Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы
Перевод in great britain there are different types of secondary schools.
Перевод текста Schools in britain?
Перевод текста Schools in britain.
Industry of great britain перевод на руский?
Industry of great britain перевод на руский.
Перевод текста Schools in Britain 8 клас Карпюк ст 16 - 17?
Перевод текста Schools in Britain 8 клас Карпюк ст 16 - 17.
Is there a hospital are there many schools are there museums are there theatres are there many shops помогите ответит на вопросы?
Is there a hospital are there many schools are there museums are there theatres are there many shops помогите ответит на вопросы.
How many parts are there in Great Britain?
How many parts are there in Great Britain.
Напишите как читаются эти слова по русски(не транскрипйию) In Russia there are many types of schools?
Напишите как читаются эти слова по русски(не транскрипйию) In Russia there are many types of schools.
There are state school, they occupy 99 percent.
95 percent occupy schools of general education.
Gumnasiums and lyceums occupy 5 percent.
Great Britain the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are different countries 2Great Britain is fairly small?
Great Britain the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are different countries 2Great Britain is fairly small.
In great britan there are differents types?
In great britan there are differents types.
Перевод текста Great Britain Great Britain Great Britain is much smaller than Russia ?
Перевод текста Great Britain Great Britain Great Britain is much smaller than Russia .
It is on the British Isles.
In Great Britain there are no high mountains, no long river and no big Forests but there are many large towns.
The capital of Great Britain is London.
Almost all people speak English there.
The countryside is green all the year round.
Very little snow falls in Great Britain but There is much rain.
There are many sunny days in May, June, July and August.
The south of the country is very beautiful.
You can see many flowers in front of the houses there.
How many seasons are there in a year?
How many seasons are there in a year?
What are they?
Are they different in Russia and in Great Britain как выполнить задание?
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