Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы
Read these tasks and choose the one you like.
Write your sentences.
Complete the sentences with and , but , because ?
Complete the sentences with and , but , because .
Write a sentence abour your frienb with one these words.
Read the following sentences and write questions?
Read the following sentences and write questions.
Read the following sentences and write questions?
Read the following sentences and write questions.
Read the funny stories and complete the sentences?
Read the funny stories and complete the sentences.
Choose one to act out with.
Write 8 - 10 sentences about your favorite writer and one of his|her books you have read(deskribe the main character of the book and your impressions of it)?
Write 8 - 10 sentences about your favorite writer and one of his|her books you have read(deskribe the main character of the book and your impressions of it).
Read and remember?
Read and remember.
Match these phrasal verbs with their synonyms.
You may use your dictionary.
The sentences below will help you.
A computer game?
A computer game.
Choose and write the words.
Then tell the story with your frinds like this.
A computer game?
A computer game.
Choose and write the words.
Then tell the story with your friends like this.
Read the translations and write the sentences?
Read the translations and write the sentences.
Write a few sentences about you and one of the students?
Write a few sentences about you and one of the students.
Если вам необходимо получить ответ на вопрос Read these tasks and choose the one you like?, относящийся к уровню подготовки учащихся 10 - 11 классов, вы открыли нужную страницу. В категории Английский язык вы также найдете ответы на похожие вопросы по интересующей теме, с помощью автоматического «умного» поиска. Если после ознакомления со всеми вариантами ответа у вас остались сомнения, или полученная информация не полностью освещает тематику, создайте свой вопрос с помощью кнопки, которая находится вверху страницы, или обсудите вопрос с посетителями этой страницы.
Перевод этого таков -
прочитай эти задания и выбери то которое нравится.
Составь предложения.