Read the text about Mags neighbours Mr and Mrs Wilson?

Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы

Read the text about Mags neighbours Mr and Mrs Wilson.

Answer the question : "Who came to see Mr and Mrs Wilson.

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Ответы (1)
Solodyhina89 24 авг. 2018 г., 04:16:55


mum and dad came tosee Mr andMrs Wilson.

Shpirniy06 20 сент. 2018 г., 07:17:54 | 5 - 9 классы

Complete the sentences with much / many / a little / a few Mrs Wilson : I'm going to make Yorkshire puddings?

Complete the sentences with much / many / a little / a few Mrs Wilson : I'm going to make Yorkshire puddings.

Will you help me?

Alice : Yes, of course.

I like this pudding.

What do we need for it?

Mrs Wilson : Just some oil, flour, eggs and milk.

Alice How .

Flour do we need?

Mrs Wilson : A cup of flour.

Get some eggs and milk from the fridge.

Allice : Oh!

How .

Eggs shall Iget out?

There's .

Milk and .

Eggs in the fridge.

Mrs Wilson : We need 3 eggs and a cup of milk for the pudding.

Alice : Here you are.

Anything else?



Mrs Wilson : Some salt, please.

There isn't any sugar in Yorkshire pudding.

Alice : How .

Salt shall I get?

Mrs Wilson : Just .

. Hm.

The batter is ready.

Now let's cook them.

Bahhuk 6 июл. 2018 г., 00:43:27 | 10 - 11 классы

Read and match the question and answers?

Read and match the question and answers.

Write the missing answer.

Elvira03 24 дек. 2018 г., 07:54:47 | 10 - 11 классы

Как перевести на русский , Mr and Mrs Wilson?

Как перевести на русский , Mr and Mrs Wilson.

Hdgdhs 18 дек. 2018 г., 05:49:49 | 1 - 4 классы

14. Complete the questions?

14. Complete the questions.

Ask your classmate to answer them .

Did Mr and Mrs Wilson get up early?

. did the grandfather buy?

. did the grandmother make a cake?

. was six years old?

. people came to see the grandma and the grandpa?

Who? Why?




How many?

Ещё нужно ответить на эти вопросы.

Vladislav130520 5 мая 2018 г., 20:55:55 | 1 - 4 классы

Read the text about Mag's neighbours (соседи), Mr and Mrs Wilson?

Read the text about Mag's neighbours (соседи), Mr and Mrs Wilson.

Answer the question : "Who came to see Mr and Mrs Wilson?

"(ОТВЕТЬТЕ НА ВОПРОС ПЛИЗ) On Saturday Mrs Wilson got up early in the morning.

She had a lot to do.

She said to Mr Wilson, "It's time get up!

We've got visitors later today.

" After breakfast Mrs Wilson said to Mr Wilson, "Please go shopping.

Buy bananas, apples, sweets and some ice cream.

" Mr Wilson bought a lot of bananas and sweets, red apples and some ice cream.

Mrs Wilson came to the kitchen and took butter, eggs and sugar.

She made a big cake.

Then she cooked a tasty dinner.

Mrs Wilson put on (надела) her nicest drees.

Mr Wilson put on his best blue shirt.

"I think we are ready, " said Mr Wilson.

They saw a car which stopped next to their house.

They opened the door.

And here was Jason and his mum and dad.

Jason was six years old.

He came to the country to see his grandma and grandpa.

They were all happy (перевод) В субботу г - жа Уилсон поднялась рано утром.

Ей нужно было много всего сделать.

Она сказала г - ну Уилсону, "Пора уже вставать!

У нас есть посетители сегодня.

" После завтрака миссис Уилсон сказала г - н Уилсону, "Пожалуйста, сходите по магазинам.

Купи бананы, яблоки, сладости и мороженое.

" Г - н Уилсон купил много бананов и конфет, красные яблоки и мороженое.

Г - жа Уилсон пришла на кухню и взяла сливочное масло, яйца и сахар.

Она сделала большой торт.

Затем она приготовила вкусный ужин.

Г - жа Уилсон надела ее прекрасные платье.

Г - н Уилсон надел его лучшую синюю рубашку.

"Я думаю, что мы готовы", сказал г - н Уилсон.

