the next and the next.

The fire burns until Thursday.

Many houses in London were burnt.

The fire burnt for four days.

More than 250 thousand people didn't have home and more.

After the Great Fire people built a new city.

It became larger and larger.

By 1830, there were more than one and a half million people in London.

The railways came and London became richer and richer.

Dtv7575 19 апр. 2021 г., 19:50:21 | 1 - 4 классы

Прошу помочь?

Прошу помочь!

Найдите в тексте ошибки и исправьте!

The fire of London.

In october 1796 there was a fire in the old city of London.

The fire started in a hause on London Bridge.

The weather was fine that day, there were few , honses on London Bridge, and that's why only 4 honses were bumt.

The fire started on Thursday and was over on Friday.

The people of London built a new city after the Fire.

Kingring200129 12 мар. 2021 г., 00:22:09 | 10 - 11 классы

Найдите в предложениях герундий?

Найдите в предложениях герундий.

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Upon reaching the injectors, the fuel is mixed with the oxidizer.

2. By applying this method the firemen managed to extinguish the fire without increasing the potential loss.

3. In solving the problem of reducing the oxygen content in spacecraft cabin the Russian scientists have made the space flights less dangerous for cosmonauts.

4. The employees could extinguish the fire by the first aid appliances without calling a fire brigade.

5. The fireman displayed great skill in extinguishing the fire.

6. The chain reaction releases a lot of radiation which must be prevented from escaping into the atmosphere.

7. Efforts directed at depriving the fire of oxygen are called blanketing or smothering.

8. Back draft is dangerous to fireman engaged in opening up a burning building.

9. Before trying to extinguish a fire a fireman must decide which of the three factors he will remove.

10. Sometimes it is difficult to extinguish a fire without using large quantities of water.

Stepachev2004 17 мая 2021 г., 21:57:18 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите пожалуйста?

Помогите пожалуйста!

Подчеркните в предложениях сказуемое, определите время и залог сказуемого (укажите в скобках) и переведите предложения на русский язык :


Fire alarms help warn people about fire danger.

2. Class C fires are effectively controlled by removing the oxygen.

3. Sprinklers and drenches are fixed fire protection installations.

4. The function of a breathing apparatus is to enable people to work in an atmosphere that doesn’t support life.

5. Class B fires are controlled with application of fire suppressants.

6. This fire alarm system meets all the modern requirements.

7. Fire departments are organized in a system of administration, services, training and operations.

8. Hazardous materials are usually kept far from a fire source.

9. Members of a fire brigade give first aid to the people who are injured or shocked.

10. The first automatic electric fire alarm was invented in 1890 by Fransis Robbins Upton.

11. Commercial smoke detectors are installed in 93% of US homes and 85% of UK homes.

12. In small theatres a safety curtain is not usually required.

13. By 1883only about 10 factories in the US were protected by the Parmelee sprinklers.

14. The invention of a fire hydrant is generally credited to Frederick Graff, Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia Water Work in 1800.

15. The modern development of industry has produced many hazardous materials which explode violently on contact with water.

16. Fire alarms help warn people about fire danger.

17. Sprinklers and drenches are fixed fire protection installations.

18. The function of a breathing apparatus is to enable people to work in an atmosphere that doesn’t support life.

19. This fire alarm system meets all the modern requirements.

20. Hazardous materials are usually kept far from a fire source.

Forestik0 15 июн. 2021 г., 21:04:26 | 5 - 9 классы

Переведите текст прошу только не с переводчика?

Переведите текст прошу только не с переводчика.

Once upon a time on an island in the Red sea there lived a man.

One day he took flour and water, and carrots, and plums, and sugar and made himself a very big brown cake.

But just as he was going to eat it there came down to the beach the Rhinoceros with two piggy eyes and bad manners.

He said, how and the man left the cake and climbed to the top of a tree.

The Rhinoceros ate the cake and went away.

The man came down from the thee and said.

"Them that takes cakes, wich the man bakes, makes dreadful mistakes.


Five weeks later the weather was very hot and all the animals took off their skins.

The Rhinoceros left his skin on the beach and went into the water.

At that moment the man put cake crumbs inside the skin and climbed on the top of the tree.

The Rhinoceros came out of the water and put his skin on, and it tickled like cake crumbs in bed.

Не ran to the tree and rubbed, and rubbed himself against it.

And he rubbed his skin into great folds on his neck and over his legs.

And from that day a rhinoceros has great folds in his skin.

Cergeiahpashev 21 июн. 2021 г., 10:46:40 | 10 - 11 классы

Найдите в предложениях Объектный инфинитивный оборот1?

Найдите в предложениях Объектный инфинитивный оборот


We want this article to show that progress in the American Fire service has been based on a series of historic catastrophes.

