Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы
Какие глаголы в паст сипл
had, was, went, was, go, followed, was, made, laugh, play, see, turned out, lingered, waited, did appear, does, love, cry, loves, know, reply.
Напишите какая видовременная форма у этих глаголов : Prefers Enjoys Came Had never had Was studying Allowed Could Were morning Was following Had never seen Was working Had become?
Напишите какая видовременная форма у этих глаголов : Prefers Enjoys Came Had never had Was studying Allowed Could Were morning Was following Had never seen Was working Had become.
Пожалуйста, помогите вставить глаголы в правильном времени : She was out of breath because ?
Пожалуйста, помогите вставить глаголы в правильном времени : She was out of breath because .
For half an hour.
1. she was running 2.
She had been running 3.
She ran 4.
She had run When I was younger I .
Tennis every day.
1. played 2.
Was playing 3.
Had played 4.
Had been playing How much coffee .
You .
1. did .
Drink 2.
Were .
Drinking 3.
Had. drunk 4.
Had. been drinking At last the bus came!
I . for twenty minutes.
1. waited 2.
Was waiting 3.
Had waited 4.
Had been waiting Sue was not hungry because she .
In the school canteen.
1. ate 2.
Was eating 3.
Had eaten 4.
Had been eat
Это правильно :
She was out of breath because she had run half an hour.
When I was younger I had been playing tennis every day.
How much coffee did you drink yesterday?
At last the bus came!
I had been waiting for twenty minutes.
Sue was not hungry because she had been eating in school canteen.
? .
Переведите стихотворение S?
Переведите стихотворение S.
J. Hale.
Mary had a little lamb
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow ;
And everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go.
It followed her to school one day,
That was against the rule ;
It made the children laugh and play
To see a lamb at school.
And so the teacher turned it out,
But still it lingered near,
And waited patiently about
Till Mary did appear.
Why does the lamb love Mary so?
The eager children cry ;
Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know,
The teacher did reply.
Можно не в стихотворной форме.
Помогите мне с английским?
Помогите мне с английским.
Как читается по русски вот этот текст.
Только не перевод а слова английские ну вы меня поняли вот текст Mary had a little lamb, His fleece was white as snow, And everywhere that Mary went, The lamb was sure to go.
He followed her to school one day, Which was against the rule, It made the children laugh and play To see a lamb at school.
And so the teacher turned it out, But still it lingered near, And waited patiently about, Till Mary did appear.
"Why does the lamb love Mary so?
" The eager children cry.
"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know.
" The teacher did reply.
Помогите пожалуйста.
Разделить на группы правильные не правльные глаголы Was, decided, will, took, went, watched, played, visitedwalked, thanked, went, had?
Разделить на группы правильные не правльные глаголы Was, decided, will, took, went, watched, played, visitedwalked, thanked, went, had.
ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, вставьте пропущенные слова) A girl had a little lamb who was as white as ___?
ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, вставьте пропущенные слова) A girl had a little lamb who was as white as ___.
The lamb followed ger to ___ one day.
The teacher turned the lamb out of school because it was ___ the rule.
But the lamb didn't ___home without the girl.
When Mary came out, the lamb was ___ the school.
Напишите пожалуйста как читается этот текст русскими буквами ?
Напишите пожалуйста как читается этот текст русскими буквами .
Mary had a little lamb, Its fleece was white as snow ; And everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go.
It followed her to school one day, That was against the rule ; It made the children laugh and play To see a lamb at school.
And so the teacher turned it out, But still it lingered near, And waited patiently about Till Mary did appear.
Why does the lamb love Mary so?
The eager children cry ; Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know, The teacher did reply.
Можно не в стихотворной форме.
Подбери к неопределенной форме глагагола соответствующую ему форму Past Simple to do to be to have to go make to com went did had made came was / were?
Подбери к неопределенной форме глагагола соответствующую ему форму Past Simple to do to be to have to go make to com went did had made came was / were.
Выпишите глаголы Mary had a little lamb, Its fleece was white as snow ; And everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go?
Выпишите глаголы Mary had a little lamb, Its fleece was white as snow ; And everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go.
It followed her to school one day, That was against the rule ; It made the children laugh and play To see a lamb at school.
And so the teacher turned it out, But still it lingered near, And waited patiently about Till Mary did appear.
Why does the lamb love Mary so?
The eager children cry ; Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know, The teacher did reply.
Перед вами страница с вопросом Какие глаголы в паст сиплhad, was, went, was, go, followed, was, made, laugh, play, see, turned out, lingered, waited, did appear, does, love, cry, loves, know, reply?, который относится к категории Английский язык. Уровень сложности соответствует учебной программе для учащихся 1 - 4 классов. Здесь вы найдете не только правильный ответ, но и сможете ознакомиться с вариантами пользователей, а также обсудить тему и выбрать подходящую версию. Если среди найденных ответов не окажется варианта, полностью раскрывающего тему, воспользуйтесь «умным поиском», который откроет все похожие ответы, или создайте собственный вопрос, нажав кнопку в верхней части страницы.
Had, was, went, was, followed, was, made, turned out, lingered, waited, did,.