Write five questions about London?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Write five questions about London.

Напишите 5 вопросов про Лондон на английском пожалуйста.

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Ответы (1)
Novikova2011 10 мар. 2021 г., 10:56:10

1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

The capital of Great Britain is London.

2. Is London situated on the river Thames?

Yes, it is .

London is situated on the river Thames.

3. What is the population of London at the moment?

The population of London is more than 9 million people.

4. What are the most important parts of London?

The most important parts of London are West End, East End, the City and Westminster.

5. What places of interest are there in London?

There are many places of interest in London, such as : St Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, London Eye etc.

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