Some people believe in national stereotypes and associate certain qualities with certain nation?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Some people believe in national stereotypes and associate certain qualities with certain nation.

See if your association will be the same as your classmates and decide if the idea of national stereotypes works Example : The Italians are very good singers.

1. … go sightseeing all over the world, and take pictures.

2. … eat a lot of spicy food.

3. … are very reserved and never talk to strangers.

4. … drink a lot of beer.

5. … either watch or play football whenever they have time.

6. … love to welcome guests and give them lots of food.

7. … can’t imagine their life without driving a car.

8. … are very polite with older people and have a lot of respect for them.

9. … are greedy and don't like spending money.

10. … are lazy and hate working перевод на русский в гугле.

Некоторые люди верят в национальные стереотипы и ассоциированных определенными качествами, с определенными нации.

Смотрите, если ваша ассоциация будет такой же, как ваши одноклассники и решить, если идея национальных стереотипов работает Пример : итальянцы очень хорошие певцы.

1. . Пойти на экскурсию по всему миру, и сфотографироваться.

2. . Едят много острой пищи.

3. . Очень сдержан и никогда не разговаривать с незнакомыми людьми.

4. . Пить много пива.

5. . Либо смотреть или играть в футбол, когда у них есть время.

6. . Любят принимать гостей и дать им много пищи.

7. . Не могу представить своей жизни без вождения автомобиля.

8. . Очень вежливы с людьми старшего возраста, а так же большое уважение к them.

9. . Жадные и не люблю тратить деньги.

10 . ленивы и ненавидят рабочие.

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Отрада 8 авг. 2020 г., 12:16:42

Некоторые люди верят в национальные стереотипы и связывают конкретные качества с конкретной нацией.

Проверь, будут ли твои ассоциации такими же, как и у твоих одноклассников, и определи, работает ли принцип национальных стереотипов.

Пример : итальянцы хорошо поют.

1. Японцы (The Japanese) путешествуют по всему миру и фотографируют.

2. Корейцы и население в других странах Азии (The Koreans and other Asian people) едят много острой пищи.

3. Британцы ( The British) замкнутые и никогда не говорят с незнакомцами.

4. Немцы (The Germans) пьют много пива.

5. Англичане (The English) или смотрят, или играют в футбол в свободное время.

6. Русские (The Russians) любят приглашать гостей и хорошо их угощать.

7. Американцы (The Americans) не могут представить себе жизнь без машины 8.

Китайцы (The Chinese) вежливы к старшим и уважают их.

9. Евреи (The Jews) жадные и не любят тратить деньги.

10. Испанцы и цыгане (The Spanish and the Gypsies) ленивые и не любят работать.

Temik360 17 сент. 2020 г., 13:19:07 | 5 - 9 классы

Fast food restaurants Fast Food Restaurants (FFD) are popular all over the world ?

Fast food restaurants Fast Food Restaurants (FFD) are popular all over the world .

In Britain aiso there are Fast Food Restaurants .

The food we eat there is - hamburgers and cheseeburgers, a pie and a milkshake or coke.

These restaurants are not ordinary ones.

There aren't any waiters .

You order you food at the counter and pay for it at the same time .

You get your food in bag or a box .

There aree no plates , knives , forks or spoons there .

You eat your meal .

Then you throw bags and boxes and cups away .

FFRs are very popular with young people .

They can eat very quickly there .

They can eat whan they want : FFRs are open from 10 a.

M. to 12 p.

M . Some people criticize these restaurants .

They say there are not many tables but a lot of people .

But is not that because FFRs are popular!

Kamakz01 2 апр. 2020 г., 07:10:18 | 10 - 11 классы

Magic waves in your room 1?

Magic waves in your room 1.

In the room where you live there are hundreds of strange , invisible complicated magic waves , all different from one another .

2. They come into your house through the walls , ceilings and floors and they are there now.

3. Some of these magic waves are striking this book , passing through it , and through you , and through everything else in the room.

The are upstairs and downstairs .

The travel along with passengers in buses and trains , in ships and airplanes , They are all over the world , surrounding everything and everyone.

4Yet no one can ever see or hear them or feel them .

But we know they are present .

All we have to do to prove it is to turn on our and transform them info music and voices that we can hear and moving pictures that we can see.

София012 24 сент. 2020 г., 02:28:45 | 1 - 4 классы

Пожалуйста помогите перевести текст?

Пожалуйста помогите перевести текст.

Заранее спасибо.

They send it to Londoners every year and Londoners decorate the Christmas tree.

In the evening before Christmas people like to come to Trafalgar Scuare to look at the tree.

On Cristmas Eve the streets in London are decorated, too.

The shops are very busy on Christmas.

People want to buy presents for their family and friends(for their nearest and dearest).

And they buy a lot of food and drink for all the Christmas parties.

People open their presents on Christmas morning and they all are happy with what they get.

Solnyshko2000 28 дек. 2020 г., 05:35:05 | 1 - 4 классы

Перевод вот этого текста Как читается The world is full of animals Some are big and tall Some are strong and dangerous Some are cute and small All creatures are amazing Just like me and you Help prote?

