Написать сочинение на тему мои друзья))))?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Написать сочинение на тему мои друзья)))).

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Ответы (1)
Korzunmasha 26 июн. 2018 г., 11:13:55

Friendship is like the sun , " released by each droplet, more precisely, in all fairness , more precisely, by as much as you can take " (V.

Solouhin ) .

In all ages and times poets sing holy brotherhood close shower, sacred bond of friendship.

Friendship - a great gift to man , the symbol of eternal harmony.

In the name of friendship - so in the name of God on earth.

First my friends - my classmates .

When I grow up and become a great and an adult, I will always remember my school friends and always smile and cry.

Only once in life you can experience what we begin to understand to be able to start , begin to live .

And the beginning - this is youth , this " school years wonderful .

" Only then , in old age, I can truly appreciate my school friends .

And now .

. We are all so different , we all are not yet able to present , large and deep feeling.

We often can not , and sometimes do not want to understand each other , quarrel .

We all seem big and serious , weighty causes quarrels , and yet all this will pass away like smoke, and remain cherished memories.

I had a lot of friends , no enemies , and hopefully will not just have people who have lost a friend to me the price , and thus died in my soul.

Strange is man : all the good he takes for granted as a matter of course (I do not want to say that he does not appreciate all the good ), and any pathology met with hostility , it dramatically evident, comes to the fore .

The worst thing is the fact that I have met in my friends - it's insincerity , lies, jealousy and spiritual weakness.

I can not be close to chat with people they do not understand I always blamed largely .

My friends at school - it's not just my classmates .

My school friends - it is my favorite teacher.

My first teacher .

. The first is not on the account, but by how much she has done for me and how much given .

She is so naturally came into my life and completely took my soul.

My favorite teacher I can not speak words, do not know how and I'm afraid I can only write about it and I am glad that at least a small slice of my feelings she finds in this essay .

This is my only chance to express all that I feel for my spiritual mother.

Until the end of my days I will remember you with great appreciation .

How beautiful and what a pity that such people are found in life only once!

My friends !

How many were there and how many more will be in life!

I want to write about the man who helped me to become its own self , that what I have actually .

This " my first friend, my friend priceless .

" Why her , I do not know , but I believe it always and everywhere , but she can not trust all their big and little secrets .

She always understands and is never afraid to express their opinions.

And very often one and the same we judge differently, often do not agree , but it is natural and it must be so .

What a pity that not all his schoolmates can write .

They are all very different, I love them all .

I love our good 8 - A , I'm happy that most of us will not give up and will live together as one big family , three more years in school.

My friends who are moving from our school to other schools , I wish only happiness and great achievements in life , I want to never and none of us had sold the old school friendship , do not forget our fun stormy life , our class , but among us no such and can not be .

Ends childhood and school years pass , we become adults , serious people .

But none of us will ever forget his school , each in his heart save friends and most precious memories - about school friendship.

Denis172 20 февр. 2018 г., 00:46:16 | 5 - 9 классы



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