Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы
Написать вопросы.
Cinderella likes her new dress.
Who? The witch lives in the forest.
Who? Aladdin has got a lamp.
Who? .
Дайте краткий ответ на вопросы к подлежащему?
Дайте краткий ответ на вопросы к подлежащему.
Обратите внимание на глагол.
Подчеркните его.
1. who wears a brown uniform?
My friends.
2. who is writing a test now?
Those pupils .
3. who has five lesson today?
We. 4.
Who was busy yesterday?
5. Who lives in London?
Mr Black .
6. Who lives in London?
The Gromovs .
7. Who speaks English?
We . 8.
Who speaking English?
My cousins .
9. Who has got many exercise - books?
The boys .
10. Who wants to go to the museum?
I .
Вот образец :Red Riding Hood has got a big centipede?
Вот образец :
Red Riding Hood has got a big centipede.
Who has got a big centipede?
2. Cinderella likes her new dress.
The witch lives in the forest.
Aladdin has got a lamp.
Определить времена каждова предложения who goes in for sport in your group?
Определить времена каждова предложения who goes in for sport in your group?
Who likes to go different exhibitions?
Who is listening to the opera now?
Who is interested in politics?
Who will go to the concert next week?
Who can play the guitar?
Who must learn this poem by heart?
What museum has got a good collection of sculptures?
Помогите пожалуйста?
Помогите пожалуйста!
10. A.
Look at the class and write answers to the questions.
Read it to the class.
A) Who is the oldest?
B) Who is the youngest?
C) Who is the tallest?
D) Who has got the longest hair?
E) Who has got the shortest hair?
F) Who is the strongest?
Результаты поиска для фразы "подчеркнуть подлежащие cinderella likes her new dress"?
Результаты поиска для фразы "подчеркнуть подлежащие cinderella likes her new dress".
Допишите ответы?
Допишите ответы.
1)Who is busy?
- The sportsmen.
2)Who is busy?
- . The sportsman.
3)Who has got nine cars?
- We.
4)Who has got a question?
- I. 5)Who has got a red pen?
- He.
6)Who is in the room?
- The teachers.
Помогите пожалуйста с заданиями?
Помогите пожалуйста с заданиями.
Не можем разобраться((( 1)Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо 1 - Who likes .
Room Two?
2 - .
Second room is better than .
First room 3 - I have got .
Second book, and Vera has got .
Third book 4 - .
Book Two is on the desk.
Where's .
Book One ?
5 - There are .
Two funny poems in .
Second book 2)Дайте ответ на вопрос к подлежащему 1 - Who went to the stadium ?
- Jerry .
2 - Who goes to the stadium ?
- Jerry .
3 - Who liked this book?
- Mum .
4 - Who likes this book?
- Mum .
5 - Who likes that book?
- I .
6 - Who drives the car?
- Granpa .
7 - Who ate the cheese?
- The mouse .
8 - Who eats vegetable soup?
- I .
9 - Who bought the flowers?
- Dad .
10 - Who cooked lunch?
- Granny .
11 - Who make the fruit salad?
- I. 12 - Who makes fruit salad?
- I. 13 - Who can make fruit salad?
- I .
Ответить на вопросы Who is the fattest?
Ответить на вопросы Who is the fattest?
Who is the thinnest?
Who is the oldest?
Who is the youngest?
Who is the tallest?
Who lives in the river?
Who lives in the river?
Подчеркнуть подлежащее в каждом предложении Cinderella likes her new dress?
Подчеркнуть подлежащее в каждом предложении Cinderella likes her new dress.
Напиши вопросы.
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Who likes her new dress?
Who lives in the forest?
Who has got a lamp?