Where were they going?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Where were they going.

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Ответы (2)
Dobrova95 7 авг. 2021 г., 18:39:00

Где они ходили(ездили)?

Коля516 7 авг. 2021 г., 18:39:03

Куда они собрались

Where were they going.

Lanalol50 23 февр. 2021 г., 18:14:27 | 1 - 4 классы

The children are at school today?

The children are at school today.

Where were they yesterday?

2 и 3 я уже сделала нужно только 4, 5 и 6.

Галимжановна 19 июн. 2021 г., 13:37:20 | 1 - 4 классы

Помогите с английским надо ответить на вопрос Where are they going to sleep?

Помогите с английским надо ответить на вопрос Where are they going to sleep?

Ллвлвв 7 июл. 2021 г., 20:42:09 | 1 - 4 классы

The children are at school today?

The children are at school today.

Where were they yesterday.

Например He was at the sports centre.

Даша239 6 мая 2021 г., 10:35:00 | 1 - 4 классы

The children are at school today?

The children are at school today.

Where were they yesterday.

NiCe1Repson 22 окт. 2021 г., 09:16:03 | 1 - 4 классы

What do they need?

What do they need?

Look at the equipment again.

Listen to Sam and Kates questions

предложения :

Where are they going to sleep?

Where are they going to eat?

Where are they going to wear on their heads?

Where are they going to use to climb up the cliffs?

Where are they going to see in the dark?

100 балов.

Mayurova01 13 авг. 2021 г., 07:20:46 | 1 - 4 классы

The children are at school today?

The children are at school today.

Where were they yesterday?

АнельТолеуш 16 апр. 2021 г., 19:05:52 | 1 - 4 классы

The children are at school today?

The children are at school today.

Where were they yesterday.

Olgariselan 6 февр. 2021 г., 19:38:11 | 5 - 9 классы

Where were born?

Where were born?

Пожалуйста очень надо.

Solomiya15grysha 1 нояб. 2021 г., 06:14:02 | студенческий

Помогите пожалуйстаAsk your partner 'Wh' ouestions to make sure that you've under - stood him right?

Помогите пожалуйста

Ask your partner 'Wh' ouestions to make sure that you've under - stood him right.

Use the question words given in brackets.


They were going to have dinner at a restaurant.

(where) — Sorry, where were they going to have dinner?

1. They were going to take their holiday in June.



We were going to invite ten people.

(how many)


I was going to visit them at 5 o'clock tomorrow.

(what time)


She was going to take her son to the zoo tomorrow.

(what time)


My daughter was going to become a doctor.



Simon was going to play tennis on Saturday.

(what game)


We were going to stay at the Savoy Hotel.

(which hotel)


They were going to leave at 6 p.

M. (what time)


She was going to marry her childhood friend.



They were going to finish their work by Friday.



I was going to talk to him about it.



We were going to buy a new car last year.



Alex was going to phone his parents last week.



She was going to take driving lessons at our club.



He was going to present her with a gold ring.


Jshsgdhd 29 дек. 2021 г., 07:51:36 | студенческий

Выберите один правильный ответWhere ____when the taxi arrived?

Выберите один правильный ответ

Where ____when the taxi arrived?

A) did they sit

B) were they sitting

C) will they sit

D) have they been sitting.

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