Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы
Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets and the Present Perfect Continuos Tense.
1) It ; s five o'clock now, and I've been playing volleyball since three o'clock.
(for) ?
2) Eric is 50, and he has been playing the guitar since he was 10.
(for) ?
3) My sister has been living in Switzerland for three years, and it's 2000 now.
(since) ?
4) It's eleven o'clock now, and we've been walking since nine o'clock.
(for) ?
5) It's nine o'clock now, and he's been sleeping for ten hours.
(since) ?
6) Veronice has been driving a car since she was 17, and she's 25 now.
(for) ?
7) I've been studying classical music for ten years, and I'm 26 now.

Помогите пожалуйста?
Помогите пожалуйста!
Задайте общий вопрос.
Ответьте "Да.
Нет. " 1.
We have been waiting for you since 12 o’clock.
2. He has been working here for 2 hours.
3. How long have they been sleeping?
4. I’ve been waiting here since three o’clock.
5. That noise has been going on since they came home.
6. The telephone has been ringing for five minutes, why don’t you answer it.
7. He has been coming here day after day for years.

Переделайте в страдательный залог 1)The cottage has been destroyed and a buisness centre has been built instead?
Переделайте в страдательный залог 1)The cottage has been destroyed and a buisness centre has been built instead.
2)The watermill has been taken down and a cafe has been built instead.
3)The local school has been destroyed and an internet - cafe has been built instead.
4)The wood has been cut down and blocks of flats have been built instead.
5)The green river has been drained and a parking lot has been built instead.

Сhoose the correct verb form?
Сhoose the correct verb form.
1) They have been writing / have written a letter for an hour.
2) My sister has had / has been having a car for a year.
3) We have been playing / have played volleyball since morning.
4) She has understood / has been understanding English since 13 years.
5) I have been learning / have learnt German for 5 years.

Make up sentences and write them 1 - Jack / chemistry / since / has been doing / 2009 2 - We / decorations / have been preparing / all the moning / Christmas 3 - has been working / since / of the scho?
Make up sentences and write them 1 - Jack / chemistry / since / has been doing / 2009 2 - We / decorations / have been preparing / all the moning / Christmas 3 - has been working / since / of the school year / on the computer / Fiona / the beginning.
4 - We / playing / for / been / have / football / half an hour 5 - have / travelling / about / for / Australia / The Wilsons / been / months / two.

Поставьте в предложения for или since?
Поставьте в предложения for или since.
1)Bob has been playing hockey … he was a small boy.
2)She’s been driving that car … five years.
3)We have been planning our vacation … last month.
4)He has been talking on the phone … 8 o’clock.
5)You have been telling the same anecdotes … many years.
6)I have been feeling ill … a couple of days Опишите каждую ситуацию одним предложением, используя for или since и глаголы в Present Perfect Continuous.

Complete the sentences?
Complete the sentences.
Use For, since, all day 1)The boys are tried.
They have been playing basketball.
An hour and a half.
2) Alex has been talking on the phone .
5 o'clock 3)The telephone has been ringing.
4)Mr Williams has been writing his book.
Half a year and he hasn't finished it yet 5)People have been working on this problem.
The beginning of the century 6) John has been washing his car.
Nine o'clock this moning 7)Sarah has been writing her project.
8)We have learning the poem.
An hour and a half.

Помогите пожалуйста?
Помогите пожалуйста.
Look at the picture and make the sentences complete This boy has .
At . oclock.
This girl has .
At . oclock.
That man has .
At . oclock .
That woman has .
At . oclock .

Мне очень сильно нужен знаток английского языка, чтобы он смог проверить моё домашнее задание ; в данном упражнении нужно поставить глаголы в правильную форму.
Мы практикуемся над Present Perfect Continuous / Present Perfect.
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ : не знающий сразу же отправляю в бан!
1. This man is a writer.
He does write books.
He has been writing books since he was a young man.
He already has written eight books.
2. What you have been doing here since morning?
3. Lena is a very good girl.
She always has helped her mother about the house.
Today she has been helping her mother since morning.
They already has washed the floor and has dusted the furniture.
Now they are cooking dinner together.
4. He is running now.
He has been running for ten minutes without any rest.
5. What they are doing now?
— They are working in the reading room.
They have worked there for three hours already.
6. Where he is now?
— He is in the garden.
He is playing volleyball with his friends.
They have been playing since breakfast time.
7. I lives in St.
I have been living in St.
Petersburg since 1990.
8. This is the factory where my father works.
He has been working here for fifteen years.
9. You have found your notebook?
— No!
I still have been looking for it.
I already have been looking for it for two hours, but have not yet been finding it.
10. You have been playing with a ball for three hours already.
Go home and do your homework.
11. Wake up!
You have been sleeping for ten hours already.
12. I have been waiting for a letter from my cousin for a month already, but yet have not been receiving it.
13. She already has been doing her homework for two hours ; but she yet have done net half of it.
14. I have been waiting for you since two o'clock.
15. What you doing?
— I am reading.
I have been reading for two hours already.
I already have read sixty pages.

4. Заполни пропуски предлогами for или since?
4. Заполни пропуски предлогами for или since.
A) He has been playing the guitar …he was 14.
B) They have been studying together … 1987.
C) I’ve been writing poems……two years.

Найдите Present Perfect Con?
Найдите Present Perfect Con.
This company has been selling perfumes, soap, shampoo and skin - care products for men and women since 1976.
There are 300 shops worldwide and 130 shops in the UK.
They have been using only natural ingredients as far as possible, since their first shop was opened.
They care about the envivonment.
The Body Shop advertises itself throungh its philosophy, which is concernad about pollution and the envirvonment.
They have been reusing and recycling containers and bottles for all these years.
Each shop has a refill section.
All the shops have a strong simple desing, they are dark green, have wide open doors and a feeling of space and colour.
They have all been carrying the distinctive yellow and green Body logo for about 30 years.
На этой странице находится вопрос Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets and the Present Perfect Continuos Tense?, относящийся к категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности данный вопрос соответствует знаниям учащихся 5 - 9 классов. Здесь вы найдете правильный ответ, сможете обсудить и сверить свой вариант ответа с мнениями пользователями сайта. С помощью автоматического поиска на этой же странице можно найти похожие вопросы и ответы на них в категории Английский язык. Если ответы вызывают сомнение, сформулируйте вопрос иначе. Для этого нажмите кнопку вверху.
1. i have been playing volleyball for 2 hours
Eric has been playing the guitar for 40 years
My sister has been living in Switzerland since 1997
We've been walking for 2 hours
He's been sleeping since 11 o'clock
Veronica has been driving for 8 years
I have been studying classical music since 16 years.