2. We want fire offices to have basic knowledge in all the fields of fire science.

3. They wanted the scientists to develop new extinguishing media dense and flexible at the same time.

4. We know this substance to be the best to cease the development of a fire.

5. We know this wetting agent to be the best one to interfere with flame propagation.

Pasha070498 29 сент. 2021 г., 02:39:46 | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите пожалуйста на русский язык1?

Переведите пожалуйста на русский язык


Fire alarms help warn people about fire danger.

2. Sprinklers and drenches are fixed fire protection installations.

3. This fire alarm system meets all the modern requirements.

4. Hazardous materials are usually kept far from a fire source.

5. The substance will be heated to its ignition point during the experiment.

6. Three men were injured in a massive fire of the 20 - storeyed building.

7. New sensitive detectors are recommended for the protection of the high - value equipment.

8. He was recognized as a firesetter.

9. The access to the seat of the fire was hindered by the collapse of the walls and the roof.

10. Firemen of the 19th century were called Johnies.

11. The first automatic electric fire alarm was invented in 1890 by Fransis Robbins Upton.

12. Commercial smoke detectors are installed in 93% of US homes and 85% of UK homes.

13. In small theatres a safety curtain is not usually required.

14. By 1883only about 10 factories in the US were protected by the Parmelee sprinklers.

15. The invention of a fire hydrant is generally credited to Frederick Graff, Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia Water Work in 1800.

16. Fire departments are organized in a system of administration, services, training and operations.

17. Class B fires are controlled with application of fire suppressants.

18. Class C fires are effectively controlled by removing the oxygen.

19. In the extinguishment of a fire the burning substance has to be cooled below its ignition temperature.

20. At last firemen were allowed to open a building.

Granevskaya 2 сент. 2021 г., 21:54:54 | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите пожалуйста, без помощи онлайн переводчика?

Переведите пожалуйста, без помощи онлайн переводчика.

1. Fire alarms help warn people about fire danger.

2. Sprinklers and drenches are fixed fire protection installations.

3. This fire alarm system meets all the modern requirements.

4. Hazardous materials are usually kept far from a fire source.

5. The substance will be heated to its ignition point during the experiment.

6. Three men were injured in a massive fire of the 20 - storeyed building.

7. New sensitive detectors are recommended for the protection of the high - value equipment.

8. He was recognized as a firesetter.

9. The access to the seat of the fire was hindered by the collapse of the walls and the roof.

10. Firemen of the 19th century were called Johnies.

11. The first automatic electric fire alarm was invented in 1890 by Fransis Robbins Upton.

12. Commercial smoke detectors are installed in 93% of US homes and 85% of UK homes.

13. In small theatres a safety curtain is not usually required.

14. By 1883only about 10 factories in the US were protected by the Parmelee sprinklers.

15. The invention of a fire hydrant is generally credited to Frederick Graff, Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia Water Work in 1800.

16. Fire departments are organized in a system of administration, services, training and operations.

17. Class B fires are controlled with application of fire suppressants.

18. Class C fires are effectively controlled by removing the oxygen.

19. In the extinguishment of a fire the burning substance has to be cooled below its ignition temperature.

20. At last firemen were allowed to open a building.

Шипокляк 22 дек. 2021 г., 18:12:47 | 5 - 9 классы

The great plague and the great fire of london помогите перевисти текст?

The great plague and the great fire of london помогите перевисти текст.

ASCII 17 мар. 2021 г., 00:19:17 | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите, пожалуйста?

Переведите, пожалуйста.


Once upon a time, when the world was so new and the animals just began to work for the Man, there was a Camel and he lived in the middle of the dessert because he did not want to work.

So he ate sticks and thorns and nothing more.

He was very lazy and when somebody spoke to him he just said "Humph", and nothing more.

First the Horse came to him on Monday morning and said, "Camel, come out and carry the Man on your back like the rest of us.


"Humph, " said the Camel and the Horse went away and told the man.

Then the dog came to him but was not a success either.

Then the Ox had в talk with the Camel but in vain.

At the end of the day the Man called the animals together and said, "I'm sorry for you but you must work double - time to do the Camel's work as I'm going to leave him alone.


That made the Three very angry and they held a meeting.

Soon there came along the Jin in Charge of All Deserts.

He stopped to talk with the Horse, the Dog and the Ox.

"Is it right for anyone to be idle when the world is so new and there is so much work to do?

" asked the Horse.

"Of course not, " said the Jin.

"Well, there's an animal with a long neck and long legs and he hasn't done any work since Monday morning.


"Oh, what does he say about it?

" asked the Jin.

"He says only "Humph".

"Very good.

I will punish him if you wait a minute".

The Jin flew across the desert and found the Camel looking at his own reflection in a pool of water.

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