Перевод вот этого текста Как читается The world is full of animals Some are big and tall Some are strong and dangerous Some are cute and small All creatures are amazing Just like me and you Help protect the animals This is their world, too Animals are wonderful They’re beautiful to see Help them live a happy life Help them to be free.

Andrej134 29 июл. 2020 г., 19:24:21 | 10 - 11 классы

The Pig Pigs are very honest?

The Pig Pigs are very honest.

They are also very kind, understanding and very often peace - makers.

Pigs are sociable ; they like talking and are often very popular.

They still find time to be very hard - working, and they are always first to help other people out.

The Rat Rats are very charming and they love going to parties!

They are very popular and make friends very easily.

They also have lots of ideas and they always know how to get out of a difficult situation.

The Ox The Ox takes any responsibilities very seriously.

They make very good leaders and they are hard workers.

Oxen make decisions easily and really trust their friends.

But they also like to be quiet and often try to keep their thoughts to themselves if they can.

The Tiger The main characteristic of Tigers is their incredible courage.

They are very strong - willed and determined and whatever they do, they do it with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

They have lots of ideas and they always love experiments.

The Rabbit The Rabbit likes a quiet and peaceful life and dislikes any sort of disagreement.

They enjoy life, work hard and very seldom take any risks.

The Dragon The Dragon is the luckiest sign of the Chinese horoscope.

They are very confident, intelligent and take advantage of any opportunities that come along.

But Dragons can be very quick to criticise others, so try not to have any sort of disagreement with a Dragon.

The Snake Snakes are born under the sign of wisdom.

Their minds are active and they are always planning things, or thinking deeply about how to make the most out of life.

Snakes are often very good with money and spend it wisely.

The Horse Horses are charming, popular animals that like going to parties (probably with Rats).

They like to be the centre of attention and enjoy bossing people about.

They also have a fiery temper and are not very good at keeping secrets.

The Goat You enjoy beautiful things in life, but you're not fussy about the way you live.

People born under this sign like to be very relaxed and do not like strict rules and timetables.

They prefer to work in a team and like leaving any decision - making to other people.

The Monkey Those born in the year of the Monkey are very imaginative.

Just like the real animals, Monkeys want to know about everything that's going on around them.

They also like being helpful and ready to offer advice to their friends and family.

The Rooster The Rooster has a bright and lively personality.

They are intelligent ; enjoy reading, talking and telling jokes.

They are also very organised.

So they often like to plan whatever they are doing weeks and weeks in advance.

The Dog Just like our four - legged friends, Dogs are very loyal.

They have firm views on things and they are interested in green issues.

They hate unfair treatment of anyone and they are always ready to give advice.

Переведите пожалуйста.

Mikaelyan 19 июл. 2020 г., 23:41:39 | 5 - 9 классы

People on our planet depend on the sun, on animals and plants around them?

People on our planet depend on the sun, on animals and plants around them.

But now animals are in danger.

Indian tigers and African elephants are among them.

People have hunted and killed a lot of tigers and now there are few of them.

People hunted tigers for their beautiful skin.

And prices for the skin are high.

African elephants are in danger too.

There are not many of them in African parks.

Egor956 22 апр. 2020 г., 12:26:15 | 10 - 11 классы

Pigs are very honest?

Pigs are very honest.

They are also very kind, understanding and very often peace - makers.

Pigs are sociable ; they like talking and are often very popular.

They still find time to be very hard - working, and they are always first to help other people out.

00000038 25 июл. 2020 г., 12:53:59 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйста перевести текст?

Помогите пожалуйста перевести текст.

Many Americans like talking about the weather.

They have a lot to talk about .

People have always wanted to forecast the weather.

In the old times they only guessed or used the old repots of what the weather was like in the past.

Today people use radars, satellite pictures and computers.

All there instruments help them to make weather pictures.

Some people forecast the weather for a whole year or a whole season.

Each November , the United Stated Weather Department forecasts what the weather will be like.

And each year, Americans read a forecast for the whole year in The Old Farmer's newspaper.

Both the Weather Department and The Old Farmer's newspaper use information about past years.

First they take the old weather reports and the information from satellites, balloons, radar stations and ships at sea and put them into a computer.

Then the computer gives a report.

Such reports are very important for many Americans, they are important for farmes, pilots, astronauts, sportsmen, filmmakers and just for people who spend a lot of time outside.

Americans may not like a lot of their weather, but they like to talk about it and they like to watch TV weather forecast.

And for them the the weather reports are important, too.

ДиАнУлЬкА999 6 июн. 2020 г., 23:09:05 | 5 - 9 классы

Вставить : me / him / her / it / us them?

Вставить : me / him / her / it / us them.

1) she is plder than.

2) she is very nice and i like .

A lot 3) im older than.

4) my grandmother also lives at home with .

5)i like music very much and play the piano but i cant play.

Very well.

6) my top two sports are basketball and football and i like .

Very much.

Dipper04 30 нояб. 2020 г., 05:51:32 | 1 - 4 классы

Read the text and match them with the pictures they are small animals they grow up 30 centimetres?

Read the text and match them with the pictures they are small animals they grow up 30 centimetres.

They are usually brown white black grey or have two or thee different colours.

A lot of people keep them as pets.

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