Пожалуйста помогите написать как читается на английском например dog - догEngland, 1943?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Пожалуйста помогите написать как читается на английском например dog - дог

England, 1943.

Anthony Pratt invents Cluedo and his wife designs the board.

Waddington Games buys the idea, relases the game in 1949 and it becomes a great success.

The aim of the game is to find out the identity of the killer of Dr Black, the murder weapon and the scene of the crime.

In order to do that, players move around the house and ask the other players questions.

The first player to solve the crime wins.

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Ответы (1)
ПипинКороткий11 7 мая 2021 г., 00:09:20

ˈинглэнд, ˈнайнˈтин ˈфоти сри.

ˈэнтэни Прэт инˈвентс Клу'эдо энд хиз уайф диˈзайнз зэ бод.

У'эдингтон геймз байз зи айˈдиэ, ˌриˈлейзиз зэ гейм ин ˈнайнˈтин ˈфоти найн энд ит биˈкамз э грейт сэкˈсес.

Зи ейм ов зэ гейм из ту файнд aут зи айˈдентити ов зэ ˈкилэр ов ˈдоктэ блэк, зэ ˈмёдэ ˈуэпэн энд зэ син ов зэ крайм.

Ин ˈодэ ту ду зэт, ˈплейэз мув эˈрaунд зэ хaус энд аск зи ˈазэ ˈплейэз ˈкуэсчэнз.

Зэ фёст ˈплейэ ту солв зэ крайм уинз.

Няняшка 20 февр. 2021 г., 04:49:58 | 1 - 4 классы

Перевести на русский язык The bell, the flowers, the box, the clock, the balls, the books, the hats, the bike, the cat and the dog, Jack and Rose?

Перевести на русский язык The bell, the flowers, the box, the clock, the balls, the books, the hats, the bike, the cat and the dog, Jack and Rose.

Mrartemnovikov 2 апр. 2021 г., 13:05:48 | 1 - 4 классы

Как читается?

Как читается?

Отмечу лучшим / ой Срочно очень, не могу помогите

Например ; Hello - хэлоу

England, 1943.

Anthon Pratt invents Cluedo and his wife designs the board.

Waddington Games buys the idea, releases the game in 1949 and it becomes a great success.

The aim of the game is to find out the identity of the killer of Dr Black, the murder weapon and the scene of the crime.

In order to do that, players move around the house and ask the other players questions.

The first player to solve the crime wins.

New York, 1933.

Alfred Butts notices how popular crossword puzzles are and comes up with the idea of Scrabble.

In Scrabble players pick seven letter tiles at random and then try to make words using their letters.

Players get bonus points for using certain squares on the board and using letters like Q and Z.

The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

USA, 1934.

Charles Darrow invents the Monopoly"1 board game and makes the first 5000 sets of the game himself!

The aim of the game is to make as much money as possible.

In order to do that players buy.

Sell and rent property One by one, the players run out of money and the last player left is the winner.


Monopoly’ - is the best selling board game in the world with sales of over 200 тШюп sets in different countries.

Умка98 24 янв. 2021 г., 16:11:09 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйста с английским?

Помогите пожалуйста с английским!

Put the words in the correct order and write down the questions.

Maratik1998 24 июл. 2021 г., 13:15:55 | 1 - 4 классы

Put the words in the coorect order and write down the questions?

Put the words in the coorect order and write down the questions.

Vladakurbat04 20 авг. 2021 г., 01:51:10 | 1 - 4 классы

Сократите текстUSA, 1934?

Сократите текст

USA, 1934.

Charles Darrow invents the Monopoly"1 board game and makes the first 5000 sets of the game himself!

The aim of the game is to make as much money as possible.

In order to do that players buy.

Sell and rent property One by one, the players run out of money and the last player left is the winner.


Monopoly’ - is the best selling board game in the world with sales of over 200 тШюп sets in different countries.

Lukoyfnovaulya 13 авг. 2021 г., 08:50:41 | 1 - 4 классы

Напишите сокращеный вид England, 1943?

Напишите сокращеный вид England, 1943.

Anthon Pratt invents Cluedo and his wife designs the board.

Waddington Games buys the idea, releases the game in 1949 and it becomes a great success.

The aim of the game is to find out the identity of the killer of Dr Black, the murder weapon and the scene of the crime.

In order to do that, players move around the house and ask the other players questions.

The first player to solve the crime wins.

Чтобы можно было рассказать как рассказ.

Zadirahd 17 мая 2021 г., 07:04:40 | 1 - 4 классы

Напишите сокращеный вид England, 1943?

Напишите сокращеный вид England, 1943.

Anthon Pratt invents Cluedo and his wife designs the board.

Waddington Games buys the idea, releases the game in 1949 and it becomes a great success.

The aim of the game is to find out the identity of the killer of Dr Black, the murder weapon and the scene of the crime.

In order to do that, players move around the house and ask the other players questions.

The first player to solve the crime wins.

Чтобы можно было рассказать как рассказ.

Aker1996 26 мая 2021 г., 04:37:02 | 5 - 9 классы

Put the words in the right order and make questions?

Put the words in the right order and make questions.

1FoxyThePirate 6 окт. 2021 г., 14:27:18 | 5 - 9 классы

Put the words in the right order and make questions?

Put the words in the right order and make questions.

Вика1280 5 авг. 2021 г., 09:04:30 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйстаput the words in the right order and make questions?

Помогите пожалуйста

put the words in the right order and make questions.

Write the questions the pictures.

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