Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы
Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам.
1)SHE will water the flowers tomorrow.
Who ?
2)Jill will go to CANADA next summer.
Where ?
3)The friends will HAVE LUNCH in an hour.
What ?
4) We will fly the kite TOMORROW.
When ?
5) Tiny will write THREE new fairy tales next week.
How many fairy tales ?
Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам?
Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам.
Example : The children will ski in winter.
What will the children do in winter?
1) He will read the letters tomorrow.
Who __________________________________________________________________
2) Tiny will go to Antarctica next year.
Where _______________________________________________________________
3) They'll clean the house in an hour.
What ________________________________________________________________
4) Jill will wash her hands well.
How _________________________________________________________________
5) We'll fly a kite next week.
When _________________________________________________________________.
Поставьте вопрос ы к выделенным словам?
Поставьте вопрос ы к выделенным словам.
(he) will read the letters tomorrow.
Tiny will go (to Antarctica) next year.
Theyll (clean) the house in an hour.
Jill will wash her hands (well) / well fly a kite (next week).
? will have a piknik tomorrow?
? will have a piknik tomorrow?
(what, now.
Will you go next month?
Will they do next winter?
Will he play hockey?
Now. what)
выберите плизз нужное вопросительное слово(я торможу, а сыну надо).
Составте предложения из слов ?
Составте предложения из слов !
I . question .
Your 2) tomorrow .
The floor это как одно но раздельно.
Moring 3) will .
Tomorrow .
His. in.
Friends .
Canada 4) coffee.
In. minutes.
She. will .
Make .
Several 5) dress.
Her. Jane.
Next .
New. Saturday .
Yellow dress .
Поставь вопросы к выделенным словамОбразец : The children will SKI in winter?
Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам
Образец : The children will SKI in winter.
What will the children do in winter?
1) He will read the letters lomorrow.
2)Tiny willl go to ANTARKTIKA next year.
3)They`ll CLEAN the house in an hour.
4)Jill will wash her hands WELL.
5)We`ll fly a kite next week.
Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам?
Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.
Образец : The children will ski in winter.
What will the childrendo in winter?
1) He will read the letters tomorrow.
Who _______________________________?
2) Anna will go to Antarctica next year
3) They'll clean the house in an hour
4) Jill will wash her hands well
5) We'll fly a kite next week
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Помогите пожалуйста.
Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам.
Example : The children will ski in winter.
. What will the children do in winter?
1) He will read the letters tomorrow.
2) Tiny will go To Antarctica next year.
3) They'll clean the house in an hour.
4)Jill will wash her hands will.
5) We'll fly a kite next week.
Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам 1)He will read the letters tomorrow?
Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам 1)He will read the letters tomorrow.
2)Tiny will go to Antarctica next year 3)They'll clean the house in an hour 4)Jill will wash her hands well 5)We'll fly a kite next week.
Поставить вопросы к выделенным словам?
Поставить вопросы к выделенным словам.
Tiny will go to Antarctica next year.
Where .
. They'll clean the house in an hour.
. Jill will wash her hands well.
How .
. We'll fly a kite next week.
When .
Выбери нужное вопросительное слово?
Выбери нужное вопросительное слово.
1). will they do next winter?
- Play hockey.
A)When b)Where c)What / 2) .
Will you go next month?
- To London.
A)Who b)Where c)What 3) .
Will have a picnic tomorrow?
- Tim and Jill.
A)What b)How c) Who.
4) . will the friends go to the park?
- To roller skate.
A)Why b)How c)What.
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1)Who will water
the flowers tomorrow?
2) Where will Jill go next summer?
3) What will the
friends do in an hour?
4) When will we fly the kite?
5) How many fairy tales
will Tiny write next week?