ПЕРЕВОД СТИХА В РИФМУ, ОЧЕНЬ НУЖНОGreat, Wide, Beautiful, Wonderful WorldWilliam Brighty Rands Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world,With the wonderful water round you curledAnd the wonderful grass ?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы


Great, Wide, Beautiful, Wonderful World

William Brighty Rands Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world,

With the wonderful water round you curled

And the wonderful grass upon your breast World, you are beautifully drest.

The wonderful air is over me,

And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree, It walks on the water, and whirls the mills, And talks to itself on the tops of the hills.

You friendly Earth!

How far do you go,

With the wheat - fields that nod and the rivers that flow With citics and gardens, and cliffs and isles, And people upon you for thousands of miles?

Ah, you are so great and I am so small, I tremble to think of you, World, at all, And yet, when I said my prayers today,

A whisper inside me secmed to say, "You are more than the Earth, though you are such a dot : You can love and think, and the Earth cannot!


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Ответы (1)
AngelinaBas 28 окт. 2020 г., 16:55:32

Большой, широкий, красивый, удивительный мирУильям Brighty RandsБольшой, широкий, красивый, удивительный мир, С красивой круглый воды вы курчавыйИ чудесная трава на вашей грудиМир, вы красиво Drest.

Замечательный воздух на меня, И замечательный ветер встряхивая дерево, Он ходит по воде, и вертит мельницы, И разговаривает сам с собой на вершинах холмов.

Вы дружественным Земли!

Как далеко вы идете, С пшеничными полями, которые киваю и рек, которые текутС citics и садами, а также скалы и острова, И люди на вас за тысячи миль?

Ах, ты так велик, и я настолько мал, Я дрожу, чтобы думать о тебе, мир, вообще, И все же, когда я сказал, мои молитвы сегодня, Шепот внутри меня secmed сказать, "Вы больше, чем на Земле, хотя ты такая точка : Вы можете любить и думать, и Земля не может!


DashaShidenko 2 июл. 2020 г., 06:10:46 | 1 - 4 классы

Read the sentences and write the clothes?

Read the sentences and write the clothes.

1. You wear these when you are sleeping.

Sadovka111clef78956 8 июл. 2020 г., 14:15:26 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите я вас умоляю ?

Помогите я вас умоляю !

Speak about your geography lessons.

Say : 1) How geography helps you to know a lot about the world around you 2) What you learn about different countries in the world 3) how maps are helpful 4) if you describe and compare the weather the climate and the nature in different regions of Russia and in different parts the world.

Solnyshko2000 28 дек. 2020 г., 05:35:05 | 1 - 4 классы

Перевод вот этого текста Как читается The world is full of animals Some are big and tall Some are strong and dangerous Some are cute and small All creatures are amazing Just like me and you Help prote?

Перевод вот этого текста Как читается The world is full of animals Some are big and tall Some are strong and dangerous Some are cute and small All creatures are amazing Just like me and you Help protect the animals This is their world, too Animals are wonderful They’re beautiful to see Help them live a happy life Help them to be free.

Лолштоо 7 февр. 2020 г., 05:31:29 | 1 - 4 классы

Помогите перевести, пожалуйста?

Помогите перевести, пожалуйста.

Teacher : tolkien's the lord of the rings has been a favourite book with children for years, and the film, based on book, is not less popular.

So witch is better : books or films?

Dylan : Definitely, books are much better than films.

There are more books with fantastic plots and well - developed characters when films.

And you can take books anywere and read whem anytime you want.

Sean : Yes, maybe, but i prefer films becose films a more exciting.

In a film you can get involved in all the action and actually feel like you are there.

Besides, books can be boring but films are so cool, colourful and wonderful.

You can just sit and enjoy them.

You can also watch a film with your family or friends and you can talk about it after.

Dylan : Yes, but on the other hand most films miss half the story while books tell the whole story.

You can use your imagination, not like with films where you can only see it!

And what do you think, Lisa?

Lisa : I think that books and films are both great.

Books are more educational and informative and descriptive.

But films are more fun and have more pictures.

So I'm not sure if I like films or books better.

Простогусь 2 мар. 2020 г., 06:27:46 | 1 - 4 классы

You are on holiday with your family?

You are on holiday with your family.

Write a postcard to a friend.

Use the plan bel ow.

Greet your friend and say Where you are.

DESCRIBE the place and the weather.

Talk about what you and your family are doing now.

Flowerruss 21 июн. 2020 г., 23:52:39 | 1 - 4 классы

Complete the sentences with COME or GO?

Complete the sentences with COME or GO.

1)You and your friend are in the classroom.

You say, "Lets .

To the gym.

" 2))You and your friend are in the street.

You say, "I * d like to .

To the sweet shop.

" 3)You are in the house.

Your friend is in the street.

You say, " .

In and have a cup of tea with me".

4)Your friend is in his / her house.

You are at home.

You say, " .

To my place, i have a wonderful video to watch.

" 5)You are at home.

Your mother is at work.

You say, "When will you .

Home, mum?

" 6)You and your mother are at home.

You say, "I * m not .

Out tonight.

I * m staying at home.


Анжелика666 22 июн. 2020 г., 18:40:27 | 1 - 4 классы

Подскажите You can walk in the green ?

Подскажите You can walk in the green .

And beautiful.

LoveAnimeshki 27 мар. 2020 г., 05:23:34 | 5 - 9 классы

Do you remember a?

Do you remember a.

Pushkin fairy tale "The Tale of the Dead Princess and Seven Knights " and its characters?

Say what they are like.

Use the worlds and world combinations from the boxes.

Карина128нн 20 окт. 2020 г., 12:04:21 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите пожалуйста, СРОЧНО?

Помогите пожалуйста, СРОЧНО.

Read and write in order.

Thank you for the wonderful time I had in Plymouth.

I’ve told all my friends about what we did together.

Love Can I come and stay with you again next summer?

Dear Granny and Grandpa Mum and Dad send their love to you.

Anne How are you?

The photos we took are great!

I’ll send you some of them.

Viktorsuper 2 июл. 2020 г., 12:21:00 | 1 - 4 классы

Complete the sentences with COME or GO?

Complete the sentences with COME or GO.

1)You and your friend are in the classroom.

You say, "Lets .

To the gym.

" 2))You and your friend are in the street.

You say, "I * d like to .

To the sweet shop.

" 3)You are in the house.

Your friend is in the street.

You say, " .

In and have a cup of tea with me".

4)Your friend is in his / her house.

You are at home.

You say, " .

To my place, i have a wonderful video to watch.

" 5)You are at home.

Your mother is at work.

You say, "When will you .

Home, mum?

" 6)You and your mother are at home.

You say, "I * m not .

Out tonight.

I * m staying at home.


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