What role will robots have in our future?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

What role will robots have in our future?

Will they only be functional, or will they be our personal companions?

Computer scientists in Japan and the USA now believe that robots will be friends and helpers like C - 3PO and R2 - D2 in the film Star Wars.

Helen Greiner says they are good for jobs that are “dull, dirty, and dangerous”.

Others believe robots will be a part of everyday life.

Katsumi Muto of Sony thinks that elderly Japanese people might need mechanical helpers.

His company has developed Aibo, a robot dog, and Qrio a humanoid, which can walk and play music.

Robots will help to make people’s lives easier, by cleaning the house or delivering the mail, but they will not require much care like a family pet.

Scientists see the next step is making robots that can feel and show emotions.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has built a robot called Kismet, which can move its eyes and show emotional expressions.

One day, people are likely to accept robots into daily life, as helpers and companions like a family dog, which they can love.

Choose true, false, doesn't say :


Helen Greiner says that robots are good for boring jobs.

Doesn't say




Robots will make people’s lives harder.



doesn't say


Children will take robots to school.


doesn't say


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Ответы (1)
Антарка 28 окт. 2020 г., 18:28:29

1 true

2 false

3 doesn't say.

НяшМяш34 30 окт. 2020 г., 06:14:09 | 5 - 9 классы

Переведите пожалуйста только не в гугле Where are the robots?

Переведите пожалуйста только не в гугле Where are the robots?

Science fiction writes, including Jules Verne and Isaac Asimov, wrote about rockets to the moon, nuclear power, the Internet and robots.

All of these things are now a reality : that is of course, except for the robots.

So where are these household robots we were promised?

Where are our robot helpers to do the ironing, cook dinner, walk the dog, clean the house and so on?

It is true that we have already got some robots which can perform a single task such as vacuuming the carpets or moving the lawn, but what about the human - like companions we were promised that can walk, talk and cater for all our needs?

Perhaps it is much more difficult in practice than in theory to build such a robot.

The truth is that for such a robot to exist it must be able to think and scientists simply don't know how to give robots this ability.

They don't have the knowledge to give a robot intelligence or the power of reasoning.

Worse still, it seems that they may never work it out.

Researchers say that the best way to overcome this problem is to study the human brain and try create an artificial brain that copies its functions.

Nevertheless, scientists have already overcome other problems such as mobility.

For example, Honda's ASIMO robot can walk, run and climb stairs without any problems.

Also, robots can now look more human thanks to roboticist David Hanson's invention of a skin covering called Frubber which has been used on robots such as Repliee Q2.

Language may be another obstacle as robots have to be able to understand figurative speech such as idioms, as well as gestures and emotional responses.

All in all, experts are divided as to when robot assistants may become a reality.

Some say five years, others say fifty.

Who knows - soon household robots may be as common as home computers.

Olobanova77 18 февр. 2020 г., 22:11:58 | 5 - 9 классы

Little boxes In recent years there have been many predictions about what our houses will be like in the future?

Little boxes In recent years there have been many predictions about what our houses will be like in the future.

Some experts think we will all live in boxes ; others think we may actually live on the moon or another planet!

Two things are clear.

We will use power from the sun, wind or sea and computers will control everything in our lives and especially in our homes.

Every house will have devices to change energy from natural sources into power, and we’ll build houses that can use this power efficiently.

Computers will open and close doors to allow people to come in and out and they will make sure the house and the people in it are safe.

They will switch on the lights when we go into different rooms or switch on gadgets when we ask them to.

They will know when the fridge is empty and order food automatically.

They will even tell us who has visited the house while we were out and at what times!

Rooms will be smaller than today but furniture like beds, tables and chairs will come out of the floors and walls when we want to use them.

Again, the computer will do this for us.

Some experts predict that computers will control the entire world in the future, so perhaps they might decide to shut us in our little boxes for ever!

There’s a thought.

8 Are the sentences true or false?

1 We may live on the moon in the future.

___ 2 Our energy will come from oil.

___ 3 Our houses will have no doors.

___ 4 We will order our shopping on the computer.

___ 5 We will sleep on the floors.


Manya45 19 окт. 2020 г., 18:44:46 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите ответить на вопросы по данному тексту : 1 How are robots supposed to be used in future?

Помогите ответить на вопросы по данному тексту : 1 How are robots supposed to be used in future?

2 Why are robots better companions than dogs, according to the next?

3 Why can people look forward to the time when robots will be accepted into daily life?

4 whould you like to have a robots companion?

Why? \ why not?

5 How could robots be most useful in daily life?

Why do you think?

Future Robots

What role will robots have in our future?

Will they only be functional, or will they be our personal companions?

Computer scientists in Japan and the USA now believe that robots will be friends and helpers like C - 3PO and R2 - D2 in the film Star Wars [CG].

Helen Greiner, of the company Robot, says they are good for jobs that are "dull, dirty, and dangerous".

Others believe robots will some day be a part of everyday life.

Katsumi Muto of Sony thinks that elderly Japanese people might need mechanical carers.

His company has developed Aibo, a robot dog, and Qrio a humanoid, which can walk and play music.

Robots like this will help make peoples lives easier, by cleaning the house or delivering the mail, but they will not require care like the family pet.

