ДАМ 40 БАЛОВ say the word?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

ДАМ 40 БАЛОВ say the word.

You can tell the time with this .

You put this on your head.

You open doors with these.

You can go very fast on these.

You wear these on your hands.

You can play music with this.

You can brush your hair with this.

You can listen to your favourite songs on these.

YOU can talk to your friend on this.

You can take photos with this.

Ответить на вопрос
Ответы (1)
Elenagrib11 24 сент. 2018 г., 12:50:37

Сказать слово.

Вы можете

определить время с этим .

Вы положили

это на вашей голове.

Вы открываете

двери с этими.

Вы можете пойти

очень быстро на них.

Вы носите их на


Вы можете

играть музыку с этим.

Вы можете

расчесывайте волосы с этим.

Вы можете

слушайте ваши любимые песни на них.

Вы можете

поговори с подругой об этом.

Вы можете

возьмите фотографии с этой.

MsAsia 26 окт. 2018 г., 17:11:45 | 1 - 4 классы

You can play music with this?

You can play music with this.

- что это за предмет даю много балов 4 класс.

Janna270683mailru 29 авг. 2018 г., 22:31:48 | 1 - 4 классы

When can you play with your kite?

When can you play with your kite?

Zhurova1982 15 июн. 2018 г., 07:08:06 | 10 - 11 классы

Проверьте , если есть ошибки исправьте ?

Проверьте , если есть ошибки исправьте !

СПАСИБО))) Can you tell me your dog eats carrots?

Can you tell me your grandfather is watching a cartoon?

Can you tell me your friend plays basketball?

Can you tell me family drink coke?

Can you tell me like drawing pictures ?

I would like to know what she sings?

Can you tell me, what is your name?

Can you tell me where can I buy a good camera?

I would like to know what happened yesterday at the party?

I would like to know what you ate this morning?

Can you tell me, where do you live?

Теряник 1 мая 2018 г., 22:00:42 | 5 - 9 классы

Complete the questions and then listen to check?

Complete the questions and then listen to check.

- Do you often get .

With your friends?

- Have you ever fallen .

With your best friend?

- Do you make .


- Can you rely .

Your friends?

- Do you believe that your friendship will .


- Can you turn .

Your friend .

Help when you are upset?

- Do you .

Friends with your neighbours?

- Have you ever .

Your friend(s)?

- Do you think that your friend will always be .

For you?

- Does your friend have .



Stedvovka 7 янв. 2018 г., 14:25:02 | 5 - 9 классы

- Do you often get ?

- Do you often get .

With your friends?

- Have you ever fallen .

With your best friend?

- Do you make .


- Can you rely .

Your friends?

- Do you believe that your friendship will .


- Can you turn .

Your friend .

Help when you are upset?

- Do you .

Friends with your neighbours?

- Have you ever .

Your friend(s)?

- Do you think that your friend will always be .

For you?

- Does your friend have .


Ната197 6 мар. 2018 г., 20:28:21 | 1 - 4 классы

You can listen to your favourite songs on these Переведите?

You can listen to your favourite songs on these Переведите.

Нюню 27 сент. 2018 г., 14:40:35 | 10 - 11 классы

Read and say the word?

Read and say the word.

You can tell the time with this .

You put this on your head.

You open doors with these.

You can go very fast on these.

You wear these on your hands.

You can play music with this.

You can brush your hair with this.

You can listen to your favourite songs on these.

YOU can talk to your friend on this.

You can take photos with this.


Russik574 20 авг. 2018 г., 00:09:01 | 10 - 11 классы

Say the word?

Say the word.

You can tell the time with this .

You put this on your head.

You open doors with these.

You can go very fast on these.

You wear these on your hands.

You can play music with this.

You can brush your hair with this.

You can listen to your favourite songs on these.

YOU can talk to your friend on this.

You can take photos with this.


Шпунтя 10 июл. 2018 г., 20:44:31 | 1 - 4 классы

You can open doors with these?

You can open doors with these.

Marinamikheenk 20 февр. 2018 г., 02:35:14 | 1 - 4 классы

You can tell the time with перевед предложения?

You can tell the time with перевед предложения.

Вы находитесь на странице вопроса ДАМ 40 БАЛОВ say the word? из категории Английский язык. Уровень сложности вопроса рассчитан на учащихся 10 - 11 классов. На странице можно узнать правильный ответ, сверить его со своим вариантом и обсудить возможные версии с другими пользователями сайта посредством обратной связи. Если ответ вызывает сомнения или покажется вам неполным, для проверки найдите ответы на аналогичные вопросы по теме в этой же категории, или создайте новый вопрос, используя ключевые слова: введите вопрос в поисковую строку, нажав кнопку в верхней части страницы.