Помогите прочитать текст русскими словами?

Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы

Помогите прочитать текст русскими словами.

After the lamp sneezes, the light goes out .

Now nobody can see where to post letters.

At this moment a duk comes to the lamp.

Her name is Miranda.

She looks at the lamp and thinks : "How can people post their letters without the lamp?


She clumbs the letterbox and begins to quack.

She quacks and quacks.

And the people who come to post their letters say : " It's dark here.

Where is the letterbox?

" But then they hear Miranda's quacking.

And they think : "Whatever is all that quacking for?

They go to where they hear the quacking.

They see Miranda and the letterbox under her.

They post their letters and they are very happy.

И перевод на русский язык.

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Ответы (1)
Ewa99 9 янв. 2021 г., 07:10:07

Афтэр зе лемп снизес, зе лайт гоус аут.

Нау ноубоди кен си вер ту пост летерс.

Ет зис момент е дак камс ту ще лемп.

Хе(р) нейм из Миранда.

Ши лукс ет зе лемп енд синкс : хау кен пипл пост зеи(р) летерс визаут зе лемп.

Ши кламбс зе летербокс енд бэгинс ту квак.

Ши квакс енд квакс.

Енд зе пипл ху камс ту пост зеи(р) летерс сей : Итс дарк хе(р) .

Вер из зе летербокс?

Бат зен зей хе(р) Мирандас квакинг.

Енд зей синк : Вотеве(р) из ол зет квакинг фо(р)?

Зей гоу ту ве(р) зей хе(р) зе квакинг.

Зей си Миранда енд зе летербокс андер хе(р).

Зей пост зеир летерс енд зей а(р) вери хепи.

AIEKSEY 4 янв. 2021 г., 01:17:48 | 1 - 4 классы

Прочитать слова русскими буквами We have got a letterbox in our street?

Прочитать слова русскими буквами We have got a letterbox in our street.

He is very nice and people [pi : pl] (люди) post their letters and postcards into him.

Every day the postman comes and takes the letters and postcards.

Эхо12 16 янв. 2021 г., 17:52:18 | 10 - 11 классы

Read the information about these famous people look at the photos and then describe the places where they lived?

Read the information about these famous people look at the photos and then describe the places where they lived.

Msxim 8 июн. 2021 г., 16:00:30 | 1 - 4 классы

Look at the pictures and say what they usually do at the time and what they are doing now?

Look at the pictures and say what they usually do at the time and what they are doing now.

NiCe1Repson 22 окт. 2021 г., 09:16:03 | 1 - 4 классы

What do they need?

What do they need?

Look at the equipment again.

Listen to Sam and Kates questions

предложения :

Where are they going to sleep?

Where are they going to eat?

Where are they going to wear on their heads?

Where are they going to use to climb up the cliffs?

Where are they going to see in the dark?

100 балов.

Гагатунчик 21 июн. 2021 г., 00:00:19 | 1 - 4 классы



After the lamp sneezes, the light goes out (выключается).

Now nobody

(никто) can see where to post letters.

At this moment a duck comes to

the lamp.

Her name is Miranda [mi'raends].

She looks at the lamp and

thinks : "How can people post their letters without [wid'aut] (без) the



She climbs [klaimz] (взбирается) the letterbox and begins to quack [kwaek] (крякать).

She quacks and quacks.

And the people who come to post their letters say : "It's dark here.

Where is the letterbox?

"But then they hear Miranda's quacking ['kwaekin] (кряканье).

And they

think : "Whatever is all that quacking for?

" (Что это она так крякает?


They go to where they hear the quacking.

They see Miranda and the letterbox under her.

They post their letters and they are very happy.

Irina1983777 8 июл. 2021 г., 05:35:35 | 5 - 9 классы

Напишите глаголы в правильной форме?

Напишите глаголы в правильной форме.

Например : First, letters(collect) from post boxes.

First, letters are collected from post boxes.

1)Then they (take) to the post office.

2)Then the addresses ( read) and the letters are sorted.

In many countries the postcodes( read) by machines and the letters ( sort) by machines.

3)Then the letters for other places and countries ( take) to the railway station and airoport.

4) They (take) off the train during the night, the next day (take) to a local post office.

5) There they (sort) again.

6)In the morning the letters ( collect) by postmen and women and (deliver) to our homes and office.

Msvzuda97 25 авг. 2021 г., 10:52:58 | 1 - 4 классы

Прочитай окончание сказки и ответь на вопрос : "Who helps the people?

Прочитай окончание сказки и ответь на вопрос : "Who helps the people?


After the lamp sneezes, the light goes out (выключается).

Now nobody (никто) can see where to post letters.

At this moment a duck comes to the lamp.

Her name is Miranda [mi'raends].

She looks at the lamp and thinks : "How can people post their letters without [wid'aut] (без) the lamp?


She climbs [klaimz] (взбирается) the letterbox and begins to quack [kwaek] (крякать).

She quacks and quacks.

And the people who come to post their letters say : "It's dark here.

Where is the letterbox?


But then they hear Miranda's quacking ['kwaekin] (кряканье).

And they think : "Whatever is all that quacking for?

" (Что это она так крякает?

) They go to where they hear the quacking.

They see Miranda and the letterbox under her.

They post their letters and they are very happy.

MrZlo1 20 окт. 2021 г., 12:28:55 | 1 - 4 классы

Look at the Pictures and say What they are wearing on their Heads and feet?

Look at the Pictures and say What they are wearing on their Heads and feet.

Danaladigaeva 1 мая 2021 г., 07:56:02 | 1 - 4 классы

Clever Miranda Назови главных героев We have got a letterbox in our street?

Clever Miranda Назови главных героев We have got a letterbox in our street.

He is very nice and people [pi : pl] (люди) post their letters and postcards into him.

Every day the postman comes and takes the letters and postcards.

Near the letterbox there stands a lamp (фонарь).

They are very good friends.

The lamp shines (светит) in the dark night.

He shows the people their way (путь) home and where to post their letters.

One night the lamp says to the letterbox : "I think I've caught a cold (простудился).

I want to sneeze (чихнуть).

" And he sneezes.

Sghdh 24 нояб. 2021 г., 03:15:04 | 1 - 4 классы

Допиши предложения, вставив в них нужную форму глагола?

Допиши предложения, вставив в них нужную форму глагола.


2) Yesterday Fred and Jim (decide) _______ to go to the park.

They (want) _______ to ride their bikes.

In the park they (see) _______ their friends — Kevin and Liz.

They (have, not) _______ their bikes with them, but they (have) _______ a big brown ball.

The children (begin) _______ playing.

They (play) _______ three games.

Then they (go) _______ home.

At 5 o’clock they (be) _______ at home.

3) Tom and Tim are brothers.

Yesterday morning the boys (be) _______ in the kitchen.

Tim (make) _______ sandwiches for breakfast and (give) _______ them to Tom.

Tom (be) happy.

He (love) _______ the sandwiches very much.

After breakfast the brothers (go) _______into the street.

They (walk) _______ for five minutes and (meet) _______ Alice.

Alice (have) _______ a letter in her hand.

She (send) _______ it and the friends (go) _______ to the museum.

They (come) _______ to the museum at 12 o’clock in the afternoon.

4) Last month Kate (begin) _______ speaking English.

She (know) _______ a lot of English words now.

She (read) _______ in English.

She can (write) _______ in English too.

But sometimes I (not, understand) _______ her.

I (not, understand) _______ her last month and I (not, understand) _______ her now.

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