She didn't do ?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

She didn't do .

Exercises yesterday, she didn't have .


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Ответы (1)
Зинаро4ка 14 дек. 2020 г., 01:45:05

She didn't do manyexercises yesterday, she didn't have much time.

Aiguligab12 18 мая 2020 г., 09:28:50 | 5 - 9 классы

Which is right?

Which is right?

Complete the sentences.

1) What are her plans?


(does she come / will she come / is she coming) home?

2) what do you think.

(does she come / will she come / is she coming) home late today?

3) - when.

(does she come / has she come / did she come) home yesterday?

4) . (does she come / has she come / did she come) home yet?

- i. (dont know / didnt know / havent known).

I . (dont see / didnt see / havent seen) her today.

5) we promise you.

(have / will have / are going to have) a good time 6) when we (are / were / have been) young, we.

(were playing / played / used to play) together in our garden.

Now we .

(are / were / have been) students.

We. (dont have / didnt have / havent had) any time to play.

7)you can (find / to find / found) them in the garden.


(play / are playing) 8) while i.

(cooked / have cooked / was cooking), my brother.

(washed / have washed / was washing) the floor.

9) she couldnt come because she (works / has worked / was working) in the garden 10) what.

(did you do / were you doing) when the telephone.

(rang / was ringing).

Tanyushashabun 23 окт. 2020 г., 00:44:30 | 1 - 4 классы

Составить предложение из слов : didnt, Tiny, his, vizit, friends, yesterday?

Составить предложение из слов : didnt, Tiny, his, vizit, friends, yesterday.

Tromper 31 окт. 2020 г., 10:12:46 | 1 - 4 классы

Вставте слова)Заранее спасибо?

Вставте слова)Заранее спасибо!

1)I didnt talk to Bob, but i .

To Ben 2)Teresa didnt wear her new clothes ; she .

Her old jeans 3)The shop assistant didnt show us the cleapest items.

He . us the most expensive ones.

4)The man didnt drive slowly ; he.

Too fast.

5)We were not unhappy with results.

In fact we .

Very pleased.

6)Alison didnt spend all her money.

She only .

About half ot it.

7)I didnt say what I reaaly felt.

I . that it was a matter of fact.

8)She didnt send a letter by post, she .

An e - mail.

9)I didnt go to school yesterday, I .

On an excursion.

МамаВадима1 3 дек. 2020 г., 14:07:27 | 5 - 9 классы

Write down which of the things on the list your mum bought / didnt buy yesterday?

Write down which of the things on the list your mum bought / didnt buy yesterday.

Example : She bought some butter.

She didnt buy any apples.

Shopping list :






Eggs 6


Orange juice






Fizzy water







Roman199815 31 мар. 2020 г., 19:37:04 | 5 - 9 классы

3 things you didnt do yesterdayобразец : I didnt go for a walk yesterday напишите пожалуйста несколько предложений по образцу с переводом?

3 things you didnt do yesterdayобразец : I didnt go for a walk yesterday напишите пожалуйста несколько предложений по образцу с переводом.

Anvartdinov 8 мар. 2020 г., 11:16:00 | 1 - 4 классы

Закончи предлодение 1) The boy didnt draw showers , he ____ cars?

Закончи предлодение 1) The boy didnt draw showers , he ____ cars.

2) Martim didnt play tennis last nignt , he ___ badminton.

3) Tiny didint write a letter , he ________ a postcard.

4) The children didnt drink warm milk yesterday , they ___ apple juice 5) She didnt say : Good morning !

, she ________ Hi!

Sexys3522 11 мар. 2020 г., 05:20:58 | 1 - 4 классы

Составь предложение из слов didnt a letter Tiny yesterday write?

Составь предложение из слов didnt a letter Tiny yesterday write.

TrachkaMatikkkkksu 11 мая 2020 г., 14:08:54 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйста с английским?

Помогите пожалуйста с английским!

Предложения Past Simple нужно переделать в отрицательный Passive Voice ( отрицательное предложение пассивного залога ) 1.

He didnt grow tomatoes in his garden.

2)They didnt fly the planes in the morning .

3) She didnt sing the song ofter the ceremony .

4)Some reoders didint like the book .

5)We didnt tronslate the book into English.

6)The guards didnt lock the back door.

7) I didnt take the photographs ot the beach.

Nexuside 27 февр. 2020 г., 22:17:01 | 5 - 9 классы

Придумайте вопросы на английском с окончанием?

Придумайте вопросы на английском с окончанием.

Не так ли?

Isnt it?

Does she?

Cant we?

Didnt twy?

101003mojmir789 15 февр. 2020 г., 05:12:50 | 5 - 9 классы

I didnt have anything to do?

I didnt have anything to do.

Переведите пожалуйста).

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