Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы
Поставить предложения в Past Perfect i couldn't answer the question because she was hungry because my mother worried because they were late because the boy was pleased because he arrived at John's the house because.

Complete the sentences uning Past Perfect?
Complete the sentences uning Past Perfect.
1) I could answer the question because.
2) She was hungry because.
3) My mother was worried because.
4) They wore late because.
5) The boy was pleased because.
6) He arrived at John's house because.
Заранее спасиб.

1)What is Wimbledon famous for?
1)What is Wimbledon famous for?
2)Why did the Club allow people to play tennis on the lawns?
A)because nobody liked the game of croquet.
B)because the Club needed money.
C)because it was fashionable to play tennis 3)Why was there surprise and boubt in 1884?
A)because women were allowed to play.
B)because women players wore long skirts.
C)because the ladies played well in their long skirts.

Помогите дописать до конца предложения в Past Perfect с помощью своих сил, а не интернета1)When we crawled into the tent , we were very cold because?
Помогите дописать до конца предложения в Past Perfect с помощью своих сил, а не интернета
1)When we crawled into the tent , we were very cold because.
2)I knew that the trip would be very hard because.
3)We lost our way because.
4)I could't go on any longer because.
5)I filt miserable during the trip because.

Помогите, пожалуйста?
Помогите, пожалуйста.
Тут нужно закончить вторую часть предложения либо в past perfect либо в past perfect continious.
Ну думаю поймёте, что я имею в виду(то что в скобочках на русском - это нужно будет в предложении употребить естественно на английском в каком - то из этих двух времен)
Our teacher was angry because(мы очень шумели)
She had a terrible headache because(она сильно болеет)
The children came back home very tired because(они были на вечеринке весь день)
She was late because(она долго ждала автобус)
They were wet because(они попали под дождь).

Complete the sentences?
Complete the sentences.
Use past perfect.
Example : I went to see the baseball match because .
(not see).
I went to see the baseball match because I had never seen a baseball match before.
1) We bought some sandwiches and ate them because we .
(not have lunch).
2) Sally felt very unhappy because she .
(miss her favourite film).
3) They stayed at home because it .
(start raining).
4) My friend was happy because he .
(win the first place in skiing).
5) Dick was very tired because he .
(walk four kilometres).
6) The children got home late because they .
(lose their way).
7) Everybody was surprised because the new team .
(win the game).
8) Steve felt very bad because he .
(come down with a cold).
9) I came to school on time because I .
(catch the early bus).
10) I knew how to play chess because my father .
(teach me).

Помогите с английским?
Помогите с английским!
8 класс A.
Use Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous 1) Peter was Sally's best friend.
She _______(know) him all her life.
2) The children were wet because they______ (play) football in the rain 3) We were very hungry because we________(not / eat).
4) I was delighted when I found my keys.
I_________(look) for them for hours.
5) She was exhausted because she_______(work) since eight o'clock that morning.
6) Everything was white because it_______(snow).
7) The passengers were angry because the airline _______(lose) everyone's bags.
8) I ________ (not / see) Jacob for several years, but I recognised him immediately.

We couidn t some / any on the beach because it was late autumn?
We couidn t some / any on the beach because it was late autumn.

I was late for work because I ___ the bus?
I was late for work because I ___ the bus?

I was late for work because I ___ the bus?
I was late for work because I ___ the bus?

Complete the sentences using Past Perfect 1?
Complete the sentences using Past Perfect 1.
He went home alone because.
2. We went shopping because.
3. He was late for the lessons because.
На этой странице сайта вы найдете ответы на вопрос Поставить предложения в Past Perfect i couldn't answer the question because she was hungry because my mother worried because they were late because the boy was pleased because he arrived at John's the?, относящийся к категории Английский язык. Сложность вопроса соответствует базовым знаниям учеников 5 - 9 классов. Для получения дополнительной информации найдите другие вопросы, относящимися к данной тематике, с помощью поисковой системы. Или сформулируйте новый вопрос: нажмите кнопку вверху страницы, и задайте нужный запрос с помощью ключевых слов, отвечающих вашим критериям. Общайтесь с посетителями страницы, обсуждайте тему. Возможно, их ответы помогут найти нужную информацию.
Я так понимаю, надо продолжить эти предложения, поставив ихвторую часть в Past Perfect.
1. I couldn`t answer the question because I hadn`t been ready for the lesson.
- Я не мог ответить на вопрос потому, что не был готов к уроку.
2. She was hungry because she hadn`t had a lunch break.
- Она была голодна, потому что у нее не было времени на обеденный перерыв.
3. My mother worried because I hadn`t answered her phone call.
- Моя мама беспокоилась, потому что я не отвечал на ее звонок.
4. They were late because it had been a rush hour on the street.
- Они опоздали потому, что попали в час пик на улице.
5. The boy was pleased because he had found his Christmas present under the New Year tree.
- Мальчик радовался, потому что нашел свойрождественский подарок под новогодней елкой.
6. He arrived at John`s house because he had finished his project and needed John`s approval.
- Он приехал к Джону домой потому, что закончил свой проект, который нуждался в одобрении Джона.