Read the sentences and translate them into Russian?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Read the sentences and translate them into Russian.

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Ответы (1)
Ysishkik 2 апр. 2020 г., 03:06:01

1. Доктор попросил меня вдохнуть и выдохнуть несколько раз.

2. Вот такси, заберайся внутерьбыстрей!

3. Входите( войдите) ; мы ждали вас.

4. Погода прекрасная и я не хочу оставаться внутри.

5. "Выметайся от сюда!

" крикнул человек злобно ( разозлённо ).

6. Дверь была закрыта и бедная собака была снаружи всю ночь.

7. "Есть кто - нибудь внутри?

" спросила златовласка.

8. Летом дети жили в горах и учились как готовить на огне и спать снаруже.

Маргариата 17 мар. 2020 г., 07:17:46 | 10 - 11 классы

Combine the words to make new phrases then translate them into russian to start the lesson?

Combine the words to make new phrases then translate them into russian to start the lesson.

Galinamorozova2 14 дек. 2020 г., 09:52:54 | 5 - 9 классы

Translate the sentences into English Урок математики?

Translate the sentences into English Урок математики.

Monter127 20 июл. 2020 г., 03:49:40 | 5 - 9 классы

Read the phrases then translate them into russian use them to create your own setences i english to be rich in и так далее?

Read the phrases then translate them into russian use them to create your own setences i english to be rich in и так далее.

Sanoczkaya79 4 июн. 2020 г., 10:33:27 | 5 - 9 классы

I. Fill in the words : myself, yourself, himself, herself and translate sentences from English into Russian 1?

I. Fill in the words : myself, yourself, himself, herself and translate sentences from English into Russian 1.

The old woman cooked these tasty cakes by.

Zenavamp 1 мая 2020 г., 04:33:49 | 5 - 9 классы

Translate the dialogues into english and act them out class памагите пожалуйсто?

Translate the dialogues into english and act them out class памагите пожалуйсто.

Aidochkamr 14 сент. 2020 г., 02:05:24 | 5 - 9 классы

Form Participle I and Participle II of the following verbs?

Form Participle I and Participle II of the following verbs.

Translate them into Russian.

Take, solve, watch, read, open, catch, play, write, translate, finish, speak, bring, paint, tell.

Образец : taking - берущий taken - взятый, взявший.

Kristinakkn 8 февр. 2020 г., 00:28:16 | 5 - 9 классы

Translate the sentences into English using the complex object?

Translate the sentences into English using the complex object.

Dreamercom1 12 февр. 2020 г., 05:55:58 | 5 - 9 классы

Form Participle 1 and Participleof the following verbs?

Form Participle 1 and Participleof the following verbs.

Translate them into Russian.

Слова : take, solve, watch, read, open, catch, play, write, translate, finish, speak, bring, paint, tell.

Antol 30 июн. 2020 г., 15:21:06 | 1 - 4 классы

Read the English noties and match them with the Russian noties below?

Read the English noties and match them with the Russian noties below.

Olga9090r 29 дек. 2020 г., 06:13:16 | 5 - 9 классы

Math the phrases in English and Russian, find and read out the sentences with them in the dialogue?

Math the phrases in English and Russian, find and read out the sentences with them in the dialogue.

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