Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы
Помогите пожалуйста вот образец.
Examle : You can't hear what the teacher is saying very well.
- Could you speak louder , please?
А это надо сделать.
Помогите пожалуйста, заранее спасибо 1)You don't know what this word means.
2)You can't find your pen to write down a word.
3)You want to know the time.
4)You didn't understand what your partner said.
5) You want to leave a messahe for your friend.
What do you say in these situations?
What do you say in these situations?
Use the expressions with the verb have.
(Что вы говорите в таких ситуациях?
Использовать выражения с глаголом)
Образец : Your friend : I'm tired.
You : Have a rest
Your friend : I'm thirsty.
You : _________(вставить предложение)
You friend : I don't know what to do.
You : _______________
Your friend : I'm hungry.
You : ______________
Your friend : I'm flying to Turkey on holiday.
You : ________________.
Ask people to help you in these situations 1?
Ask people to help you in these situations 1.
You dont know what this word means 2.
You cant find your pen to write down a word 3.
You want to know the time 4.
You didnt understand what your partner said 5.
You want to leave a message for friend Пожайлуста помогите : ).
Ask people to help you in these situations?
Ask people to help you in these situations.
Example : You can't hear what the teacher is saying very well.
- Could you speak louder, please?
1)You don't know what this word means.
2)You can't find your pen to write down a word.
3)You want to know the time.
4)You didn't understand what your parther said.
5)You want to leave a message for your friend.
What is new for you in the text?
What is new for you in the text?
Tell your partner three facts you remember.
Think of what you should say if : 1?
Think of what you should say if : 1.
You don't know how to spell a word ; 2.
You don ; t understand what your teacher has just said ; 3.
You want to get a copy of something ; 4.
You want to find out how to say something in english ; 5.
You are late for your english class ; 6.
You want the teacher to write a word up on the blackboard ; 7.
You don't know to pronounce a word ; 8.
You want to know the English word for "землетрясение" ; 9.
You want to know if it's your turn to read the text ; 10.
You've left your book at home and want to say you're sorry ; 11.
You want to know how to say something in a better english ; 2.
You don't know how to say something in English and want your teacher to help you.
Ask people to help you in these situationsExample : You can't hear what the teacher is saying very well?
Ask people to help you in these situations
Example : You can't hear what the teacher is saying very well.
- Could you speak louder, please?
1 You don't know what this word means.
2. You can't find your pen to write down a word.
3 You want to know the time
4 You didn't understand what your parner said.
5 You want to leave a message for your friend.
Imagine you want to have a pen friend .
Write a letter to the "Click"magazine with information about yourself.
(70 - 80 words) Don t forget to write : your name your age the country you are from about your family about your spare time activities what country you want a pen friend from your adress.
You ?
You .
Do your homework every day You .
Climb on the teacher's table You .
Keep your desks clean You .
Take your pet to the lesson You .
Do what your teacher says You .
Speak loudly in the classroom You .
Sleep in the classroom You .
Answer the teacher's questions You .
Translate from English into Russian You .
Talk witn your friend at lessonss You .
Draw on the walls of your classroom.
What images come your to mind when you hear the word media?
What images come your to mind when you hear the word media?
Write what you can say in the classroom in these situations : 1)you are at the blackboard and want to go to your seat ; 2)you didn't understand what you should do after the test ; 3)you are not sure t?
Write what you can say in the classroom in these situations : 1)you are at the blackboard and want to go to your seat ; 2)you didn't understand what you should do after the test ; 3)you are not sure that english people use the word combination"a white mushroom" 4)you what to know the spelling of the world "education".
5) you what to know if you should go to the blackboard.
6)you to know if you should do this exercise at home.
Вы перешли к вопросу Помогите пожалуйста вот образец?. Он относится к категории Английский язык, для 5 - 9 классов. Здесь размещен ответ по заданным параметрам. Если этот вариант ответа не полностью вас удовлетворяет, то с помощью автоматического умного поиска можно найти другие вопросы по этой же теме, в категории Английский язык. В случае если ответы на похожие вопросы не раскрывают в полном объеме необходимую информацию, то воспользуйтесь кнопкой в верхней части сайта и сформулируйте свой вопрос иначе. Также на этой странице вы сможете ознакомиться с вариантами ответов пользователей.
1) Could you tell me the meaning of this word, please?
2) Could you lend me your pen, please?
3) Could you tell me the time, please?
4) Could you repeat that, please?
5) Could you give a message to my friend, please?