Scientists see the next step is making robots that can feel and show emotion.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has built a robot called Kismet, which can move its eyes and show emotional expressions.

One day, people are likely to accept robots into daily life, as helpers and companions like the family dog, which they can love.

Sasha60rus 27 окт. 2020 г., 23:38:38 | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите текст Man widened his possibilities and relieved himself from monotonous and hazardous tasks after he had invented the robot?

Переведите текст Man widened his possibilities and relieved himself from monotonous and hazardous tasks after he had invented the robot.

Nowadays there's an endless variety of robots in the size, shape and jobs they perform.

Scientists and engineers devise robots both for industry and homes.

Some of the robots are experimental and look more like living creatures.

Many people are working today in the field of robotics and they are trying to find new applications for robots in the future.

Now let's have a look at some students of Technical University that study robotics.

Yesterday they saw a robot in operation.

They had never seen a robot before.

After the operator had pushed some buttons the robot began to perform a sequence of operations.

By the time the manipulator performed some actions, feedback devices had provided the necessary information about the robot's motions and positions.

The control system directed the manipulator's actions.

After the manipulator had completed all the operations, it put all the work - pieces into storage.

With the help of a gripping device, the robot operated very accurately and precisely.

When the robot completed all the actions the operator switched it off.

By the end of the term the students will have learned everything about robot design, i.

E. the body structure, the power system, the control system and various sensors, actuators and manipulators.

Sofya2016 26 авг. 2020 г., 07:34:10 | 1 - 4 классы

Read and say true or false?

Read and say true or false.

1 The Mayor of Moscow will open the Russian Winter Festival in London.

2 People will listen to traditional Russian folk songs during the festival.

3 The children will watch a puppet show.

4 People will light fireworks and lights.

5 The children will take part in a sack race and maze puzzles.

6 People will taste traditional Russian food.

МАША531 20 авг. 2020 г., 02:00:12 | 5 - 9 классы

Robots will do all the boring jobs?

Robots will do all the boring jobs.

Zhuzhin 24 дек. 2020 г., 08:27:07 | 5 - 9 классы

Some people think that the world will change a lot?

Some people think that the world will change a lot.

The cities will become bigger.

They will be more beautiful.

There will be more parks and trees in them.

Some people say that there won't be many people in the cities and the cities will become smaller but there will be more farms.

More people will live in the country, and they will grow food for all the world.

People will be taller and more clever.

Some people think that men will be two metres tall, and women will be as tall as men.

They say men and women will wear the same clothes but in different colours.

Pupils will not go to school.

They will have computers at home and the computers will help them to learn everything.

At weekends people will go to the moon and other planets.

They will have a good time there.

They won't read many books.

They will mostly watch television and get news from computer networks.

And they will learn many things from nature.

All people will enjoy their life.

Алінуськаааааа 18 авг. 2020 г., 21:49:22 | 10 - 11 классы

Срочно Participle I : matching Соотнесите предложение на русском языке с английским вариантом перевода?

Срочно Participle I : matching Соотнесите предложение на русском языке с английским вариантом перевода.

Роботы, все больше и больше похожие на людей, будут выполнять много скучной каждодневной работы, которую мы делаем сегодня.

1) Robots having looked more and more like human beings will take a lot of the boring everyday work we do today.

2) Robots looking more and more like human beings will take a lot of the boring everyday work we do today.

3) Robots being looked more and more like human beings will take a lot of the boring everyday work we do today.

Cernuha 11 нояб. 2020 г., 03:22:55 | 1 - 4 классы

Read the dialogue and say which facts after it are true, false or not stated?

Read the dialogue and say which facts after it are true, false or not stated.

Requer 18 нояб. 2020 г., 13:09:36 | 5 - 9 классы

Переведите текст СРОЧНО пожалуйста?

Переведите текст СРОЧНО пожалуйста!

Pr. Hiroshi Ishiguro is one of the top geniuses alive in the world today, who has devoted himself to creating humanlike robots.

“In the future our life will be full of robots”, he says.

The professor compared the evolution of robots to the evolution of cars.

“Once we have developed practical robots, we can spending more and more time building autonomy, ” he said.

Androids which look just like you can conduct your business, attend conferences, and go shopping, while you sit in the comfort of your home.

A camera will monitor your facial expressions and your android’s face will mirror your expressions.

Ishiguro says there is even a psychological phenomenon : if someone touches your android, you feel it.

“It’s a very tactile sensation”, he says.

Some time ago Ishiguro left his twin android to give prerecorded lectures at Osaka University in Japan, while he went overseas.

He also – when invited for two conferences – emailed the conference organizers to say that he would have to send his android to one of the events.

Both conferences replied : “We want the android!

” Ishiguro has developed androids that look and feel just like humans – with very realistic skin, hair, facial and body movements.

In one experiment, an android was made to read the evening news.

“No one could tell the difference, ” says Ishiguro.

“That means we don’t need newscasters – just androids.

” The question is - what does it mean ti be human?

Is it important for the robots to look like humans?


Ishiguro was also asked a question about the threat that robots may take over people.

Ishiguro said that the western world’s fear of robots, as shown in movies such as the Terminator, was foreign to the Japanese, who saw robots as friendly.

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