Когда ставиться will you?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Когда ставиться will you.

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Ответы (2)
Zalinatohova 22 янв. 2021 г., 02:26:49

Will - вспомогательный глагол будущего времени = буду (делать) , утвердительная форма,.

Mirosnikovadash 22 янв. 2021 г., 02:26:55

Вроде в Future Simple.

Sulizkaia 14 июл. 2021 г., 14:26:25 | 5 - 9 классы

To read, I shall read, he, she, it, will, read you will read, they will read will you read, ?

To read, I shall read, he, she, it, will, read you will read, they will read will you read, .

Пишите эти слова русскими буквами пожалуйста очень прошу.

Slobobuk 7 мар. 2021 г., 23:15:51 | 1 - 4 классы

You will share what you will do in summeru Перевод?

You will share what you will do in summeru Перевод.

Янf190714 4 авг. 2021 г., 21:56:47 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйста, срочно)))1?

Помогите пожалуйста, срочно)))


If you (have / will have) any problems.

I (try / will try) to help you.

2. If the weather (is / will be) nice tomorrow we (go / will go) to the beach.

3. Do you (go / will go) to the party, if your parents (allow / will allow) you?

4. You (are / will be) cold, if you (don`t wear / will wear) a coat.

5. It (is / will be) nice, if you (explain / will explain) the problem to him.

Заранее спасибо)).

Ggez11 2 июн. 2021 г., 19:08:52 | 5 - 9 классы

What will you say if you want to help?

What will you say if you want to help?

Diana3007 16 мая 2021 г., 18:49:39 | 5 - 9 классы

Пгмогите пожалуйста, срочно1)what will you do when you leave school?

Пгмогите пожалуйста, срочно

1)what will you do when you leave school?

2)what will you do when you get you driving licence?

3)what will you do when you get your degree?

4)what will you do when you go on holiday?

Незнайка1235 12 окт. 2021 г., 11:06:03 | 5 - 9 классы

A true friend is a person who will not leave you in trouble?

A true friend is a person who will not leave you in trouble.

A friend will always help you, will support!

He will always protect you!

A friend will never offend you and will not deceive you!

Having a true friend is very good!

A true friend needs to be appreciated!


Nasrya1222222 18 нояб. 2021 г., 08:43:54 | 1 - 4 классы

Which question about the underlined information is correct?

Which question about the underlined information is correct?

You will have to answer your teachers question.

1) what will you do?

2)What will you answer?

3)What will you have to do?

4)What will you have to answer?

Помогите, пожалуйста, буду очень благодарна.

Спасибо заранее : ).

Vitek070700 7 авг. 2021 г., 12:27:29 | 5 - 9 классы

Cоставь правильный порядок слов в вопросительном предложении в Future Simple?

Cоставь правильный порядок слов в вопросительном предложении в Future Simple.

1) Will \ have a party?

\ you - __________________________________________________________________

2) When \ go to the cinema?

\ will \ you - ________________________________________________________________

3) Will \ go to grandmother \ you \ on weekends?

- _________________________________________________________________

4) Where will you have a Halloween party?

- ______________________________________________________________

5) Will \ your classroom?

\ decorate \ you - _________________________________________________________________.

Кокомбо 18 сент. 2021 г., 18:25:17 | 5 - 9 классы

If you go to university, what will you study?

If you go to university, what will you study?

Mashula636 10 окт. 2021 г., 23:40:17 | 5 - 9 классы

Ответе на 8 вопросов, пожалуйста?

Ответе на 8 вопросов, пожалуйста.



Will your mother take you to school by car tomorrow?

2. When will my family travel to the USA?

3. Where will you go on Saturday night?

4. What will you do next weekend ?

5. Will you do your homework after dinner tonight?

6. Will you come next week?

7. Where will you spend your next vacation?

8. Will your folks take you to the church on Sunday?

9. When will you do your homework for lesson 3 ?

10. Will you be home at 10 : 00 tonight ?

11. What time will you wake up next Sunday?

Заранее, СПАСИБО!

! ☺.

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