Say it in different way?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Say it in different way.

1 we didn't meet anybody in the street.

2 the boy didn't watch anybody on TV yesterday.

3 the tourist didn't see anything interesting in the city centre.

4 there wasn't didn't funny in his words.

5 they didn't tell us anything new.

6 my friends didn't have anything to do yesterday evening.

7 molly doesn't cook anything for her family, her sister does it.

8 Mr Richardson didn't take anybody to the zoo in the morning.

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Ответы (1)
Hadarova 22 дек. 2018 г., 10:27:52

1 We met nobody in the street.

2The boy watchednobody on TV yesterday.

3The tourist saw nothing interesting in the city centre.

4There wasnothingfunny in his words.

5 They told usnothing new.

6 My friends hadnothing to do yesterday evening.

7 Molly cookednothing for her family, her sister does it.

8 Mr Richardson took nobody to the zoo in the morning.

Kroha666 6 июл. 2018 г., 23:58:22 | 1 - 4 классы

Помогите пожалуйста?

Помогите пожалуйста!

Образец ; Mag didnt feed the bird, she fed the cat and the dog.

1)Mags father didnt watch TV, he.

The stars.

2)Her grandfather didnt play puzzles, she.

Computer games.

3)Her grandfather didnt go to the park, he .


4)Her mother didnt clean the kitchen, she .

The room.

5)Mag and her sister Becky didnt water the trees, they .

The flowers.

БеличенкоМарина 25 июн. 2018 г., 09:04:30 | 5 - 9 классы

Перевидите и сделайте задание?

Перевидите и сделайте задание.

7) Say it in a different way.

Example : Jim didn't have anything for lunch.

Jim had nothing for lunch.

1) We didn't meet anybody in the street.

2) The boy didn't watch anything on TV yesterday.

3) The tourist didn't see anything interesting in the city center.

4) There wasn't anything funny in his words.

5) They didn't tell us anything new.

6) My friends didn't have anything to do yesterday evening.

7) Molly doesn't cook anything for her family, her sister does it.

8) Mr Richardson didn't take anybody to the zoo in the morning.

Dondeath666 15 авг. 2018 г., 18:30:47 | 1 - 4 классы

Помогите пожалуйста?

Помогите пожалуйста!

Write the sentences in a different way.

1)Rita did not say anything.

2)Granny did not see anybody in the garden.

3)Mike did not put anything into the box.

4)Little Mary did not draw anything.

5)Bob will not give you anything.

6)Liz did not ivite anybody to her birthday party.

7)There was not anybody in the house.

Domd13 13 февр. 2018 г., 09:08:59 | 5 - 9 классы

Подберите подходящее окончание к разделительному вопросу He wore his new suit yesterday a) doesnt he d) didnt he b) didn the G ) isnt he?

Подберите подходящее окончание к разделительному вопросу He wore his new suit yesterday a) doesnt he d) didnt he b) didn the G ) isnt he.

Викторовна1020 30 окт. 2018 г., 16:03:40 | 1 - 4 классы

Закончи предложения?

Закончи предложения.

Употреби выделенные глаголы в Past Simple.

1) They didnt see ( выделеный глагол) Martin.

They ____________ Billy and Tiny.

2) Alice didnt buy( выделеный глагол) mittens.

She _____________ a scarf.

3) Tiny didnt write (выделеный глагол) a new fairy tale last Sunday.

He _____________ a poem.

4)) Mrs Tiger didnt make (выделеный глагол) socks for Baby Elephant / She _________ new trainers.

5) His friends didnt have (выделеный глагол) tea at the party.

They ___________ coffee.

Masha63wer 12 июл. 2018 г., 07:55:50 | 5 - 9 классы

Say the same in a different way?

Say the same in a different way.

Example : We don’t hear anything.

→ We hear nothing.

1) Jack is not learning anything now.

2) He doesn’t like anybody here.

3) We don’t have anything in our new flat.

4) Jane doesn’t know anybody in her new school.

5) They didn’t see anybody in the park.

6) I didn’t cook anything for supper yesterday.

Dasha310890 13 окт. 2018 г., 06:05:41 | 5 - 9 классы



Jenny is speaking on the phone.

Her sister can hear Jenny's answers.

What are the guestions.

1. I didnt have potatoes for lunch I had a salad 2 We didnt play basketball we played badminton 3.

I didnt talk to Mary i talked to Sally 4 I didnt visit granny i visited Aunt Meg 5 my day wasnt easy it was difficult 6 we didnt have four classes we had five 7 I didnt meet Alan i met Alex near the school 8 I didnt feel sad i felt happy.

Dronis 4 мар. 2018 г., 01:27:40 | 5 - 9 классы

Как сказать по другому 1) We didn't meet anybody in the street?

Как сказать по другому 1) We didn't meet anybody in the street.

2) The boy didn't watch anything on TV yesterday.

3) The tourist didn't see anything interesting in the citycenter.

4) \ there wasn't anything funny in his words.

5) They didn't tell us anything new.

6) My friends didn't hfve anything to do yesterday evening.

7)Molly doesn't cook anything for her family, her sister does it.

8) Vr Richardson didnt take anybody to the zoo in the morning.

Tikimik980 13 авг. 2018 г., 11:31:08 | 5 - 9 классы

Как правильно сказать 1) We didn't meet anybody in the street?

Как правильно сказать 1) We didn't meet anybody in the street.

2) The boy didn't watch anything on TV yesterday.

3) The tourist didnt see anything interesting in the city centre.

4) There wasn't any wasn't anything funny in his words.

5) They didn't tell us anything new.

6) My frinds didn't have anything to do yesterday evening.

7) Molly does't cook anything for her family, her family, her sister does it.

8) Mr Richardson didn't take anybody to the zoo in the morning.

Образец : Jim didnt have anything for lunch.

Jim had nothing for lunch.

Kekss34 20 апр. 2018 г., 02:19:46 | 1 - 4 классы

Say what you did or didnt do yesterday?

Say what you did or didnt do yesterday.

Use the verbs from the box.

Go, ran, eat, read, write, drink, see, give, meet, begin, take, be, do.

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