Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы
Помогите перевести слова в скобках на ENGLISH В НУЖНОМ ВРЕМЕНИ!
Translate the words in brackets.
1. He will not (приедет) till 5 o’clock.
2. Summer (наступило) late this year.
3. She didn’t hear anything but felt a sudden (страх) walking in the darkness.
4. She (принесла) me several books to read and some apples.
5. I understood that we were going in (неправильный) direction.
6. The child (не боится) anything.
7. She looked young and healthy though she (воспитала) three children.
8. He gave up his career and (обратился) to painting.
9. The ship (утонул) not far from that island.
10. (Борьба) against evil is his life.
11. He (не хватило смелости) tell her the truth.
12. (В глубине души) we didn’t believe him.
13. He never (сдавался) without (боя).
14. The substance (ис пускало) a strange smell.
15. We stopped to find out (что случилось).
16. She always (принимала близко к сердцу) people’s problems.

Помогите пожалуйста?
Помогите пожалуйста!
Образец ; Mag didnt feed the bird, she fed the cat and the dog.
1)Mags father didnt watch TV, he.
The stars.
2)Her grandfather didnt play puzzles, she.
Computer games.
3)Her grandfather didnt go to the park, he .
4)Her mother didnt clean the kitchen, she .
The room.
5)Mag and her sister Becky didnt water the trees, they .
The flowers.

Помогите решить задание put the verbs in brackets in the past perfect tense 1?
Помогите решить задание put the verbs in brackets in the past perfect tense 1.
He hold her that he (to by a tv set the year before) 2.
The man at the station said the train (already to leave) 3.
Mary told me that she (not to get a letter from her son yet).
She said that she (not to hear from him for some weeks) 4.
He understood that he ( to get off at the wrong station) 5.
He said that his parents (always to live in the country).

Переведите, пожалуйста Jenny was so excited ?
Переведите, пожалуйста Jenny was so excited .
She looked forward to her winter holiday in the swiss alps all year and now she was finally there.
There were lost of interesting people in her group and the leaders seemed very professional and experienced.
Jenny couldn't believe her luck.
She was away from the city at last Everyone was arnazed by the scenery on their first walk.
The snow - capped moutains looked beautiful against the clear blue sky and the air was so fresh.
There were colorful wild flowers everywhere.
Jenny stopped to take some photographs.
But, when she looked around she realised that everyone else had gone and she was completely alone.

Long, Long ago, in the days when magic was still in some use, and old Wicked Witch (1?
Long, Long ago, in the days when magic was still in some use, and old Wicked Witch (1.
Put) a King's son under a spell.
She (2.
Shut) him in a great iron Chest.
Then, with the help of her magic she (3.
Hide) the Prince, Chest, and all, in the middle of a lonely forest.
No one (4.
Know) what (5.
Become) of the Prince, The Prince's father (6.
Send) men far and wide but they (7.
Can, not) (8.
Find) him.
Year after year the Chest (9.
Stand) there in great wild forest.
It so (10.
Happen) that a King's daughter (11.
Lose) her way in that forest.
She (12.
Walk) for nine days and suddenly she (13.
See) some strange Chest (14.
Stand) in front of her.
She also (15.
Hear) the Chest (16.
The Chest (17.
Want) (18.
Know) where the girl (19.
Come) from and where she (20.
Go). She (21.
Answer) she (22.
Lose) her way.
The foice from the Chest (23.
Say) it (24.
Help) the if she (25.
Promise) (26.
Come) back and (27.
Marry) him.
She (28.
Agree) Раскройте пожалуйста скобки!
Очень прошу!

Open the brackets to complete the story and try to guess the name of the fairy tale?
Open the brackets to complete the story and try to guess the name of the fairy tale.
A young girl, Goldilocks by name , lives in some fairy land.
One day she (1.
Walk) .
Through the forest.
Suddenly she (2.
See) .
A small house.
At the door but nobody (4.
Answer) .
. She (5.
Come) .
In and (6.
Go) .
To the kitchen with a table and three chairs around it .
She (7.
Some porridge from each of the three plates that (8.
Stand ).
On the table and (9.
Drink) .
Some milk.
At the end of the story three bears (10.
Back home, they (11.
Her asleep in the bedroom but she(12.
Up, (13.
Out of the window and (14.

Compete the text the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.
Here at The English School, we are happy with Vera's progress.
She always (1) .
(ask) if she (2) .
(not understand) and she usually (3) .
(do) her homework.
Vera (4) .
(enjoy) meeting the other students from Russia, and they (5) .
(not speak) Russian together.
We all hope that she (6) .
(continue) with her English studies.

Suddenly a young man came in?
Suddenly a young man came in.
Rosie looked at him and couldn't believe her eyes.
He was the very young man from the mirror.
As their eyes met Rosie understood that she loved the man and her heart was his.
Looking at the man the Queen asked, "You are not a magician, are you?
" перевести быстрее пожалуйста.

Помогите пожалуйста Open the brackets and write the complete story?
Помогите пожалуйста Open the brackets and write the complete story.
_____________ When the Princess saw the young man, she (1.
Like) him very much.
She (2.
Begin) (3.
Work) as hard as she (4.
She (5.
Think) she never (6.
See) anyone so handsome.
She (7.
Know) she (8.
Make) him free soon.
And she (9.
Do). The Prince (10.
Take) her hand and (11.
Say) he (12.
Be) under the spell all those years.
He (13.
Suffer) a lot.
He (14.
Think) the Princess as she (15.
Save) him.
He (16.
Tell) her he (17.
Want) them (18.
Go) to his father's Kingdom and (19.
Expect) her (20.
Marry) him.
The Princess (21.
Agree) because she already (22.
Fall) in love with the young man.
But she (23.
Ask) him (24.
Let) her (25.
Go) first to her father's palace and (26.
Say) goodbye to her old father.
The Prince (27.
Agree) though he (28.
Look, not) pleased.

Compete the text the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.
Here at The English School, we are happy with Vera's progress.
She always (1) .
(ask) if she (2) .
(not understand) and she usually (3) .
(do) her homework.
Vera (4) .
(enjoy) meeting the other students from Russia, and they (5) .
(not speak) Russian together.
We all hope that she (6) .
(continue) with her English studies.

She. (catch) the bus outside the school and (sit) by the window She ?
She. (catch) the bus outside the school and (sit) by the window She .
(not see) any paintings but she .
(have) a really nica afternoon!
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1. come
Is not afraid of
Brought up
Turned to
Went down
Wasn't brave enough to
Deep in our hearts
Gave up, fighting
What happened
Took personally.