Они увидели машину, которая остановилась рядом с их домом.

Они открыли дверь.

И вот Джейсон и его мама и папа.

Джейсону было шесть лет.

Он приехал в деревню, чтобы увидеть своих бабушку и дедушку.

Они все были счастливы.

Katua482 10 февр. 2018 г., 01:48:01 | 1 - 4 классы

Это текст : On Saturday Mrs Wilson got up early in the morning?

Это текст : On Saturday Mrs Wilson got up early in the morning.

She had a lot to do.

She said to Mr Wilson, "It's time to get up!

We've got visitors later today.

" After breakfast Mrs Wilson said to Mr Wilson, "Please go shopping.

Buy bananas, apples, sweets and some ice cream.

" Mr Wilson bought a lot of bananas and sweets, red apples and some ice cream.

Mrs Wilson came to the kitchen and took butter, eggs and sugar.

She made a big cake.

Then she cooked a tasty dinner.

Mrs Wilson put on her nicest dress.

Mr Wilson put on his best blue shirt.

"I think we are ready, " said Mr Wilson.

They saw a which stopped next to their house.

They opened the door.

And here was Jason and his mum and dad.

Jason was six years old.

He came to the country to see his grandma and grandpa.

They were all happy.

Задания к тексту : 1)Who did Mr and Mrs Wilson get up early?

2)What did the grandfather buy?

3)Whete did the grandmother make a cake?

4)Who was six years old?

5)How many people came to see the grandma and the grandpa?

ИлЮхА11111111111111 31 авг. 2018 г., 08:25:44 | 1 - 4 классы

Выпишете основное что нужно выучить мне задали пересказать этот текс только основное не весь помогите плиззз вот текснужен перевод текста помогите пожалуйста?

Выпишете основное что нужно выучить мне задали пересказать этот текс только основное не весь помогите плиззз вот текс

нужен перевод текста помогите пожалуйста!

On Saturday Mrs Wilson qot up early in the morninq.

She had a lot to do.

She said to Mr Wilson , "it, s time to qet up!

We, ve qot visitors later today" after breakfast Mrs Wilson said to Mr Wilson, "please qo shopping.

Buy bananas, apples, sweets and some ice cream.

" Mr Wilson bought a lot of bananas and sweets, red apples and some ice cream.

Mrs Wilson came to the kitchen and took butter, eggs and sugar.

She made a big cake.

The she cooked a tasty dinner.

Mrs Wilson put on her nicest drees.

" I think we are ready, " said Mr Wilson.

They opened the door.

And here was Jason and his mum and dad.

Jason was six years old.

He came to the country to see his grandma and grandpa.

They were all happy.

Катюшка0301 7 февр. 2018 г., 05:27:58 | 5 - 9 классы

Перeвод текста нужен Pls ?

Перeвод текста нужен Pls !

Complete the sentences with much / many / a little / a few Mrs Wilson : I'm going to make Yorkshire puddings.

Will you help me?

Alice : Yes, of course.

I like this pudding.

What do we need for it?

Mrs Wilson : Just some oil, flour, eggs and milk.

Alice How .

Flour do we need?

Mrs Wilson : A cup of flour.

Get some eggs and milk from the fridge.

Allice : Oh!

How .

Eggs shall Iget out?

There's .

Milk and .

Eggs in the fridge.

Mrs Wilson : We need 3 eggs and a cup of milk for the pudding.

Alice : Here you are.

Anything else?



Mrs Wilson : Some salt, please.

There isn't any sugar in Yorkshire pudding.

Alice : How .

Salt shall I get?

Mrs Wilson : Just .

. Hm.

The batter is ready.

Now let's cook them.

Anastasij86 22 янв. 2018 г., 14:43:52 | 1 - 4 классы

Срочно нужно перевести и вставить с англ?

Срочно нужно перевести и вставить с англ.

На рус.

Текст .

Did Mr and Mrs Wilson get up early?

. did the grandfather buy?

Who? why?




How many?

. did the grandmother make a cake?

. was six years old?

. people came to see the gandma and the grandpa?

Yanatsoy2001 7 мар. 2018 г., 05:52:12 | 1 - 4 классы

Перевод - read the text and answer the questions?

Перевод - read the text and answer the questions.

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